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My Visits To ENT

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Joined: Wed May 09, 2007 4:59 pm

My Visits To ENT

Post by whyme »

3 visits so far.

1. first day $120 dollars, gave me some sinus drop called Flonase, and he used a tube to look in my nose, didn't find anything.

2. 2nd visit told me to go get a cat scan on my sinus $800. $60 bucks for visit, sent me home.

3. 3rd visit told me i have minor muscus in my sinus from the cat scan and that could be a cause, the muscus drip down the throat at night mostly and causes the smell in the throat he said.

i do feel muscus constantly dripping in my throat during the day so i think i found 1 of my problems. only problem is he told me the operation to fix my sinus passages or something cost about $3,000 dollars. so now i'll try to look for an ENT in the hospital to see if i can get it done for cheap.
i also have my tonsils still and i produce very rarely now tonsil stone but i used to produce them a lot like 3 yrs ago.

bastard ENT doctor stealing more money from me, i mean he could have gave me does advice over the phone or something >_< ... he also said having BB is not that bad, not life threatning, i don't think none of the ENT take this serious. we need to be more aggressive.