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Placebo or not?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Placebo or not?

Post by IrishGuy »

Hi everyone this is my first post here. I have been struggling with bad breath since summer of 2014. When I first noticed the bad breath and bad taste in my mouth i went to the doctor who said i had acid reflux. He prescribed me lanzoprazole which worked after a few days but then the bad breath and bad taste came back. I contributed this short term success to a placebo effect so began looking for other solutions. I have had tonsils removed, sinus surgery, gum cleaning, wisdom teeth removed and nothing has worked. After these failed I thought i would try the lanzoprazole again but there was no change. Does anyone here think it might have been placebo the first time? Should I focus my efforts on my stomach now?
Thanks everyone