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Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

i really have problems posting on yahoo group, i am not lying


i use gmail and if i click respond to message it is never posted

maybe it has something to be done with gmail

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Post by Larc400 »

Not sure I can make it on this occassion 8-[ but I sure will most other Sundays 8)
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

The chat went thru not good for the first time. I was chatting with one visitors and he was not serious at all. He was really offensive and making fun out of everything. I have to disconnect after 20 minutes.

I think this chat should be serious not a insulting place for fakers to discuss.

I changed the chat to java chat and i think now it will work better.

So next sunday please people join and be serious. Those who are not serious do not have to join.

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chat room is crude

Post by haider »

I think your chat room isn't working at all, I think better to stick with yahoo/ msn chat rooms.
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Post by Larc400 »


Shame I couldn't make it, it's good to chat.

The Yahoo chat is closed down (the one on BreatHelp4us)
so I think people will come here gradually.
Still surprised no-one serious showed up :|

Is another day than Sunday better for anyone?
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Post by Ice »

ure answere why nobody shows up for chat:
people have better things to do!
I'm just kiddin! :P no seriously, why would i GO AND CHAT, when there is nothing New I will find out?!If anyone had important news he would post it on the forum so people can read it at 1 AM, or 1PM!not all have time, just for chatting... 8-[ hope I explained, even thoe I think the explanation wasn't nessesary!good luck

and one more question: who mentioned something about having his tonsils lasered??I forgot!
I have a question for him! :-k
good luck!
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Post by Larc400 »

Believe me, it's good to chat --- we can progress things quicker than this,
compare notes etc etc, and make a plan of Action.

Is anyone coming to chat on Sunday 3PM Eastern Time?
(=8PM British Summer Time, 9PM European)


I´ll invite the Yahoo group, too.

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Post by Jimi Stein »

i was online this week and there was noone

i will create some flash and put the correct time and day so everyone can see it

the timing is fine
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This website

Post by haider »

Damn this is the best website for BB problem online. However this is too big and sometimes confusing. Being the most gullible and credulous one I would love to ask Jimi if he can share the following information.

1. What's the best tooth brush/(es)?

2. What's the best toothpaste/(s)?

3. What's the best best mouthwash/(es), or how to alter the mouthwash to make it most effective?

Can everyone kindly share his/her experience so that we can have a common ground and then concentrate on the more complicated side of Bad Breath(BB) i.e. tonsils, lungs deseases and liver problem damn they are more serious and frightening, aren't they, shaking.

Have fun if you can.


engineer Taban
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chat times

Post by LJ »

Hi Jimi and all:
There are several of us from the breath help4u site that will be trying out your chat feature this weekend.
As you know yahoo cancelled it's chat feature so we were left without a place to congregate and talk.
So, we will try this weekend, Sunday at noon pacific, 2 pm central, 3 pm eastern, 8 pm in the UK.
Hope others will join us and we will have a successful go at this.
And Jimi, as far as your posts not getting thru on the breath help4u site, it's a mystery to me why some post and some don't. I just posted two last week and they never showed up.
Then in the last two days all my posts came up fine. Sorry for the inconvenience, there's nothing personal about it, it's yahoo. LJ
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Post by Jimi Stein »

THe banner on the right side gives more info about the timing so please come. I hope that program will be ok and will not crash or give problems.

Wow I am so desperate for a cure. I can not even think that I would probablčy have to live with this disorder for the rest of my life.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

YOu are all welcomed

I was thinking that you should probably all move and post on my site because this site is visible to all people, and yahoo groups is more of a hidden thing.

And all the posts are posted here in a second so that is better.

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Let's try the chat Sunday

Post by LJ »

Hi Jimi:
I posted an invitation to the chat this sunday, here at your place, on the breathelp4u site. Hopefully, a few people will show up and we can all chat and get to know each other.
We had been chatting on our site for almost a year, and we have had some good turn outs.
Everyone is always interesting and funny, there are really some good but struggling people on our site. This bb issue can only get you down so far, it's tough, but the more I talk to other people the more accepting I am of the problem.
I've gotten to know several people and we extended our conversations from the chat room to the telephone for a more personal exchange.
And recently I've had the pleasure of meeting up with one our members. We were supposed to have more of a group meet up in Vegas, but for most it didn't work out. However, one of the members had already purchased his plane ticket, so he was locked in.
I happen to live six hours from Vegas, so we decided to meet in the middle in, of all places, Barstow. If you've never heard of it, it's the only thing for hours out in the hot desert of California.
So, we met up and he is a great person. I was nervous at first, I thought for sure my breath would have to be worse than his and he might be offended. But as the day progressed I felt more and more comfortable. I stopped with all the turning my head or mumbling, and just relaxed.
Odd thing about it was the fact that we could not smell each other. We started out drinking root beer, went to Quizno's, and topped it with some mexican food and margaritas.
I never brushed my teeth or rinsed after any of these bb triggering food and drink, and I was reeky. But apparently David could not smell me and I could not smell him.
We looked at each other's tongue coating which was significant on both of us. I know and could smell my breath when I was by myself in the car, and it was gnarly.
But neither or us could detect it on each other, around each other. It's a very strange thing. We must have such similar breath odor that it cancelled it out. Much like when people eat garlic together, they can't detect it on each other.
We need to have more people meet up and get together for some rudimentary testing. But I discovered in my comfort that day that I could certainly, really easily, would act differently if I didn't have to worry about the problem.
Some people have said that if there was some cure for the problem or problems, then they wouldn't know how to act. I know I would.
It was seriously great to be in the company of someone you don;t offend, I have had people in the past that don't detect me and it's so nice. In a world without smell, I would be king.
So, so hope to see some people on the chat. LJ
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getting to the root

Post by smileguy »

I hope this chat is going to be about how we can find a cure.Maybe we could each take a part of the body and learn everything we can and then put all our information together.Im looking for this chat to be an educatuional tool rather than a social thing.
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chat purpose

Post by LJ »

I think the chats are more for socializing then they are for plotting a cure. We can certainly post to each other the types of things we are testing and if anything valuable comes along we should alert each other. And certainly you could find someone on the chat that is willing to work with you on a theory or something.
Having people to talk to with the same problem is therapeutic and we need to keep that element alive. Most of us are having little social contact because of our problem, and I think this helps.
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