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Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Post by NewUser4567 »

Like the title says, when I gargle then my breath gets even worse. Sounds weird, but that's how it is. How to gargle correctly in that case, ... I don't know.

I first clean the teeth, floss, clean the tongue (as far as I can see in the mirror), flush with mouthwash. But if I gargle after all that, then the resulting breath is worse compared to not gargling at all! :-k

But: gargling first and after that doing everything what I listed would mean that I spread all the bacteria from the tongue in the mouth and even in the throat. That cannot be right. Any ideas?

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Re: Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Post by rema »

I hope I can help you with what has helped me.
I suffer from PND (post nasal drip)
I’ve been using a sinus nasal spray.
Nutri Biotic Sinus Nasal Spray with Grapefruit Seed Extract.
It’s made such a difference to my BB.
I’m not having to clear the back of my throat as I used to.
I’m not suffering with dry mouth as I used to.
My confidence has increased and my fear of speaking “up close and personal” has reduced.

Of course the usual dental/mouth hygiene - brushing, flossing, tongue scraping and mouth wash/gargle is to be maintained as per normal.

A very good mouth wash/gargle I have found is:
Smart Mouth it’s rather exy. in Australia where I am.
Both products are made in USA where I’m sure both products are much cheaper.

These products are the best I have used in all the years I have been researching a cure for BB.

Thoughts and prayers with all on this forum.
And thank you Jimi for all your hard work.
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Re: Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Post by Anne2323 »

Yeast infection in your throat maybe?
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Re: Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Post by NewUser4567 »

I don't know, I'm going to the dentist and ENT doctor regularly.
I have no other symptoms or problems with the mouth/throat area aside from the bad breath.

The thing is: I don't know any other way (besides gargling) how to clear the very far back of my tongue. I mean the "root part" that I cannot see in the mirror and that goes far back where the gullet begins. I cannot reach that part with the tongue scraper and not with the toothbrush. Maybe the bad smell originates (in part) from that far back tongue part?
I had my tonsils removed years ago, so I can rule that out as cause for the BB.
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Re: Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Post by Beast »

The same thing happens with me and I know why. I’m about to post with my testimony, but I want to answer here that the reason it happens is because strong mouthwashes, especially Chlorhexidine and Dioxirinse-type mouthwashes kill both good and bad bacteria in your mouth, and some strains of bacteria, usually the smelliest ones, become immune to the mouthwash. The oral microbe of the mouth becomes a breeding ground for the bad, stinky bacteria, and the good bacteria dies. You need to get the good bacteria back and kill the resistant bacteria. How you do that depends on the strains of bacteria you have
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Re: Gargling makes my bad breath even worse

Post by Redazzz »

Maybe you can identify the cause, which proably is bad bacteria overgrowth, by doing a A throat and a tongue culture exam. Not sure where you live but shouldn't cost more than 150/200$ in total.
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