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Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:46 am
by i want life
im 25 YEARS old bro
suffering with this problem as far as i can remmember , about 11 year or more , it destroyed my personality , and i have stopped learning after i hve gratuaged secondary school .
dentist said my teeth and Gum is ok .
but i know my bad breath causes from my diet .
i have bought this sumac from syrian shop in Lyon france .
im feeling little better but people are still rubbing their noises , or looking at me with bad face .

my biggest problem is when i have meeting i get horible breath and i think its fearing to have bb makes worst;
sometimes when i tell my self be cool you are ok nobody coughs but after minit when i remmember my bb situatuation all people cough together .
people detect my bb more than 30 MTR
in the night when i sleep its better as someone told me , but after waking up it kills
i have no family here , i live alone and friends make with me as a fun

i am from north somalia (somaliland), please help me guys ,
shukran and thanks i love you all


Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 3:33 pm
by Carri
Hello I want life,

What's your situation in France? It's easy to go and see a doctor, tell him about all of this. I was waiting for a 'trigger' to go see a doctor for the first time, as I didn't want to go and just say 'I have bad breath'.

One day when I giving an oral presentation I felt soemthing acid in my mouth and breath, it was really overwhelming. I thought that can't be normal so I went to the doctor and my 'journey' started right there. I was treated for stomach acidity, then went back to tell him about BB then got tested for H. Pylori.

Whatever it is don't give up brother, go by elimination you will find I'm sure.

Can I ask you what do you mean by 'better' when you took sumac? You have cramps, bloating, metallic taste or other symptoms? What about bad saliva smell, when you're hungry? Were you tested for the H. Pylori?

Tu peux m'envoyer un message si tu veux,

Good luck!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:53 pm
by Trunks99
i want life wrote:HI CARRY
im 25 YEARS old bro
suffering with this problem as far as i can remmember , about 11 year or more , it destroyed my personality , and i have stopped learning after i hve gratuaged secondary school .
dentist said my teeth and Gum is ok .
but i know my bad breath causes from my diet .
i have bought this sumac from syrian shop in Lyon france .
im feeling little better but people are still rubbing their noises , or looking at me with bad face .

my biggest problem is when i have meeting i get horible breath and i think its fearing to have bb makes worst;
sometimes when i tell my self be cool you are ok nobody coughs but after minit when i remmember my bb situatuation all people cough together .
people detect my bb more than 30 MTR
in the night when i sleep its better as someone told me , but after waking up it kills
i have no family here , i live alone and friends make with me as a fun

i am from north somalia (somaliland), please help me guys ,
shukran and thanks i love you all

Hey I want life,

You live in Lyon so you should speak French I guess..
Try to make turmeric + ginger juice -- you could add carrots and apples if you want... and get rid of wheat (bread, pasta etc..), dairy and sweets... then re-introduce them gradually one by one.. and see which one is a trigger to your bb.

In French:

Fais des jus de curcumin et gingembre - tu peux aussi ajouter des carottes et des pommes si tu veux.. Par contre essaye de ne plus manger de pain, riz, pates, yaourts, lait, et tout ce qui est confiseries pendant un moment. Apres tu peux les re-introduire un par un a ton regime alimentaire et voir lequel est responsable de ta mauvaise haleine.

Also, few other tips: eat slowely (mange lentement et mache bien), work out (fais du sport), and don't eat too much (ne mange pas trop -- mange juste ce qu'il faut).

Hope this helps!

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:20 am
by i want life
Hallo dear Cari . Thank you for the info i am really happy for it . And hope
it will work for all of us soon.
My life in france is ok bro . I just life here past 2 years but
my bb destroys everything and i dont have even somebody
to tell my problem.
Whole yesterday i was at home for this problem.
My situation for bb is really very bad because it goes long d
distances in seconds .
Yes bro i went to the dentist and said my teeth and gum
are ok.
Before 6 months i could smell my bad breath when i have
touched my finger back of my tangue and after 1minit
it has smelled a different smell. I meant if i eat meat
Its like Poo .dairy same . Bread its like breath. And before sixs months
i have always woke up with full of blood in my mouth.
I have start to use hydrogen paroxide + soda +salt for tooth past
and hydrogen Paroxide +50% of water for mouth wash.
It works for my mouth i cant smell now my own bb and nomore blood in the morning
but i have still dry mouth and my bb still exists but believe thatt i have cured it 15 percent .
Then i started to cut down proteins . Dairy . Meet . Bread and i have lost 17kg of my weight.
Every body troubling what happened to me ? But does not matter
first time i have used sumac really works good . Because people did not cough but
they looking me like go and brush your mouth.
I drink every day more than 6 litres of water . I have cramps . bloating . belch.
And after i brushed good my tangue stays bink about 20 mint and i can smell like sweet for my salive .
Than you Cari god bless you.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:34 pm
by Carri
You have to continue past the dentist now. Go see a doctor, tell him about this. Ask for blood test, ask him to send you to a gastroenterologist, get all the test to find out if it comes from your gut.

Also I read again in your first post you say they can smell you from 30 meters, that's too much, and it's probably in your head. But I don't blame you to be a little paranoid, but even 5 meters sounds a lot for the gas molecules to spread with enough density that it will bother people. 30 meters is out of the question.

But from now do all the test you can do, that you read here on the forum. Once you fix something then it will be time to reduce your paranoia.

Keep us updated. Book an appointment for this week.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:31 pm
by i want life
:shock: hallo carry sorry the topic about 30 mtr was before . The time i was drinking and eating every thing .

For the distance is only for the time i fear or think deeply then people cough about 10 meter during wind .

But sometimes even the ones sits next to me can not detect me about 20 minit but after short while he or she may cough or rub their noise .
My biggest one is if iam very hungury .
Today i went out at 13 oclock i have wallked in centre of the city and i have setted place where alot of people were setted . And they did not act yo me .
I was there two hours after i left i have feeled hungry then people starts to turn their heads down .and cough..
Now its 9 oclock night . I came now home to eat . Thank you bro for the info.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:18 pm
by halitosisux
Why was your mouth full of blood?
Why drinking 6 litres of water? That can't be right.

This coughing business - I'd just love to see a video of what people are interpreting as coughing reactions. Please understand I'm not dismissing what you say, I would just love to see it for myself.

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 10:18 pm
by i want life
Because i have had gum problem . And mostly when i wanted to brush my teeth it was bleeding simply . And i the night i have took the breath in the mouth . But no more now hyrogen paroxide + soda + salt got rid it the blood.
The water i have read a website that said water is the best way to cure halitosis so drink how much you can tolerate . Some times i drink more then 8 litres a day .
Guys tell me please something iam losing my weight every day past 6 months i jave lost 17 kg now i am 55 kg very skinny .
Can you tell me pleasr something to eat for breakfast .

thank you . God bless you all . Please understand this sentences ( my bb goes a long distances when i fear that people detect me or when i stress . How i can cure please my dry mouth . Im tired for dentist and buying books in online.

Goood night from france . Alots love one day we will live normal life . Believe that

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:46 pm
by billie
i want life wrote:Because i have had gum problem . And mostly when i wanted to brush my teeth it was bleeding simply . And i the night i have took the breath in the mouth . But no more now hyrogen paroxide + soda + salt got rid it the blood.
The water i have read a website that said water is the best way to cure halitosis so drink how much you can tolerate . Some times i drink more then 8 litres a day .
Guys tell me please something iam losing my weight every day past 6 months i jave lost 17 kg now i am 55 kg very skinny .
Can you tell me pleasr something to eat for breakfast .

thank you . God bless you all . Please understand this sentences ( my bb goes a long distances when i fear that people detect me or when i stress . How i can cure please my dry mouth . Im tired for dentist and buying books in online.

Goood night from france . Alots love one day we will live normal life . Believe that
I have send you a PM.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:16 am
by halitosisux
Try a waterpik type hydro flossing machine. If there's possibly a gum issue remaining then this would definitely help you, and if it does then you'll know where to focus on. Don't completely rely on what a dentist tells you when it comes to your gums, especially regarding bad breath.

Drinking so much water could be harmful. You only need enough to remain adequately hydrated, and unless you are the size of a hippo then that level is nowhere near half the amount you're drinking. Try chewing apples instead or munching away on raw veg like carrots. That'll be far more effective than diluting your body out by drinking gallons of water for nothing

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:28 am
by i want life
:) thank you halito... for the info bro . i will try it and will post back .
i have white tangue even when i brush so hard and scrap . it will be white after 10 minit and people can detect me from 20 meterd i checked that today when take the breath from nose or mouth same .
when iam hungry its litttle more worst . my other problem is iam alone in france no family and friends to ask hoq bad my breath is.
but i can only know when the people rub their noses from 20 or 15 meter or walk out from me . the ones close to me coughs .
thank you guys i cant go today outside.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 2:04 pm
by halitosisux
You're welcome. When you scrape the tongue that hard, the white you see is something completely different to the kind of coating that builds up when you don't normally scrape your tongue. As far as I'm aware, any part of your body where there's mucous membrane that's being irritated or damaged, the tissue will "grow" a thickened layer of keratin as a protective "skin". The same thing goes on with the papillea of the tongue. This is an unfortunate side effect for BB sufferers who know they need to scrape their tongues, but then end up in a vicious circle of scraping ever harder.

I'm not so sure about any description of reactions involving the things people are doing all around us continuously. Having associated these kinds of reactions with odours, it's easy to slide into the madness and paranoia that it's all happening because of us. The reality is that even if we were walking piles of cowshit, people would not sit there coughing or rubbing noses, they'd either tolerate it or they'd grimace and try to get away from the offending air.

I could be completely wrong though. There may be allergens or irritants released from some people, causing the reactions you describe, but it's not because of odour, but related in some way to whatever *might* be causing your odour.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:48 am
by elliott
yeah it's not the odor per se, but more of the irritant.

The 'air' causes an itchiness in others' throat, which may make them cough or sneeze. I can often count to 10 after I swallow and wait for someone to cough, sneeze or clear their throat. I liken it to that feeling when you feel there is a hair or dust in your throat and it makes you kinda cough... its that kind of cough, not a sickness cough. I have had people almost choke and not be able to speak for a moment after I say one word.

Also the irritant in the air can linger in certain areas of a room, kinda like if you puff a cigarette in one corner and walk away, the people who walk into that initial area are affected. I think that goes to the confusing 'distance' perception.

Often times when someone is close up, not only will they react to smell but they will also grab their own throat as to massage that area as if they had a tonsil stone themself. I have seen it enough to make deductions and a connection.

If you're going thru this everyday, you can sort of see how separate individuals have the same reactions based on what you do. Trust, no one is making any of this up, it is what we deal with daily.

edit: if you've ever felt something in your throat that made you sneeze, and/or smelled some tonsiloth smell afterwards - i believe there is a connection.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:19 pm
by halitosisux
Yes, and the most likely possibility is some kind of odourless gas being released from the body that may or may not be part of a mechanism responsible for the production of other malodourous gas(es). This could explain why some people with PATM have no odour issues, and in some cases people do (like for many members of this forum). In some cases it may only be the production of malodourous gases. There's nothing far fetched about any of this at all. Some gases are irritating only to certain people too, further adding to the confusion of why some people react and others don't. Even the odour detection ability of the human nose can vary between different people, purely at the genetic level