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I come to comment on something relatively new that can be tested

Tell us your story with bad breath
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I come to comment on something relatively new that can be tested

Post by Juan »

Hello everyone. Like most of those who come here I suffer from BB. I recently discovered this amazing forum and started reading the suggestions and things to try to try to fix, even a little, this horrible condition.

I come to contribute with a grain of sand something that is relatively new and that I don't see anyone mentioning it.

Before I want to say that it can be used for cases in which the problem is due to the proliferation of bad bacteria in the mouth, throat and nose.

These BB-producing bacteria, as many know, are anaerobic. That is to say that they live in environments with a shortage of oxygen and therefore die in the presence of oxygen. That is why oxygen-based toothpastes and mouthwashes with hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) help somewhat in these cases.

Well, without dwelling on it, what I am here to mention is ozone therapy.

Reading about it this therapy is successfully applied in various diseases. It is used, for example, to treat gangrenous wounds or disorders of the digestive system.

I did a little research on it. The most commonly used form is ozone-saturated gas that provides abundant oxygen, but in the case of BB what works is ozonated water to gargle.

You should mention that I have not tried it because where I live I have not found a clinic or hospital that has the equipment to produce ozonated water for that purpose.

Searching, I found that they sell equipment that is used to produce ozonated water from medicinal oxygen and it is not that expensive, but before making an expense like this, you first have to be sure if it helps anything, so if where you live you can get that ozonated water and you can try it please post how it went.

From what I mentioned before, I have a lot of faith in that ozonated water, I think it can be useful.

Be careful, they also sell ozonated water in drinking bottles, but I think that this is not useful medicinally because it is in very low concentration. It has to be from the other that is applied in medical uses.

If you had already mentioned it before and knew about it, I apologize for thinking that I discovered gunpowder (je, je) :mrgreen: . Have a nice day everyone.

Notice: I don't speak English. I helped myself with the Google translator. If something is not well understood, that is why.

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Re: I come to comment on something relatively new that can be tested

Post by Isabella.*** »

Hello. I've been looking for information about the therapy you're talking about and I found an Argentine doctor specializing in halitosis who uses this method (according to the cause), the doctor's name is Liza Klein.
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Re: I come to comment on something relatively new that can be tested

Post by Juan »

Hola, gracias por comentar al respecto. Ojalá que también comente alguien que lo haya probado para saber cómo le fue.
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Re: I come to comment on something relatively new that can be tested

Post by geonautica »

I tried ozonated water and did not work.
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