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Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


I'll keep this as brief as possible. If you look at my post history, you'll see I've had some success with a few things but they didn't work 100% or they didn't last: the most successful being celery juice in 2018/19 and aloe vera juice in 2019. I wanted to post this update as soon as I had 1 week of good breath but I decided to wait to see if it lasts.

Long story short, I have had 98% good breath days since 15 June. It started with me going to a bad breath specialist in March (NOT my cure, don't stop reading). He has offices in Spain, Italy and UK and he prescribed me antibiotics and lansoprazole. Antibiotics never do anything for my breath but after his treatment I had one week of baby sweet breath with zero reactions from people who definitely usually rub their nose. The good breath didn't last though but it showed me that acid reflux was probably my problem (lansoprazole helped i guess). Which would explain why the celery juice and aloe vera helped.

Fastward to June, my breath was bad and for some reason I convinced myself it's because of dry mouth so I researched supplements to increase saliva flow and i ended up ordering the following on amazon:
1) cayenne pepper capsules
2) Vitamin E capsules
3) Vitamin D3 + K2 (all in the same bottle) capsules
4) vitamin A capsules
5) 99.5%, Aloe Vera Supplement
6) digestive enzymes (taken with all meals)

I take a cap full of the aloe vera in a little water twice a day, vitamin d/k (2 pills) and vitamin a (2 pills ) in the mornings, vitamin e (they're little so i take at least 8 pills) and cayenne (2 pills) at night. The courier delivered these items on Saturday 13 June. I know my breath was fine by 15 June because my landlord came to my apartment with his workers and he usually reacted very badly to my breath but there was nothing this time, nothing from his workers too. Since that day I have talked inside taxis, to ubereats drivers, to couriers delivering my packages, to shop workers, and I got zero reactions all day. Even when i felt like my mouth tasted extremely bad.

I will tell you about the one time bad breath came back though. BAD BREATH IS CONTAGIOUS. It simply is. I moved to a new apartment in August and my new landlord was showing me around the house and he had bad breath. I took a taxi to the apartment before i spoke to him, no reactions from taxi driver. After my landlord was done showing me around, I took another taxi somewhere and said something to the driver from outside before i even stepped into the car and he made a face and rubbed his nose. Over the next few days, people were doing the same. I was still doing my routine though. Finally desperate, I bought Plax mouthwash just to wipe out the landlord's bacteria, used it thoroughly for ONE day, and I was fine after that. Still using my routine to this day and it's fine.

It's hard to get used to talking to people up close and i'm not really confident to do it but nobody rubs their nose or anything. I still have anxiety from years of bad breath. Food doesn't really seem to affect my breath but I try to stay away from some things because i'm lactose intolerant (I will eat a cheeseburger but not a pint of ice cream). Eating sugar doesn't give me bad breath. I hope this helps somebody. It's been 3 months of good breath, something I wouldve never dreamed of before.

ps. i try to take probiotics too but i kind of forget usually.
pps. when i took aloe vera in 2019 it was the method suggested on here back then where you go through a full bottle in 3 days or something. cant remember the exact instructions but it was a large dose and then you stop taking it. now i take a little every day

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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Post by Anne2323 »

That’s great to hear. Congratulations!
Would you try and eliminate each one of them one by one just to narrow down which supplement actually cured it?
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


Anne2323 wrote: Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:29 pm That’s great to hear. Congratulations!
Would you try and eliminate each one of them one by one just to narrow down which supplement actually cured it?
I'm kind of scared to do that because I don't feel confident yet and I'm always scared it's gonna come back. Had bad breath since i was 19, I'm turning 38 soon :(

I probably will do an elimination process at a later stage when my breath has been good for longer. I feel like the biggest help is the aloe vera juice though even though it can't be that alone because i've taken aloe vera in various forms over the years. I think it's a combination of aloe vera and something/s else. who knows.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Post by Anne2323 »

When and if you do, please let us know. Thank you for sharing!
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Post by JKL12134 »

Is the aloe vera juice fresh or the ones that can be bought at grocery stores. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Post by Grateful »

Congratulations !!!!
It’s so great to read success stories.
Just wanted to know more about your diet. You said you are lactose intolerant so your dairy intake is less, what about gluten ? What do have for breakfast, lunch n dinner ? Also what enzymes do you take and how many per meal ?
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


JKL12134 wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 3:44 am Is the aloe vera juice fresh or the ones that can be bought at grocery stores. Thanks for sharing.
I don't know if the ones from the grocery store will do the job because they might be diluted. you'd have to check. but the one i bought says "contains 100% pure pulp without the addition of water (gelum sine skin), obtained fresh from selected leaves" and i should also mention when i say i take a "cap" every morning and night, the bottle comes with a 50ml cap so i'm taking 50 ml twice a day.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


Grateful wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:37 am Congratulations !!!!
It’s so great to read success stories.
Just wanted to know more about your diet. You said you are lactose intolerant so your dairy intake is less, what about gluten ? What do have for breakfast, lunch n dinner ? Also what enzymes do you take and how many per meal ?
I don't really do carbs because I'm also on a diet (for weight loss not breath). so I'm not eating a lot. but yesterday I have kind of a bad diet day - all I ate was bacon, 2 cans of coke, can of pepsi, 3 chocolate bars. I had something delivered in the evening after all that and there was zero reaction from the courier when i spoke pretty close. But on normal days I have one large meal a day and that's usually meat, vegetables and maybe a small bag of potato chips. If I do cheat and have a burger once a week or fried chicken, it doesn't affect my breath.

In a much older post I mentioned that going low carb/dieting helped with nasal odor but not oral odor. again might be a sign that reflux is my problem because once I stopped overeating, nasal odor reduced so much.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


Grateful wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 6:37 am Congratulations !!!!
It’s so great to read success stories.
Just wanted to know more about your diet. You said you are lactose intolerant so your dairy intake is less, what about gluten ? What do have for breakfast, lunch n dinner ? Also what enzymes do you take and how many per meal ?
the digestive enzymes say "completely vegetable enzymes" and it has Papain, Bromelain, Kiwi, Cumin and Cardamom. i just take 2 with every meal
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Post by spyr »

Congratulations for having found your cure !

The part about "bad breath is contagious" is really interesting. I actually don't think it can be contagious just by air, because even while kissing it's mostly not contagious.
What I actually think that might have happened is your stress triggered bad breath. When you smelled that bb from your landlord, your started worrying too much about your bb. And when you saw a first reaction to your bb, you stressed even more during several. And using a mouthwash probably made you feel less stressed about your bb.

I'm not saying that stress is the reason of bb, I just think it is a main trigger of our bb.
I'm currently experimenting about trying to relax everyday and see if I'm getting less reactions (I have nasal bb too), I will probably make a post about it
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


spyr wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 7:53 am Congratulations for having found your cure !

The part about "bad breath is contagious" is really interesting. I actually don't think it can be contagious just by air, because even while kissing it's mostly not contagious.
What I actually think that might have happened is your stress triggered bad breath. When you smelled that bb from your landlord, your started worrying too much about your bb. And when you saw a first reaction to your bb, you stressed even more during several. And using a mouthwash probably made you feel less stressed about your bb.

I'm not saying that stress is the reason of bb, I just think it is a main trigger of our bb.
I'm currently experimenting about trying to relax everyday and see if I'm getting less reactions (I have nasal bb too), I will probably make a post about it
I know the "bad breath is contagious" thing has always been controversial on here because not everybody experiences it so it sounds wacky. I thought the idea of nasal odor was wacky when i used to just have oral odor. But I wasn't stressed the day I smelled his bad breath, I'd had almost 2 months of good breath up to then. In fact I was almost cocky in my head "oh wow I feel bad for him. glad that's not me anymore. how can I tell him what products to use without offending him??" I definitely got more stressed/anxious AFTER that day because that incident made me aware that this thing can so easily come back.

I have had contagious bad breath, as in giving it to other people. not through kissing, just by talking in their direction. in 2019 everybody who sat next to me in class and had to interact with me would get bad breath. i was not smelling my own breath on them. their own friends and people sitting on the other side of that person would be sniffing and blocking their nose as that person spoke (minutes after i talked to the person). Everybody in my class usually had breath that smelled like air. The next day the person would be fine. It got to a point where classmates were nice to me and friendly enough but they didn't want to be in a group with me or next to me because it affected them too. and I don't blame them. this was not in my head! not through kissing them! it's difficult to explain but i smelled it when they spoke back to me and i saw people reacting to them (when i wasn't saying a word at that particular moment). It was not a fecal smell though, very very sour offputting and disgusting smell.

I think it's not contagious for everybody and it's not always contagious. had bad breath since about 2004 and most of that time, I was not giving other people bad breath. But when my breath was particularly bad in 2017 and 2019, i could smell something horrible on people a few minutes after I spoke to them. I was attending a new class during both those years so I agree with you that stress probably increased MY bad breath, but that doesn't mean I wasn't temporarily giving it to other people.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


forgot one more bad year of contagious bb lol. 2012/13 I had a deskmate at a job and he joined the job after me, had zero bad breath at first. I started noticing bad breath on him after our interactions and the funniest thing is I think he knew it was me. Again, people would react to his breath when I wasn't even saying anything. So you get the normal bad breath reactions like people sniffing, backing away, wiping their nose even coughing but after he spoke to me he did this thing every time where he'd start clearing his throat and coughing in a methodical way like he was trying to clear out his throat/lungs. and then he'd drink water. A whole routine he had after talking to me. Like he was trying to clear my germs from his airways. It gave me anxiety then but I find it a little funny now. I think some people may be more susceptible to bad breath.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


I'm a bit of an idiot because I forgot to mention I changed my toothpaste to a natural salt toothpaste one week before I ordered all the aloe vera and vitamins in June. That might have helped a lot or a little. Sorry that I cant pinpoint exactly what helped because I really dont know.
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?

Post by JKL12134 »

How about nasal bb? Have u had success on this?
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Re: Waited long to post this but i'm (mostly) cured?


JKL12134 wrote: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:09 pm How about nasal bb? Have u had success on this?
Yes I've had bad breath since 2004, developed bad nasal odor around 2010. I got it control with diet from around 2014/15 (I went low carb and was just eating less in general - I used to have an overeating disorder and I think that contributed to acid reflux, pnd and nasal odor in my case). After I got it under control, the nasal odor used to come back on long haul flights for some reason but within a few days of being back on land it was gone again. But I recently had long flights in August this year and I had no nasal odor for once.
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