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Another possible cause of bad breath.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

This girl just send me an email because she can not post on our forum. Here is the email.


I've not gotten a response from you so of course I have to assume that you don't want to know if you have TMAU. May I suggest however that before you have the tonsil procedure, you spend the $150 it costs to be tested. I've heard of too many people who have had the same surgery, even had their tonsils removed, to no avail. The lawyer who had the surgery maintains that he feels "lighter" and more confident but is he really cured? I thought that I was cured using Dr. Richter's Profresh for years as well intentioned friends and family told me what they thought I wanted to hear. I felt the same as the lawyer: lighter, more confident. Of course that wasn't the case. Profresh helps but doesn't treat the fundamental disorder. I am totally mystified as to why you would elect to experience such an invasive procedure without responsibly ruling out TMAU. I want all you guys on "my side".

Here's a website to check out:
Please notice the activated charcoal/chlorophyll treatment.

Sincerely, Jennifer

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Post by Jimi Stein »

And here is the update:

In a message dated 11/6/2006 12:12:11 PM Central Standard Time, [email protected] writes:

Can you please post on forum.

I wish I could from my PC, but for some reason it doesn't allow me to navigate on to post or pm, I have to use a friend's computer to do so. Will post some info to your forum from her computer tomorrow. You are perfectly welcome to post any and everything I've sent you by email, however. Actually I hope that you will, especially the website I sent you in my last email. After this email I should have better access to my friend's computer.

But to answer your question, I was in shock when I found I tested positive for TMAU. I thought I was no where near the level as those heavily afflicted, unfortunate beings. Little did I know there are many different degrees of affectation and that it manifests in various ways in different people. Some people excrete odor from their breath (saliva), some from their nose and mouth (lungs), etc. I thought mine originated from my mouth only. But then how was I to know definitely? I did test on the low side. And NO I was NOT frustrated, I was relieved to discover I wasn't crazy and more importantly it relieved my ongoing, perpetual confusion (anxiety)... this is before seeing websites like yours. I learned what I could about TMAU and then went on with my life for 5 years. It was only when I decided to see if there was any new treatment on the horizon that I found your and other websites, realized there were tons of people out there that are unaware/haven't been tested. THAT is what strengthened my conviction and hope that WE, as an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, DETERMINED group can gain strength in numbers to affect a cure! If we can focus on the ACCURATE cause of our disorder (FMO3 enzyme deficiency) then we can concentrate our energy, money, time, resolve on getting this done in our lifetime. Look at what was done with HIV treatment in such a relatively short period of time?

Call Dr. Preti. 212-300-4168 215-898-6666 Order a test kit. He can be a little abrupt, but he's our advocate (more on him later). Jen
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Post by Jimi Stein »


I called Preti Office but it was to late and some angry woman picked up the phone and the conversation did not go well. She was pushing me to take a test and that I am not serious because I asked her why to do the test if there in no cure??

Am I not right. Do you want to be diagnose with TMAU. And what if the test is not accurate. They do not have the cure still.

That is my opinion, but this woman was really harsh, maybe she has a TMAU and she is psychologicaly affected by it.

Try to cal TMAU center and talk to Preti

This is his direct number
00 1 215-898-6666
Last edited by Jimi Stein on Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by BronxJazzy »

So if you call the number and ask for a test are you going to have to buy dry ice to put your samples in and all that other stuff. I would be willing to take the test just out of curiosity. I mean Jimi even if they don't have a pill or anything like that there is a diet that you can go on to help lower your levels of whatever that stuff is. I mean I for one would want to know if i had tmau because the idea of going around unknowingly emitting an unpleasant odor would not be very comforting to me. At least if I knew, I could do something about it.


Post by BronxJazzy »

I was looking up about tmau today and I found out that you can not expel the smell from your lungs. The way TMAU causes bad breath is through the saliva. TMAU is excreted through the saliva, sweat, and urine. So if you have bad breath and you get a smell from your nose and mouth chances are it isn't from TMAU. I found this very interesting also if you have bad breath that is smelled through your nose and mouth than its systematic. Meaning it is caused by something internal like sinuses throat liver kidney lung infection etc... I never knew that. If it is mainly smelled orally then of course its caused by bacteria or what not in the mouth. So those of you that were curious or worried about TMAU but never got comments about body odor and have a smell coming from your nose and mouth don't worry.


Post by Guest »

BronxJazzy wrote:I was looking up about tmau today and I found out that you can not expel the smell from your lungs. The way TMAU causes bad breath is through the saliva. TMAU is excreted through the saliva, sweat, and urine. So if you have bad breath and you get a smell from your nose and mouth chances are it isn't from TMAU. I found this very interesting also if you have bad breath that is smelled through your nose and mouth than its systematic. Meaning it is caused by something internal like sinuses throat liver kidney lung infection etc... I never knew that. If it is mainly smelled orally then of course its caused by bacteria or what not in the mouth. So those of you that were curious or worried about TMAU but never got comments about body odor and have a smell coming from your nose and mouth don't worry.
Yep I agree. TMAU is a very rare genetic disorder and isn't like that many of us will have. The Route to attack this is Oral->ENT->Organs. I believe that you will find some improvement if you fully attacked all these issues. Unless your gene is coded for making chemicals that causes odor, there has to be some part of your body that is causing this.
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Post by yeagermeister »

When u say attack the organs, what exactly do u mean? I thought of going to liver & kidney specialist, but I`m pretty sure they would laugh me out of their office if I told them I suspect my BB could be caused by these organs without having any other symptoms of liver or kidney problems.

Has anyone else besides Jimi had any luck with all these cleanses & flushes that are out there? I `ve been slowly going though the process of elimination with this problem & I `m not sure what to do next. My mouth is in great shape, I`ve recently had amalgams removed, figuring that would help somewhat, but to no avail. Tonsils & nasal polyps removed several years ago, & had my GI tract looked at by a specialist and still nothing has helped. Anyone have any suggetions of anything else I could do?
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Post by yeagermeister »

When u say attack the organs, what exactly do u mean? I thought of going to liver & kidney specialist, but I`m pretty sure they would laugh me out of their office if I told them I suspect my BB could be caused by these organs without having any other symptoms of liver or kidney problems.

Has anyone else besides Jimi had any luck with all these cleanses & flushes that are out there? I `ve been slowly going though the process of elimination with this problem & I `m not sure what to do next. My mouth is in great shape, I`ve recently had amalgams removed, figuring that would help somewhat, but to no avail. Tonsils & nasal polyps removed several years ago, & had my GI tract looked at by a specialist and still nothing has helped. Anyone have any suggetions of anything else I could do?
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Post by jess »

I've done a lot of cleansings and some liver flushes, and I've taken some vitamins/minerals supplements these past months. Till this day I'm glad that I've done them cause I feel that my breath is better than before. But because I usually do so many things together ( taking supplements, doing cleansings, flushes, etc) I can't really say which is responsible for the little improvment I feel. And because I still get reactions from people when I'm close to them I don't know for sure how better is my breath.
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Post by baguio »

To the OP: I understand that because you have had a positive tmau test, you want to focus on it. However, the rest of the people here have not reached the point of diagnosis. They may/may not have tmau. Whilst I understand you encouraging people to take the tmau test, my rationale for not taking it just yet is this:

It could be the reason for my bad breath or equally, the laser procedure currently discussed on the forum may offer the solution. On the basis that it could be one or the other. I would be more inclined to try the latter procedure first - given that it has the potential to solve the problem moreso than a tmau diagnosis has.
If I were Stateside, I would probably have had a tmau test done already because of ease of geting it done (its not available in my home country - although i could find a way of getting it done, I'm just not motivated to do so right now - probably will do next year if no other options open up in terms of potential diagnosis.
I have not invested a great amount of time into researching tmau but to my knowledge, nobody who has been diagnosed has been cured? Theres a very very difficult diet to follow but even with that, the problem isnt solved? Is this the case?

What I would suggest is that if you have a good rapport with Dr. Preti ( I hadnt heard of him till now but i'm assuming from what your saying, hes an authority on the subject?), then maybe you can cajole/coax/encourage him to do a 15 minute interview with Jimi?
Information is power - and its a key to us all finding a solution - of that I am convinced.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I will do the interview maybe next week. I am also against taking TMAU test because I do not think I have one. Ok I sweat when I am nervous and it smells like sweat.

Post by BronxJazzy »

Yeah I really think it would be cool for you to do an interview with him. He is really easy to talk to by email. He replies really quickly as well. I think if you don't have any other signs of TMAU then there is no point spending the 150 for the test plus all the extras for dry ice overnight shipping and packaging. It doesn't sound like much but once its all added up its a pretty penny. He's very honest and if he thinks you are not a candidate for tmau he will tell you. Also he is in Phillie not NY so I don't know what the 212 number is about. I'm not sure if the 212 number is for his offices or some place affiliated with him. In the email he sent me it has a different number i can give it to you if you want it.

By the way I got his information directly from the monel website so I know its accurate.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Ok I've found the number and I got the Mernell center in Philadelphia

Are you sure Jazza that this is a NY number and it could be fake? I am not sure. Can you ceck it out?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

This is the officla Monel center and contact numbers

Mailing Address:
Monell Chemical Senses Center
3500 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3308

Phone Number:
(215) 898-6666

Fax Number:
(215) 898-2084

So it looks very similar to the number I called
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Post by me »

look pro fresh has nothing to do with surgery pro fresh is just a fancy mouth wash, maybe the surgery wont cure every one, maybe it wil justl cure some people complety, some other not completly but it will help a little bit, and for some people it wont help at ll but you'll never know if you dont try it. Ok now tmau for what i read if you have tmau you can clear a room and it gets worst with the time only in the begining the smell might
only come from you mouth but then eventually you would start havein really bad body odor.[/url][/quote]
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