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Please help

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Re: Please help

Post by Tara »

CureSeeker15 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:58 am
Tara wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:34 pm Yes i was wide awake during my procedure .it wasnt painfull.but really really uncomfortable. :( i ddi an upper endoscopy to examine the upper part of the digestive tract.
did you see something not normal on your upper part like candida or yeast ???

No.nothing thats the issue.they cant find anything

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Re: Please help

Post by the_peculiar_one »

Tara wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:10 pm Hey i wish it was just halitaphobia. :cry: i had a meeting last morning n as soon as i enterd the room everyone started coughing n covering their nose.i brushed scraped gargled with hp and oregano oil before the meeting.even i smely the strong oregano n mint smell coming out of my is that possible.whatever i eat thrs a fecal food smell lingers in my mouth..and my mouth is always dry.i dont know if this smell coming from my nose or mouth..people cough or cover their nose even if my mouth is closed or even if i hold my breath.and the smell gets worst when i swallow..omg this hot nasty breath..i dont know what to do anymore.this smell wont go away even for a minute.i asked my nephew today if i smell bad and he said you always smell baddont you ever brush your teeth.. :cry: i dont have pnd no sinus issues..should i stop eating carbs?
I do have exact same problem as you Tara, i really dont know what to do. few weeks ago i had helicobacter pylori eradication therapy for three weeks. i still have same problem. if we shy away from informing the doctors this disease or curse how are they gonna know. if doctors dont officially know that this sickness exist how will the world find the cure for it.

I am pretty sure majority of the world have this problem in this modern age.
We need to build courage and go to the doctor or find a doctor. i know it is not easy. there is no way you can find cure. if your car emits green smoke, what you gonna do? feed it different gas? take it apart? and only your car does that, not others car. a mechanic has never heard of a car that emits red, blue or green smoke. the mechanic has not been thought such thing exist.

Likewise we need to find a doctor that is willing to dig this issue. i suffered from this for +10 years. it is very difficult. you will never be rich, you will never be with your dream partner, you will never achieve your dream job. because you need people, you have to communicate with people, you cannot have all of that without talking to people.

i think thousands of years before this "bad breath" hell did not exist. not even crooked teeth, people did not used to have crooked teeth!!. now surgically dentist are taking out wisdom teeth. i think this "bad breath" is another major modern problem.
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Re: Please help

Post by Borealia »

Considering cutting back on carbs can potentially help address bad breath in some cases, but it's crucial to approach dietary changes with care and moderation. Carbohydrates are a significant component of a balanced diet and eliminating them entirely might not be suitable or advisable for everyone's health.
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Re: Please help

Post by Borealia »

Tara wrote: Sun Jul 23, 2023 1:34 pm Yes i was wide awake during my procedure .it wasnt painfull.but really really uncomfortable. :( i ddi an upper endoscopy to examine the upper part of the digestive tract.
It sounds like you had quite an experience during the upper endoscopy. I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must have been, even though it wasn't painful. The fact that you were awake during the procedure adds a unique aspect to the whole situation.
If you're comfortable, I'd love to hear more about how you're feeling now and if the results provided any helpful insights.
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Re: Please help

Post by mtr »

Tara wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:10 pm
heywait wrote: Mon Jul 24, 2023 2:07 am

Chronic dry mouth is called xerostomia, a condition where your mouth doesn't produce enough saliva, so talk about that with a dentist or ent, and indeed it can lead to bad breath mostly morning breath.

Also, you say you can't smell anything when you do the lick test, but you feel like others do despite holding your breath.
Have anyone told you got bad breath? Some will tell directly others will say something like "have you eaten today" or " did you eat onion?" I'm asking this because you seem to overexaggerate people's reactions, there's a condition called halitophobia where people are convinced they got bad breath despite no one around being able to smell it. Just ask a family member or a doctor if they can smell it. There are stories of people who spent 10-15 years in self isolation thinking they got BB, and no one could convince them otherwise, the problem solved when they got into therapy and learned not to read too much into any simple gesture like people scratching their noses. So, even if you feel like you got bad breath, if no one can perceive it then it's not a problem. This is similar to other conditions like anorexia, those people are fixated on the idea that they are fat and won't listen to anyone around them leading to a life of depression and basically self harm. So, just make sure others feel it too by asking them directly and not reading into their gestures.

An advice i can give you is to not be ashmed to tell doctors about your problem, for 10 years I was embarrassed to tell doctors I got bad breath so I just mentioned things like:" I think I have a cavity, I got a white tongue, I got tonsils stones,..etc." This resulted in me spending a lot of money on consultations and unnecessary tonsils,and nose surgeries.
It's only when I got the courage to tell a dentist about my chronic bad breath he checked each of my teeth and told me it's not a dental issue but probably a gastrointestinal disease. This way I found about my chronic silent reflux and keep a strict diet to keep it at bay.

Hey i wish it was just halitaphobia. :cry: i had a meeting last morning n as soon as i enterd the room everyone started coughing n covering their nose.i brushed scraped gargled with hp and oregano oil before the meeting.even i smely the strong oregano n mint smell coming out of my is that possible.whatever i eat thrs a fecal food smell lingers in my mouth..and my mouth is always dry.i dont know if this smell coming from my nose or mouth..people cough or cover their nose even if my mouth is closed or even if i hold my breath.and the smell gets worst when i swallow..omg this hot nasty breath..i dont know what to do anymore.this smell wont go away even for a minute.i asked my nephew today if i smell bad and he said you always smell baddont you ever brush your teeth.. :cry: i dont have pnd no sinus issues..should i stop eating carbs?
Hi Tara. I feel you.. I've been around this website for over a decade and been suffering for 25 years or so.. Oh my, now that I wrote it is a whole lot of time..

I have tried most of the treatments, i as well feel I dont have enough saliva around. What I realised few years ago that helped me alleviate this symptom is that I was mouth breathing at night. I had gotten used to this bad taste in mouth that when I woke up in the morning having this taste was something natural. When I realised it I started taping my mouth and this as well with white tongue have improved a lot.

Secondly I started using wormwood in combination with other natural herbs like clove etc (the brand is Kroeger) and although I still get symptoms, I feel my mouth morehydrated among others. There are also xylimelts that could help you with dry mouth but i would definitely give a try to kroeger's wormwood.
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Re: Please help

Post by YouCanSeeItInMyEyes »

mtr wrote: Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:56 pm Hi Tara. I feel you.. I've been around this website for over a decade and been suffering for 25 years or so.. Oh my, now that I wrote it is a whole lot of time..

I have tried most of the treatments, i as well feel I dont have enough saliva around. What I realised few years ago that helped me alleviate this symptom is that I was mouth breathing at night. I had gotten used to this bad taste in mouth that when I woke up in the morning having this taste was something natural. When I realised it I started taping my mouth and this as well with white tongue have improved a lot.

Secondly I started using wormwood in combination with other natural herbs like clove etc (the brand is Kroeger) and although I still get symptoms, I feel my mouth morehydrated among others. There are also xylimelts that could help you with dry mouth but i would definitely give a try to kroeger's wormwood.

I'm 22, you've had bb for more than my entire life. You're strong, a lot of people would fold.
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