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At a standstill (please help!)

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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At a standstill (please help!)

Post by millionyearsago »

Hello everyone,

For the past year I have tried EVERYTHING yet nothing seems to improve my breath. Any advice on what to do next would be great since I am due back at the doctor's and do not know what to say or do next. (I do not tell any of my doctors I suffer from bad breath and it is the reason why I want to get cured so badly, I just point it out as a minor symptom that they tend to ignore)
- Bad Breath (Urine, cheese-like smell)
- White tongue
- Feeling of something stuck in my throat
- Sore throat/ Ear Pain
- Tonsil Stones
-Swollen tastebuds
- Belching and bloating (although I believe I have gotten the bloating under control)

Things I have tried
- I follow a strict vegan diet
- Followed a strict candida diet for 6 months
- Oral probiotics, stomach probiotics, chlorophyll, digestive enzymes, antifungals like oregano oil
- Amoxicillin for tonsil stones
- Neil Med Sinus Rinse
- Flucanozole and nystatin for white tongue fungus
- H-Pylori treatment twice (Both stomach samples and stool test show I am H-Pylori negative now)
- Endoscopy showed no signs of any other ulcers, harmful bacteria or even GERD. (My only other option would be to test for LPR)

As of now:
I visited my ENT for the first time and he said he saw my tonsils to be quite normal but my only option to actually get rid of tonsil stones is to get a tonsillectomy but of course would this get rid of my bad breath?
Right now I am a few days in into a nasal spray regimen along with a neilmed sinus rinse prescribed by my ENT because he said he saw some irritation at the back of my throat (nothing major). Since I am a few days in I have not seen any improvements - I know this takes time but I am at a standstill and do not know what to do. I feel like I've exhausted all my options and do not know what to do - I've been depressed for so long about this problem and I feel helpless.

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Location: british columbia

Re: At a standstill (please help!)

Post by nenis »

If you have tonsil stones, i would say go for the tonsillectomy immediately. They are one major cause for bb.
And you have no improvements from candida diet too?
Most doctors have no idea of what is the reason. They tend to ignore, but we have to first reaseach on our own and give a try.
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Re: At a standstill (please help!)

Post by jo317 »

It sounds like you have GERD or LPR. Its a really tough thing to control. I had a nasal endoscopy and my ENT said nothing about LPR but often times you have to do other tests to be diagnosed. I have not been diagnosed but believe I have LPR. All of your symptoms are symptoms of LPR, although many people with it do not have bad breath so I believe this is possibly because of a deeper problem in our microbiome on top of the acid problems.

I eat a vegan diet as well, and think my high reliance on carbs has also caused me problems. I think a vegan diet is good, but must be done right.

I am in an LPR help group on fb and all of the people there say the only way to fix the problem is through a strict strict diet - usually the acid watchers diet but there are others that work for people as well.
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Re: At a standstill (please help!)

Post by Inart »

Urine smell.. could be related to kidneys or urinary tract… not sure though.. get them checked.
Cbc normal
Lft… rft normal
H pylori positive treated successfully
Vit b12 normal
Vit d3 low treatment ongoing
Thyroid normal
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Re: At a standstill (please help!)

Post by winter »

Isn't endoscopy already a test for LPR?

Quite a few people here have a feeling that something is stuck in their throats. I used to get it too, but BB is still not gone even though I don't get that sensation anymore.

We also don't have heartburn and have not been diagnosed with GERD or LPR.

I think this is something we should explore further.
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