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Please try this

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Joined: Wed May 17, 2017 6:55 pm

Please try this

Post by jo317 »

I used to come on this site constantly. I stopped a few years ago when I came to the realization it was negatively affecting my mental health. I used to not believe room filling breath was substantiated in any reality. Until people would talk about it here over and over again and I found myself convinced my whole college class had to smell shit for an entire 3 hr night class just cause I was breathing in the room. My anxiety lowered slightly when I made the conscious decision to stop coming on here. If you feel that struggle, I urge you to only look on here for advice, don’t read it too often.

Anyways I’m coming on here years later to update you all on my struggles. I ended up seeing a naturopath who diagnosed me with a gut imbalance, an intolerance to brewers yeast used in making alcohol, and incredible low vitamin d and imbalance omega levels. Cutting out alcohol that contains yeast made a WORLD of a difference. I had not had it for 2 years until this past spring. I drank tequila one night and my tongue was whiter than it had been in years for WEEKS because of one dumb decision. If I wouldn’t have had that test, I wouldn’t have known that was what was triggering it.

That being said, my problems were not fixed completely. My breath still gets sour if I have too much sugar and I always have to brush and scrape before a date/any social gathering. My life was not normal, busy improved. Exactly one year ago I was researching why my tongue might be swollen and have teeth indentations on it and I came across the possibility that I might be allergic to toothpaste. I also read that mint flavored tooth paste can trigger reflux. So I started searching for sls free non mint tooth paste. I came across something called Amazing Breath. I honestly have no idea what it’s made of. But you get two bottles that you mix with water. Every time you brush your teeth you have to mix each bottle together in a small cup and you brush your teeth with straight up liquid — no tube, no froth and it tastes like apple. Very strange overall but man does that shit work. For me it works better than any other mouth product I’ve ever used.

Eventually I got lazy with ordering tooth”paste” on the internet and reverted back to regular mint toothpaste from the store. Then it was spring again and there I was realizing things were BAD again. My breath smelt shortly after getting to work in the morning. Even if I scraped I’d taste it immediately after. I realized my white tongue was getting thicker and thicker and didn’t ever scrape off all the way it had been earlier this year. I realized maybe it really was all because of that liquid toothpaste. So I ordered it again (and the ****ing amazing scraper it comes with) and now hours after brushing today my tongue is still fucckingggg PINK. I’m telling you you guys there is nothing better feeling than having a pink tongue so please please try this cause it’s the only thing that’s truly ever worker for me. I’ll add a photo of my tongue I just took, hours after brushing. Probably not perfect, but a hell of a lot better than a thick white coating