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Tonsillectomy Results..Worked Sort of...

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Looking For Hope
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Tonsillectomy Results..Worked Sort of...

Post by Looking For Hope »

Hello everyone,

It is me again. About a month ago I started my diary detailing my experience with severe chronic halotosis and my attempt to alleviate this condition via surgery. For those of you who are not familiar with me, read the topic, "My story, my struggle." I am now fully healed after having a tonsillectomy and an adenoidectomy surgeries. I will be as honest as I can for you.

If you read my first post, I have suffered from very severe chronic bad breath since I was a child. I had the surgeries out of desparation as I tried every miracle mouthwash and oral hygeine product you could imagine without any postive results. I did not expect this surgery to cure me, but rather I hopefully wished that my bad breath would be reduced.

Objectively speaking, on a scale of 1 through 10, 10 being the smell of "Swamp Gas", I would rate my breath pre surgery at around an 8. After the surgery, I would now rate my breath at hovering around 5 to 6 or so. Some of you may be thinking, "What good is that!" Well when you stunk as bad as me, any reduction is a blessing.

Here are some of the specific type of results I have noticed. Before my surgery, my tongue always had a white gunky film on it. I had to always use a tongue scraper and it would take a think layer of crap off my tongue. Now, my tongue is consistently a red color without the use of any tongue scraper. Hardly any crap on my tongue nowadays.

Pre surgery when I went to the store for groceries, there was always a 100% chance that the cashier would always rub her nose when I was there. From the look of her face, I knew it to be my breath she was reacting to. Now, maybe 5 out of 10 times can I go through the register area without getting a reaction from the cashier.

When you get really close to me when I speak, you will be able to smell my breath. The distance of where you can smell my breath as been noticeably reduced.

With the removal of my adenoids, I can now breath full blast through both nostrils. Never before was I able to breath this clearly through my nose. I recommend you guys check out if you still have your adenoids. They are supposed to shrink to nothing by adulthood, but for some reason, mine were still there.

I know I am still very different and my bad breath problem is beyond my tonsils and adenoids. The one thing I have noticed that has not changed at all is my breath after I eat something. My "DIET" is very much linked to my bad breath. If I eat something spicy or something with meat, my bad breath will carry over for a long time. Before my surgery, I would go out with my friends and we would drink beers and eat food. My friends would drink several large glasses of beer and would eat very spicy foods like pizza, mexican food, barbecue, and korean food. I would intentionally try to smell their breath at the end of the night to see how bad their breath was. To my envious disgust, my friend's breath were only mildly bad to nothing at all!!!! What the hell! It's hard to enjoy life with friends when you know you are a freak.

At this point in my life, I finally have come to accept who I am. I will not attempt any more surgeries nor will I seek to find anymore miracle cures. This is the way I was born and I will have to live with it for the rest of my days. Hopefully they will not be too long. The surgery in my opinion did what I expected it to. No cure, but a reduction in my bad breath. I do not regret getting this procedure.

For those of you contemplating this surgery, I pray for you. I have been reading some other people's post claiming they have been "Cured." If you have, I am sincerely happy for you. But for others like me, be realistic in your expections so you wont crash too hard if your efforts don't come to bear fruit.

My deepest sympathies go out to my brothers and sisters who are suffering from this horrible condition. I honestly hope that one day each of you may find happiness in this life.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Posts: 236
Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:13 pm

Post by hopeful »

I had my tonsillectomy in October and my bb only improved slightly. Right now I'm trying a multitude of supplements because I believe with the right changes, we can better our situations. I know my digestive system is the root of my problem so I would suggest tackling that before accepting our "fate."
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