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Anxious breath + yellow coating

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Anxious breath + yellow coating

Post by Astice_00 »

Hi everyone, I'm new. I've had BB since high school, now I'm studying at university. I feel it increasing and manifesting more when I'm stressed. Problem is that I am a very anxious person and I am stressed even when I go out with my friends or I am at university; the stress comes mainly because I'm afraid to speak to others because of my BB and so it's like a cycle that ruins my life.
My question is: I can 100% feel that the problem comes from like the area on the back of my tongue and the first segment of the throat. I always have a yellow coat on the tongue and because of that I scrape it everyday. If I put a finger (on that area I described) my finger stinks so it kinda confirms my suspicion. After I brush my teeth (thrice a day) and scrape my tongue it usually comes back in 1-2 hours; faster if I have to go out (to university or with friends for example) so it's a real problem.
I really want to see a doctor but I don't know which one so maybe here I could get some advice (maybe identify the problem too, if anyone has it)
P.S. my mom has GE reflux and I read that it can be transmitted genetically, I don't really know how it feels to have GERD so I can't tell if I have it.
P.S.S. it's not a room filling BB, it can be perceived like at 1 meter max of distance
Thank you in advance.

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Re: Anxious breath + yellow coating

Post by Grunge »

Hi, Astice_00,
Thanks for posting. If you suspect you may have GERD (reflux disease) I would recommend seeing a gastroenterologist, although they might just want to prescribe reflux medications. The problem with that are the side effects of these meds, such as ridding your stomach of all natural acids, amongst other side effects that are not healthy. GERD makes you feel bloated and full (all day), and sometimes ppl experience burping throughout the day. As well as the reflux of acid that comes up from your stomach to your throat. GERD develops with weight gain, hiatal hernias, weak Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), or when eating the wrong types of foods, such as fatty and spicy foods, and coffee. I suggest reading up and researching GERD/Acid reflux.

What kind of diet do you follow? Sometimes eating too much sugary foods, dairy products or beef products makes our bad breath worse. I would recommend controlling how much of these products you consume. Fasting from time to time should help as well. We’re all trying to find the root cause of our bad breath, so i hope this info helps.

One more thing, look up SIBO. Seems it may be another thing worth taking a look at.
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Re: Anxious breath + yellow coating

Post by Astice_00 »

Hi, thanks for your reply. In this period (for 1 year now) I'm following a diet given by a nutritionist because I want to put up muscle mass since I'm rather skinny. So it has a high content of protein and carbs are in a decent quantity. I will look up SIBO as you suggested and try to see a doctor maybe.
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