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Wisdom Teeth Extraction Cured My Nasal Bad Breath

Tell us your story with bad breath
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Post by Archimonde »

Last edited by Archimonde on Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Cured,

So I had my top two wisdom teeth extracted on Wednesday. The dentist showed me the teeth and they were very odd looking, the roots were curved around and squashed flat....very strange!

But, I didn't really have that instant feeling of relief and thinking, I've found the source of my bb, there was no immediate improvement that I could recognise. I've now got HORRIBLE bb, which I'm putting down to the blood clots and having a slightly swollen mouth and tongue.

After re-reading all your posts, I'm just wondering, you went through a long period of slow improvement, but you knew straight away that your teeth were the problem? I know it's early days for me, and realistically I wasn't expecting to instantly have fresh breath, but I was expecting to maybe feel that I'd found my bb cause. How long after did you begin to beleive that your bb was improving and became certain that your wisdoms were the source of your bb?
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes probably we should all try different people and see what they think. I am still not sure what to do with molar.

I am freaking out. BB is still there but maybe less, not sure
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Post by Cured »

Greetings Snobuni,
Snobuni wrote:but you knew straight away that your teeth were the problem?
Pretty much, yes. My bad breath always created this sort of very, very slight cheesy stink in my nose that never bothered me (at least not when I wasn't eating) too much till I spoke to people.

As I said, I had my teeth extracted in the morning, was driven home, went upstairs, changed the gauze pads (which were pretty blood-soaked by then) sat down on the couch and watched TV for 2-3 hours waiting for the bleeding to stop and the anesthesia to wear off. After the bleeding had abated, I sniffed around my nose and found that aroma was gone. That gave me a positive sign, but at the time I was so zealous not to get my hopes up right away (because I couldn't bear to be let down once again) that I gave it about a good 3-5 days where I got few to none of the classic reactions from people until I felt somewhat confident this was it.

And even after that period I was paranoid that it would somehow return when as the sockets closed up, as if the relief was some temporary side effect of the extraction. But no, it was gone.

If I recall correctly the Monday I returned to work (I had the surgery done Friday) I was surprised on a quite a few occasions as my breath was beginning to turn bad as yours is now and after any extraction, but the difference is it wasn't physically offensive/bothersome.

Back with my regular bad breath, when I used to address people face to face from about 2-3 feet, they would get nailed with it like it was a shot of pepper spray right at the end of their nose. I mean you could see them physically peel back and close their nostrils with their fingers quickly, accompanied by facial expressions of anguish (yeah, I used to make people really suffer).

All of those reactions stopped the day I returned to work. I mean yeah, a few days after the extraction my breath grew to be atrocious for (if I recall correctly) a period of about 1-2 weeks on account of the sockets, and occasionally people inhale deeply when they came close to me, but I was shocked that they didn't react any more than that. It was obvious that something had changed big time when the physical reactions stopped the first day back.

After about three-four weeks (if I recall correctly) that's when the bad breath caused immediately by the extraction was gone for good and it was about that time that my former bad breath made a light-weight comeback that has continually since lessened and lessened as the sockets closed up. When it came back I knew that it would be gone for good someday soon because it was at 1-5% the strength of the previous breath (and continued to decline steadily since, though it was a bumpy ride down). Sure enough that's been the case.

So the first stage after extraction was very heavy bad breath resulting directy from it but with none of the former reactions, with the second being a months-long slight return of the original breath including proportionally reduced physical reactions.

I hope that answers it. It's been over a year now that I've had the extraction done, so it's becoming increasingly difficult with that much time rolling by and the experience receding from fresh memory to recall certain specific details about it. I do try my best to answer questions, but I find I almost need to re-read my own early posts on the matter just to jog my memory, so I hope I'm still answering consistently (ie, let me know if I'm not).
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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Cured,

Thanks for such a detailed reply, and yes, you are still making sense and being consistant! :D

I was interested (and reassured), to read that the smell from your blood clots didn't disappear for a month. It's been almost a week since my extractions and the clot smell is still pretty strong, which was starting to worry me, but after reading your post and searching a bit on google, it seems this is a fairly normal part of the healing.

I was also interested to read that you found the blood clot smell less offensive than your normal bb odour. Does this mean that your bb was very strong and worse than the clot smell? I'm finding this smell is REALLY bad, a lot worse than my usual bb or maybe it's just different...

I guess I'll not know if this has worked for me until the blood clots have disappered and the gums have healed completely,it seems like a very long and painfully slow process at the moment!!
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Had my top wisdom tooth removed

Post by Harry_2K »

Hi Snobuni and Cured,

I had my lower right wisdom tooth removed, 3 months back. No changes whatsoever.

After seeing all your posts, I decided to have my upper wisdom tooth removed, last week. Upper right was removed on Friday (13th of March) and my upper left was removed on Monday (16th of March).

I could see no change whatsoever. Terrible BB still exists. I have been put on antibiotics, pain killer and ranitidine. The antibiotic is preventing the white coating to form over my tongue. Otherwise, it's all the same with the smell that is coming out from my mouth.

The nose smells cheese at times and other times, looks normal. Not sure why.

Also, am not not sure on how to react (positive or negative). As far as I am concerned, it looks negative to me? or is that too early.

Please advice me, Cured.



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Post by Snobuni »

Hi Harry,

I'd say that it's probably way to early to tell either way, it's only been four days since your first extraction. Are the blood clots giving you bb? As cured said, it took a month for his blood clot smell to disappear, and I've read that it takes at least two weeks to improve. I think it's still too early for me to say if this has helped or not, it's been almost a week since my extractions and I still have large clots in the sockets which reek to high heaven!! I don't think I'll be able to make any sort of judgement about whether my bb has improved or not until the clots have completely disappeared.
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Wisdom tooth

Post by Harry_2K »

Hi Snobuni,

Thanks for the response. I shall wait for another few more days and would comment further on my case.

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Post by Cured »

Snobuni wrote:seems this is a fairly normal part of the healing.
It is, believe me...
I was also interested to read that you found the blood clot smell less offensive than your normal bb odour. Does this mean that your bb was very strong and worse than the clot smell? I'm finding this smell is REALLY bad, a lot worse than my usual bb or maybe it's just different...
This may be a misunderstanding. The "clot smell" as you call it for me seemed a lot worse than the stink of my previous several orders of magnitude. And it was not just one clot smell, but at least 2-3 distinct odors that would come and go and intertwine sometimes. One was recognizable as my former breath stink, but as I said, about 100 times more maginified. That told me I'd hit the right spot by extracting the teeth.

Yeah, the "clot smell" made my mouth reak for 1-2 weeks, and it was still quite noticeable for another 2 weeks or so, but it never knocked people dead on their noses from the far end of the hallway like I used to be able to do. With my old bad breath people would physically jerk was like a concentrated punch and then immediately'd go as quickly as it came and they wouldn't know what had just hit'em except that it was very bad. That's what I meant by "offensive" there.

There's an important qualitative difference there, between something that just a strong aroma around all the time, and something that just jabs you in the nose and then goes away.
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Re: Had my top wisdom tooth removed

Post by Cured »

Greetings Harry,

My real only advice here is to let people (better yet strangers) be the judge and not your own sense of your breath smell. If there is improvement, you will notice a change in the way people react when you talk to them. If nothing has changed (as it was with me affter my tonsillectomy) then that wasn't the solution. If it has, well then, hopefully you're on the road to recovery.

A second piece of advice would be to give a good month post-exctraction to judge most accurately. By then everything in terms of conditions in your mouth should have reset to pre-extraction norms.

Try to see if there is even a little improvement. If there is, even if the extraction didn't get rid of completely, it gives you a clue to take you further in the right direction hopefully.

Good luck, and I hope that you find relief...
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Post by halitosisux »

Hi cured,
Its good that you are still around too, because although both our cases involved our teeth, there arent many similarities between our experiences, so its good to have these different perspectives to help anyone who might relate.
I was just thinking and wondering.. were any of the wisdom (or neighbouring) teeth you had removed decayed at all? I only had one out and it was in remarkably good condition considering what it had been through. If there was any decay found in your case, its theoretically possible that this decay could have spread to the root and into to your sinuses causing the perplexing symptoms you had in comparision to mine, both before and after extraction, which would also explain why it took so long for your BB to diminish, in comparison to mine which, apart from the blood and general healing process, happened immediately. I also had very clear and pungent discharge from the gum around this tooth, which as far as i understand you did not.
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Thanks for the feedback - Wisdom tooth extraction

Post by Harry_2K »

Hi Cured and Snobuni,

Many thanks for the feedback.

In the recent months, before the wisdom tooth extraction and also now, I have one important thing to say. Something I noticed in particular.

When I lie down (going to sleep) with the face pointed to the sky, I feel as if my mouth is very fresh. Not sure why. But, when I wake up in the morning, it really is indeed very worse.

Between, I have been put on antibiotics (phexin), at the moment. I have been prescribed this for a week. It's been 5 days now and would like to stop that. It really is causing some sort of terrible BB. Antibiotics have always been a problem for me. What's your say on this?

I smell nothing on blood clots. It was worse the first day and from second day, everything looks normal, except for a slight feeling of discomfort in the extracted area. As said by Cured, I would wait for another month and see what changes I really get into. Meantime, I shall keep you posted about the updates.


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Post by Cured »

Greetings halitosisux,
halitosisux wrote:were any of the wisdom (or neighbouring) teeth you had removed decayed at all?
No, not at all. I've had other decayed teeth elsewhere but all had long been filled.
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Re: Thanks for the feedback - Wisdom tooth extraction

Post by Cured »

Hey Harry,
Harry_2K wrote: Between, I have been put on antibiotics (phexin), at the moment. I have been prescribed this for a week. It's been 5 days now and would like to stop that. It really is causing some sort of terrible BB. Antibiotics have always been a problem for me. What's your say on this?
The answer would depend a lot on why you were placed on an antibiotics. You haven't provided the context or explained why you're taking it. Did the dentist or surgeon put on you on it after the tooth extraction prophylactically to prevent any infections?

Unfortunately, a side effect of some antibiotics is dry mouth...and you know that dry mouth means bad breath.

As for trying antibiotics to kill the bad breath bacteria, no one will ever beat chronic bad breath with antibiotics. Antibiotics will kill the bacteria temporarily, but since the mouth is naturally a bacterial dream home, they will always grow back. And when they grow back they will cause bad breath all over again as long as they have food particles lodged somewhere in the mouth to feed on. The bacteria digest the food, producing the foul-smelling gases that cause the chronic bad breath.

Many people on this forum don't understand that the antibiotics are killing the symptom (the bacteria) and not the actual cause of the bad breath (the trapped food particles they feed on).

Hope this helps.
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Hi Cured

Post by Harry_2K »

Hi Cured,

The doctor gave me Phexin to prevent any infection, post extraction.

It's been 2 days since I stopped taking that.

There was very little white coating on the tongue, in the recent days (that's when I wake up). In general, on the day time also, I don't have white coating. This is even after taking biscuits, some oily rice cakes, yoghurt, etc. But, the feeling of BB still exists. My friends still rub their nose or try to move away a bit, while am talking.

As I said, when I lie down with the face facing the sky; I feel very much as if I do not have BB. What could be the reason? Does anyone have similar feeling? Also, are there any vegetarians here who suffer from BB.

Please provide with some information please.

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