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B12 ... Gastroscopy ... Colonoscopy

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 2:19 pm
by Larc400
So, I guess all medical findings should be posted on this forum. I encourage all of you to do the same if you get any abnormal results from medical tests 8)

I was diagnosed with B12-deficiency. I'm not a vegetarian and not old so it's kind of rare in such cases. Gastroscopy (checking oesophagus & stomach with camera and tissue test) came back fine. Next step is a colonoscopy (checking with a camera via the ass). With all the talk of colon cleanse etc this could be a rare chance for us to find out if there is actually something wrong with the colon of a bb sufferer like me... I'll make sure to say I have the chronic bb symptom (fecal 8) ) although the colonoscopy is really part of the B12 investigation. ... I guess stuff like 'leaky gut' and hernias can also be detected... maybe...

Did anyone else have a colonoscopy done?
Did anyone else have B12-deficiency..?

:-({|= :-({|= :-({|=

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:17 am
by Mico
How did they figure out you got b12 defficiency? What do you have to do? I heard that a deff of b12 can make you anxious. Is this the case with you?

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:51 pm
by elliott
They would have found hernia during gastroscopy.

So, yeah how did they conclude you had B12 deficiency? During which test? I need to do colonoscopy, but the doc that did my gastro suggested that there wasn't a problem. On to another doc.

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:09 pm
by Larc400
My complaint was fogginess, mental fatigue & tiredness, so maybe the doc ordered a blood test checking specifically for B12, but I think it shows in 'standard' blood tests too...

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:00 pm
by Larc400
So I have now had the Colonoscopy & have seen my own colon live on a TV Screen. It looked perfect. All this talk of built-up old stuff being stuck to the walls, causing bb, may be more of a new-age myth than reality. No pockets or diversions were found either.

Regarding Leaky Gut Syndrome, they had a look at the end of the small intestine too, to check for possible inflammation which can cause damage to the intestine wall and extra permeability. In my case, that was not a problem.

I recommend the procedure to anyone who is doing colon cleanses etc etc, to see if there's actually any point in doing them O:)

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:35 pm
by elliott
Larc400 wrote:So I have now had the Colonoscopy & have seen my own colon live on a TV Screen. It looked perfect. All this talk of built-up old stuff being stuck to the walls, causing bb, may be more of a new-age myth than reality. No pockets or diversions were found either.

Regarding Leaky Gut Syndrome, they had a look at the end of the small intestine too, to check for possible inflammation which can cause damage to the intestine wall and extra permeability. In my case, that was not a problem.

I recommend the procedure to anyone who is doing colon cleanses etc etc, to see if there's actually any point in doing them O:)
I'm not so sure colon is related at all, but that does not rule out digestive problems. I actually don't believe there is a single test that will show a reason for out problem. No one has developed a test for this purpose.

I am 100% sure that the foods I eat have an effect on my breath, so I must stick to my theory.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:54 pm
by Larc400
Yeah, food has effect on bb, regardless of if it's oral, or further down the digestive system, or metabolic, or whatever. Mine was more a comment on people doing colon cleanses without knowing if there is actually a problem with built-up stuff etc.

Guess I now have only the small intestine left to check for any abnormalities. For that one has to swallow a camera though,,, expensive...

What is your theory, specifically 8) ?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:09 pm
by elliott
Larc400 wrote:What is your theory, specifically 8) ?
hehe... the theory is that unless I completely stop eating, I will live and die with BB. :-({|=

No, I think that wherever mucous originates, it is either carrying bacteria with it, or whereever it ends up (mouth) bacteria will be there ready to feast. It's all about the mucous. There must be tons lining the intestinal tract, perhaps there to coat the intestines and protect it from damage. When we eat, the food passes through and the mucous is forced up. For those with with an abundance of mucous in the sinuses, it is not flowing correctly, and results in nasal/oral infection. Digestion and sinus may or may not be linked. I know tonsils and sinus are related, but I'd like to know overall how the 2 might be related. The answer may lie somewhere within.

I don't know for sure, but abundance of mucous seems to be the most apparent symptom for everyone. It must mean something when we produce more mucous than normal. Maybe we should look at that more carefully before worrying about the inevitable bacterial feast. Perhaps all the above tests do not factor in mucous as a real problem.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:52 pm
by Larc400
Yeah, I agree, let's attack the mucous straight-on. But how? I think I will begin by gargle with warm water (maybe mixed with various things) for like 1h every night. I have a very glue-like pnd & saliva, not uncommon around here, I know O:)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:35 am
by Jimi Stein
Interesting post, larc there is some bad stuff in out colons especially if you are a meat eater, check youtube

It must have hurt doing colonoskopy

SO it is good they did not find anything wrong, so we can probably cut that out of possible causes.

I would still focus on liver.

I ust wonder why people are not doing liver flushes here on this forum

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 11:12 am
by Larc400
It hurts as hell when they're going past the sharp bends, but u get laughing gas (nitrous oxide), so it evens out 8) Also, not being a gayer, I'm not used to having stuff stuck up my ass. Still it's 10 times better than Gastroscopy 8).

I did a liver flush a few years back... yeah it felt good afterwards, not sure if the bb was affected. The feeling was similar to after any laxative though. That thing with flushing out liver stones is debated though... or so I've heard... that the 'stones' are really just the olive oil that we drink during the flush that is being compacted... but I don't know... do you do it often?

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:36 pm
by mike987
If I had access to a tiny pc camera with a miniature flashlight, I'd perform a colonoscopy myself.

I'd also shove it into my sinuses and throat.. (cleaning it after every journey of course) .. This could be a very handy item to have ..

I want such a thing.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:59 pm
by baguio
@Larc: Do you think the b12 deficiency has any contributing effect? In general, what effect is it having?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:59 am
by Larc400
baguio wrote:@Larc: Do you think the b12 deficiency has any contributing effect? In general, what effect is it having?
U mean an effect on the bb? I doubt it; my B12 levels are now back to normal after being put on high doses for a few months. No effect on bb...

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:00 pm
by baguio
Larc400 wrote:
baguio wrote:@Larc: Do you think the b12 deficiency has any contributing effect? In general, what effect is it having?
U mean an effect on the bb? I doubt it; my B12 levels are now back to normal after being put on high doses for a few months. No effect on bb...
Ok, thanks. One to cross off the list then.