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How to check your breath

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How to check your breath

Post by Anne2323 »

Hello guys. I should start by saying that this only works for bad breath coming from the mouth/tongue.

It would be great if we all share our methods since asking someone else is not something people would want to do.

When I try new stuff, to check if there is progress, each morning before eating I take a cotton swap, rubb it all over my tongue, especially at the back and smell it right after. It does reproduce the smell, it smells fecal.

I know that people are skeptical about these methods, but it is pretty clear for me. If the swab smells fecal, the breath does as well, if the swab doesn’t smell at all, the breath might still smell. I think you can’t get a ‘false positive’ with this.

The lick test doesn’t always match with the cotton swab one, sometimes I can’t sense anything after the lick test, but there is the fecal smell on the swab. Also, the lick test just smells sour, the swab one smells fecal, so it’s more accurate to the real smell.

Let me know if you try this method.

Also, what other methods do you use?