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Happy Days' Diary - Countdown to BB free life

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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Post by HappyDays »

I just did a rinse using the Neilmed rinse. It seemed to be very effective. Since using it, I can tell that the yellow gunk has been reduced at least temporarily and sinuses have opened up. I follow-up with Xclear sinus wash and I feel like I should have been doing this for a long time. I just wonder how effective this will be if I continue doing it. I plan on doing this morning and night to reduce pnd keep sinuses clear and infections to a minimum.

Also, is anyone still using vitamin c, especially to control pnd?

Any feedback is welcomed. Thanks.

emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »


Give it a try to oil pulling too, it helped me to reduce bb and pnd for a month and a half in my case, but for xoxo it´s still working after several months. the taste improves too.

Try sunflower oil, one soap spoon with empty stomach for about 10 to 20 min...

one or twice a day

good luck
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Post by waitingforrelief »

HappyDays wrote: I did get a reaction from my gf this morning when I got in the car but I didnt brush my teeth as I woke up at the last second and had to drop her off. I never opened my mouth but she opened the window after about 5 seconds. I could tell that it was because of the air coming from my nostril as it was pointed at her and the other one was sort of ?
hey happydays, have you tried talking to her about it? maybe you should instead of just gauging her reaction. people do open car windows as soon as they get in the car sometimes.... and in any case, i think it's good to talk with loved ones about it.
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Post by HappyDays »


We' ve discussed it before but I think this is the case where someone close to you is unable to really smell it. She definitely does smell it from time to time but she has stated that she pretty much cant smell it and I sort of believe her. I think sometimes those around you are in denial or just dont really care enough to admit or talk about it.

Its strange but I sort of think that the tonsillectomy has helped a little as I havent gotten the reactions that I had before when I am out but at home I still get a little reaction even when she doesnt know she is reacting. Trust me I am not going crazy and I know the difference between reactions and possibly me reading it wrong.

Today I also had my first real meal of chicken and sweetpotato as I have to really test this out to see where I am with this bb. Next monday I am back at work and I need to get read for reactions if they are going to be the same. I will continue sinus rinse and start oil pulling this week. The fight continues...
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Post by xoxo »

HappyDays wrote:
I will continue sinus rinse and start oil pulling this week. The fight continues...
hello there,
be sure to rinse mouth with salt water after oil pulling 1/2teaspoon sea salt + 1 cup water.
there will be lots of mucus.. if done correctly. lots of spitting after that, provided PND is the problem. try to oil pull piror to sinus rinse (app.30mins lapse) to feel the Power :P ... ok, to feel the effects of OP.

wishing u speedy recovery.

PS: i think everyone with allergies or vasomotor rhinitis should try it... i have less PND now after 11mths of oil pulling everyday. bf thinks my condition has improved tremendously. the road to recovery is a long one.. but what the heck, i have nothing to lose, there's no cure for vasomotor rhinitis and food allergies at the moment.
Oil Pulling & Oil Swishing Support Forum
(sorry guys, i know i have been posting this alot. i just want people to experience what i think is good (all natural) to combat PND.)
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Post by elliott »

I either don't know what PND feels like, or I don't have it at all. What I do get is the mucous (sometimes yellowish, but usually very clear) coming up to the throat. It feels like it comes from the tonsils. It has a bad sour taste, and I imagine it smells, even though if I smell it myself it's clear. That, to me is what makes my breath smell bad. (other than obviously if I eat beef right before bed)

Does anyone know if there are glands behind the tonsils? That mucous is something to focus on. If it's not comoing from the nose, where else is it coming from?

PS Happy Days. You should eat whatever you want. Live a normal life. That's the only way to know if tonsils are indeed a source. If BB comes back with a vengeance, then you KNOW that food intake is a bigger culprit than tonsils. It's important that we can conclude that tonsils may not be as important as we think.
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Post by HappyDays »

Elliot, from what you are describing, it sounds exactly like pnd. Its coming from your nose but feels like it appears from the throat. Its definitely yellowish and taste nasty!!

To me, tonsils are a key and must be removed or they will just keep the pnd and eventually lead to stones which seems to be concentrated pnd at its worst.

Diet is also a huge part especially if you have digestive issues like IBS or GERD. I have both so I know that I have to watch my diet carefully. Eliminating red meats and dairy and incorporating fresh fruits and veggies is a huge part of my success as it has kept me more regular and therefore my breath doesnt suffer from my digestion as much. Dairy also causes more pnd as I am sure other foods do so eliminating that has been helpful also. I think each person has to make personal sacrifices with certain foods which causes their body to react negatively, as individuals we are all different but the foods are causing similar reactions inside.
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Post by HappyDays »

By the way, where's Hopeful???

How did the surgery go?? Please report in! :mrgreen:
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Post by hopeful »

Hi HappyDays! I'm still around but haven't had access to a computer and won't on a consistent basis until I get home. Hmm...where to begin. Well, I had my tonsillectomy last Friday and things are healing steadily. I was eating normal food(noodles) three days after the surgery and the pain has been/is manageable. I believe I was prescribed very weak pain medicine as taking it didn't really help a lot. Fortunately, the pain hasn't been that bad. My last case of strep throat was more painful! I haven't noticed any improvements in my breath and have actually been waking up with a stronger(or a more heavy feeling) in my mouth in the morning. I have dissolveable stitches in my mouth and very little scabbing so far(is this unusual?). I asked the doctor during the follow up checkup if he used the traditional steel knife technique and he said he didn't. The hospital where I had it done is very modern so I guess he used one of the "newer" methods to remove them. LIke I said, there is very little scabbing so far. I've taken a cotton swab and wipe it back there very gently and the smell that I use to find in my crypts is gone. He also checked my adneoids presurgery and said that they were fine. He did however say that my tonsils were larger than the average person's and that I should be sleeping better(haven't noticed that either). So I'm not sure what the final results of this tonsillectomy will be once everything is healed. Still, I'm glad that I had it done as those crevices are gone alot with the bacteria that was hiding in them.

I also had a colonoscopy done and I think I mentioned already that there were some abnormalities. I don't have the report with me at the moment so I can't remember the medical name of the area in my colon she found the problem. All she knows for certain at this time is that I have a chronic infection. It could be IBS or crohn's or something else. She is starting me on a three month course of antibiotics to try to control or even eliminate the infection. It may or may not work and she won't know for certain until she does another colonoscopy at that time. So I'm not sure if taking these antibiotics long term will effect the bb or not(I never discussed bb with her, my main reason for seeing her was problems with loose stools).

Lastly, I had an allergy test(skin prick one). Along with being allergic to a bunch of trees(names escape me at the moment), I'm also allergic to dust mites. Once I return home, I will look into removing the carpeting in my room to see if there are any improvements. My congestion hasn't been too bad the last week even though I'm in one of the most polluted cities I have ever visited.

I've been thinking the last couple of days that my throat and pnd are probably behind my bb. When I was taking my cherry tasting pain meds(liquid), I could taste it in my mouth an hour later. It's like even though I swallow it, it just sits there and doesn't go down(or some of it remains behind). If that is what is happening with my pnd, than of course I'm going to have bb. For now, it's too soon to say if the tonsillectomy will help significantly. It's good to know that I can focus on other causes.
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Post by hopeful »

Has anyone tried or looked into taking an antihistamine such as "Zyrtec?" It claims to help with postnasal drp. My father has bad allergies and I remember growing up that he had bb as well(though he hasn't had it in years). Maybe I should ask him if he's taking any allergy mediciations...
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Post by Larc400 »

I also have that thing where the taste/smell of anything I eat lingers for ages afterwards. Guess it could simply be the old story of the back of the tongue and it's crypts etc.

Today's report:
1) Tried Indian nasal drops (Anu Thailam) recommended by Indian Doctor neighbour.
Burned like hell. We'll see if the PND improves in the morning...

2) Got SmartMouth delivered. Will try it & report....

3) Bought Zinc pills. Maybe the zinc can find it's way into the system and out in the saliva, helping with the stinky Volatile Sulphur Compounds etc...

Next step:

Deep cleaning of lingual tonsils (far back of tongue). I mean *Really* clean that area, by pushing the tongue downwards etc, trying to empty the crypts... we'll see if it works. The gag reflex is pretty strong back there...

:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=
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Post by Larc400 »

hopeful wrote:Has anyone tried or looked into taking an antihistamine such as "Zyrtec?" It claims to help with postnasal drp. My father has bad allergies and I remember growing up that he had bb as well(though he hasn't had it in years). Maybe I should ask him if he's taking any allergy mediciations...
Yeah please do ask him...

My PND does get slightly better by taking antihistamines...
emotional rescue
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Post by emotional rescue »

[quote="Larc400"]I also have that thing where the taste/smell of anything I eat lingers for ages afterwards. Guess it could simply be the old story of the back of the tongue and it's crypts etc.

I think that that is what we all have in common, don´t matter if someones got more bb that others, pnd, tonsils, digestion problems....that is what we have in common, like hopeful and larc, and i´m sure everyone else, you eat or drink or smoke something and it just stays in your throat and in the back of your tongue, and the smell starts to rotten and getting acidic.....

i´m sure that this is the source (or were the symptons get manifiested) cause when I use aktiv oxygen concentrated, that it supposed like others mouthwashes just bring oxigen to kill anaerobic bacteria, i just fell the mouth soooooo fresh and odorless!

the future of a cure in my opinion: a mouthwash that the body don´t get used to (i will see what happends with this in my case), or laser the lingual tonsils (ask this possibility to yehuda)
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