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Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:21 pm
by MissPretty
Lufenuron is probably the only thing that I have not tried :roll:

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 12:58 pm
by bbshiat
hi i got my lufenuron today but i have no idea how to take it ? help :D

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:31 pm
by Phantasist
You can get the instructions at HTTP://

Basically you divide it up into three doses and take one third each day with some kind of fatty food. Lufenuron apparently settles in fat cells and is then released into the body over a couple of weeks.

Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 9:10 am
by mike987

Scroll down the pdf to Page 7 "How to Take Lufenuron"

Got mine in the mail today..
There's a picnic event tomorrow for work, so I don't think I want to start today, in case something drastic happens. I'll wait till Monday I suppose.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:42 am
by StayStrong
I took lufenuron on thursday two weeks ago.

(prior to that i was on antibiotics which helped reduce odour for the first few days but the breath seemed to come back stronger after the course had finished, although that could just have been due to the fact that i was getting used to having moderately improved breath while on antibiotics)

I have not experienced any notable improvement in bb and no discernible die-off symptoms. Although there might be a delayed improvement as some on this thread have noted. I think i will buy and take the second course of it anyway just to be sure.

Good luck mike

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:19 am
by mtr
fthis wrote:Took my first dose today, will report back with results.

Hey buddy,

What happened? Any improvement?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:30 am
by mike987
Took my second dose last night. One more dose I'll take today.

Apparently it works in your body for 2 weeks, but I haven't noticed any reaction whatsoever. Hope it does something.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:31 am
by mtr
mike987 wrote:Took my second dose last night. One more dose I'll take today.

Apparently it works in your body for 2 weeks, but I haven't noticed any reaction whatsoever. Hope it does something.

Wish you all the best Mike!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:52 am
by mike987

So it's been a few days since I took all my doses... I haven't had any obvious reactions, though I've gotten a hoarse throat, light headaches, etc, though I think that's from a cold going around recently. My room mate doesn't feel great either.

This morning there was something VERY strange in my stool though. Weird thing is, I read a post recently about the same thing on this forum! I wonder if it was in a lufenuron thread.. Anyway, I can't find it right now, and I'd like to read that again.

So, I pooped this morning, as usual, but along with it there was a small bean sized white ball. I lifted it out with toilet paper, crushed it, and most bizarrely, the inside was a completely dry, white powder.

I recalled reading a post describing the same experience! Can anyone direct me to that post again, or who had said it?? I need to talk to that person.

White ball of powder in stool. What on Earth is it?? Is it the lufenuron my body processed into a small white powder ball? I've never noticed anything like this in my stool before, and it definitely isn't just the result of some food that I ate. It was seriously powder, and it was so strange to discover such a thing.

edit: Googled it.. Haven't found any concrete info on them.. Lots of questions though.. I've seen two opinions proposing that it seems to be undigested medication, but I haven't taken any capsule medicines recently. Would other pills like vitamin b12, iron supplements, allergy pill, condense into a wad of white powder?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 12:37 pm
by fthis
Well you guys, I'm sorry to say it didn't do much for me...

The only thing that seems to work somewhat for me is an extremely low-carb diet.

That way it's bareable, my tongue coatin is much less and I get less reactions.

The problem is it leaves me very fatigued, which is hard when you work in construction...

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:20 pm
by MissPretty
mike987 wrote:Thanks!

So it's been a few days since I took all my doses... I haven't had any obvious reactions, though I've gotten a hoarse throat, light headaches, etc, though I think that's from a cold going around recently. My room mate doesn't feel great either.

This morning there was something VERY strange in my stool though. Weird thing is, I read a post recently about the same thing on this forum! I wonder if it was in a lufenuron thread.. Anyway, I can't find it right now, and I'd like to read that again.

So, I pooped this morning, as usual, but along with it there was a small bean sized white ball. I lifted it out with toilet paper, crushed it, and most bizarrely, the inside was a completely dry, white powder.

I recalled reading a post describing the same experience! Can anyone direct me to that post again, or who had said it?? I need to talk to that person.

White ball of powder in stool. What on Earth is it?? Is it the lufenuron my body processed into a small white powder ball? I've never noticed anything like this in my stool before, and it definitely isn't just the result of some food that I ate. It was seriously powder, and it was so strange to discover such a thing.

edit: Googled it.. Haven't found any concrete info on them.. Lots of questions though.. I've seen two opinions proposing that it seems to be undigested medication, but I haven't taken any capsule medicines recently. Would other pills like vitamin b12, iron supplements, allergy pill, condense into a wad of white powder?

I know that white streaks in stools are commonly thought of as Candida yeast, but I do not think that those white threads of slime are yeast, I think they are slime secretions from the intestinal wall due to an irritated colon.

Yeast is a white paste, correct, but it would be too much mixed with the fecal matter to be detectable. Fecal matter is brown due to the hemoglobin pigment from the dead read blood cells that are eliminated that way. I think that what most patients think is Candida, is in fact an irritated bowel due to food allergy or perhaps bacterial infection. An irritated bowel produces white slime. I still encourage people to try Lufenuron as a very cheap and very safe way of finding out whether the infection is caused by Candida. But I also strongly encourage them to stop using Lufenuron and consider alternative causes when it does not help.

As to your second question - how to treat fungal infections - I think that regardless the stage of the infection, the dose should indeed be very high. However, at a certain dose there is no more added benefit. That dose depends on the fungal strain, the rate of elimination (the biological half-time of the chemical), your weight etc. We do not want to push our products as all the other "cure" vendors do. We encourage you to do some research by yourself and, most importantly, observe what happens to your symptoms when you take Lufenuron and whether you think you'll benefit from more - or not.

Lufenuron is by far the cheapest and safest antifungal medicine available so it becomes feasible to self-treat, even as a diagnostic means. I can not diagnose disease by reading a description of stools, I am very sorry. In fact I am not allowed by law to give any kind of medical advice.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 9:24 pm
by MissPretty
I found the text on Sarah Vaughter website.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 11:25 am
by elliott
Mike it just sounds like a bit of the Luf didn't dissolve properly. Perhaps not enough fat to absorb all of it.

The substance does not dissolve at all in water, when you mix it, you notice the powder remains in powder form even in water.

I can easily see some of the substance getting through the entire digestive tract without being absorbed, probably not a big deal, and probably what someone meant when they had thought they saw white worms or whatever in their stool, in one of the earlier threads

...just a guess though really.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:18 pm
by MissPretty
It's only been two days but I already got a fresh tongue, pink and nice. The strange thing is that I have not seen any side effects. It is supposed to be a good indication of when it works in your body. What's going on? :roll:

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:35 pm
by mtr
MissPretty wrote:It's only been two days but I already got a fresh tongue, pink and nice. The strange thing is that I have not seen any side effects. It is supposed to be a good indication of when it works in your body. What's going on? :roll:
Hey Miss Pretty,

I remember that when I took the lufenuron my tongue was and remained pink most of the day without even brushing it. I didn't have any side effects either but after some days the white coating came back.. Am starting lufenuron again some time this week..

How are you all of you? any improvement?