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ever overheard people talking about your breath?

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Post by Smilingagain »

FedUp wrote:the reactions have been quite bad for me personally these past months. people who usually have never commented about my smell have been doing so. i even overheard a not so subtle "i think he's crapped his pants again"... i don't know why but from the amount of reactions over the years that was the worst. it was just wow, full on ruthless. it's funny how people can be around you smiling joking and laughing but can say such a thing when they think you're not around. just makes me wonder how many times things have been said when i've not been around. if my adenoidectomy works i'm going to cry tears of joy.

there's been times where i thought i've heard someone say something about the smell but then you can't be 100% sure if they would be so open with such a comment when they're pretty much 5ft away from you. such torture. i've just walked away thinking "did she really just say that?" "was she talking about me??".
Hello Mister, i suggest you just pretend or ignore them when you notice such gossip. They are meant to talk you down.

Human being are hypocritical by nature! sometimes, i've heard my colleague giving signal to each other during group conversation.

I have train myself (mindset) not to get depress due to the occurrence or exhibition of such foolish act. I know such act can break down anyone. But, sometimes we need to put ourselve in the position of the other people who are none sufferer. I think they are only reacting to the perception. Different people espress their reaction in a different ways.


☑ FRESHMINT => Xylitol gum keep's my breath fresh during hot summer
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Re: ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by gotshot26 »

Wow, a depression group and they were talking about your BB? Fk those guys to the wall. Pissed my off reading that.
For type 1 sufferers, bad breath is mostly caused by overgrowths of sulphur-reducing bacteria within your microbiome. You should spend more time focusing your attention on these overgrowths if you want to find your permanent cure.
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Re: ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by Smilingagain »

gotshot26 wrote:Wow, a depression group and they were talking about your BB? Fk those guys to the wall. Pissed my off reading that.

wow, i did not get this the first time i read this thread that he/she had this experience in a depression meeting.

well, sometime(s) is not adviceable to seek comfort or encourage in the hand's of people who are victim of a related circumstances.
People who are depress can sometimes find's joy in criticing other's

Irrespective of my bb, i still reach out to interact people when necessary, i hate reliance on selfpity or argonizing over issue without taking a step further.

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Post by Sue2018 »

compor wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:01 pm It's been 3 months so I'm reporting back as promised.

Drugs containing bismuth is definitely helping my bb. When I take them regularly, I don't even smell my morning breath (which surprises me every time). Unfortunately, I have to stop using bismuth for 6 weeks so my body can get rid of the toxins. When I'm off bismuth, bb comes back. I contacted the doctor from Australia who patented this treatment, he said I should lower the dose and keep using it all the time.
Hi, can you share more info please? How does this medicine work? What does it do and safe is it if it contains toxins.

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Re: ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by Ricky »

shibby wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2015 8:56 am Bb has made me a recluse. But recently i went to a meeting at my local library about depression. Christmas was very sad and lonely for me so i went along for the company as my doctor advised me it would do me good. There was a 20 minute interval for refreshments and i stepped out of the building to get some fresh air. On my way back to the meeting i overheard 3 people talking about my breath. I listened as they discussed how bad my breath was and that i must be unhygienic. I wanted to die there and then. Upon re entering the group i never opened my mouth again. I never went back to any group after that. I know i only have myself now. I am not angry as their reaction was understandable. Its times like these that i am reminded that society thinks we are dirty and nothing is gonna change that. I am 34 now and i hope in another 30 years i will be dead and finally free of this curse.

I get the same reactions too. Sometimes i think of two options: killing myself, or killing others. I really never expected that i would be thinking this way. I'm harsh due to bb. Sorry for being violent, but we are victims of bullying. Now i understand why there are a lot of shooting in the US particularly in schools not because of bb, but because of bullying. They cannot tolerate the insults anymore.
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Re: ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by sky »

sorry to hear what happened to you,I have experienced this sought of thing because of BB. It happens and you just have to ignore it and get on with your life. I know that i suffered 12 yrs long , because of this i turned vegan and i can tell you it has changed my life .It is not easy, but i would advise you to change your eating habits, it helps and your condition will get better. With such a condition one has to constantly work on oneself it cannot be cured in one day.
I hope this advice has helped you. Cheer up life goes on.

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Re: ever overheard people talking about your breath?

Post by Ricky »

I cannot afford to change my diet. Im jobless. I couldn't even buy supplements to try. Im bb for more than 20yrs.
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Re: Re:

Post by compor »

Sue2018 wrote: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:56 pm
compor wrote: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:01 pm It's been 3 months so I'm reporting back as promised.

Drugs containing bismuth is definitely helping my bb. When I take them regularly, I don't even smell my morning breath (which surprises me every time). Unfortunately, I have to stop using bismuth for 6 weeks so my body can get rid of the toxins. When I'm off bismuth, bb comes back. I contacted the doctor from Australia who patented this treatment, he said I should lower the dose and keep using it all the time.
Hi, can you share more info please? How does this medicine work? What does it do and safe is it if it contains toxins.

Hello Sue,

Sorry for the late reply. Have a look at this patent claim:

According to him, some people has sulfite reducing bacteria in their colons which may be the main source of malodorous gases. His solution is using bismuth to bind sulfurous gases. He also recommends minimizing sulphate intake (delicatessen meat, dried fruits, alcohol, garlic, onions, seafood etc).
The present invention is related to the realisation that in normal subjects not suffering from H. pylori infection, and whose colons predominantly contain a sulfite-reducing bacterial population, the sulfite-reducing bacteria may be the dominant source of malodorous gases.
Oral administration of a bismuth salt or a bismuth containing composition enables bismuth to bind sulfurous gases in the gut, thereby substantially preventing the absorption of such malodorous gases from the colon and reducing their subsequent excretion in the breath. Oral administration of a bismuth salt or a bismuth containing compound can also reduce the concentration of odorous gases (of gut or oral origin) within the oral cavity.
You should also read about the adverse effects on
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