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How should Jimi Behave - you decide

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How should I behave in the future against Halitomafia

SHould I keep on protect against and instult the Halitomafia?
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SHould I insult Halitomafia
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SHould I give them names and insult them
Should I let them post on our board and take away your golden coins
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SHould I just let them post whatever they want
Should I call Halitomafia and tell them how much I love them :)
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Should I go and kick Halitmafia ass
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SHould I stop insulting halitomafia on this board
Total votes: 4

Jimi Stein
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How should Jimi Behave - you decide

Post by Jimi Stein »

I need to know this, I am tired of being in war with halitomafia. It takes so much of my energy. And the Katz has 100 % money return, so at least we are moving somewhere.

SO please decide how should I behave, this is primarily your site and not mine.

Answer truthfully please.

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Post by Ice »

I think u know the answer.
1.and what does the first one mean?(how are u protecting anyone?) I think people here aren't retarded, to need protection)
2. what do u achive by insulting?
3. no comment.
4. let them post, it isn't like they are waiting in line, to post here. As I said before, we are not retarted! (as an admin. u have access to Ip, etch. just to look after spammers-no need for insulting!)
5. yes. If ure planning on erasing any answer u will not like, why should they bother and post?Maybe something they say might help others not nessesary you and by erasing their post some might never get the answer they were looking for.
6. grow up. But a human aproach would be nice.
8. YES! U and WE can still write on forum, if their products/methods work or not, no need for insulting! Some of us would like to direct doctors and specialists to this site, to show that there are many others suffering from this condition, but they as soon as they see a topic fu**ing dr. XY is ..... I don't think anyone will take us seriously. It just gives an impresion of a teenaged forum with bad attitude problem...
just my opinion....

and again, don't get mad because of my post

Take a bier or two and relax, I'd buy u one, if u were here ;)
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Post by j0n1982 »

I say, stay as you were/are, my good friend.

This is your site anyway, you have all the right to do as you please. I don't fault you, nor can anyone for that. I support you at all cost (except for financial matters at this time).

Thank you for opening your door to me. I think everyone wants to be grateful to you too.

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Post by baguio »

So as to prevent you further sabotaging your own good work, you should have the forums effectively moderated. Decide upon a moderation policy ie. what is acceptable and what is not.
Maybe you should consider farming this out to another member or members?
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

SO far not much posts here. I mean I will act like the most of us want. If you want war we will have wa, if you wnt piece we will have piece.

A lot of people here lifes has collapsed because of bb. Our characters changed 100 %.

I was a beautiful kid, I had at least 100 friends, girsl were kissing me on cheeks I was just getting into puberty. I was outgoing, had not even one fear. Not even one. I was super social

And then it strike me. Suddenly my friends stop going out with me, neighbors reacting strange, did not want to talk to me.

I lost 95 friends of 100. My personality turned around horribly. I became anti socializing. People start to disrespect me.

My family was slowly getting to hate me mor and more. One time I remember my mother was searching for a gun and was telling me to shoot me, another one she was putting a tube into the exhaust of her car so she would commit s*****e in front of my eyes.

I had to deal with her craziness, she really started to hate me, she just picked up a time to scream and fight each week. I wanted to run away on several occasions.

And my father was just the same schmuck. He never defended me, he just observed waht is going on and did nto give a ***k.

Now my mother has mastered her technique how she loves me and all, but it is just BS.

After I got bb she started to hate me really bad, first silently than more and more directly.

She send me to psychologists and none of them wanted to meet me, they said I dont have any problems and that I should visit a regular doctor who will help me cure my bb.

SHe just wanted me to be gone. Her image was not good because of me, she just wanted to hide me probably kill me like she wanted that time.

It is crazy stuff going around me because of bb. Before I was my family pride, the best child, suddenly I was the worst.

I dont even want to speak with her anymore. SHe went overboard with her abuse. And also my father is gone from my life. Just dont want to deal with them andmore.

SO you are asking me why I am attacking halitomafia. because they dont do nothing, they are selling the same products for almots 20 years and nothing is moving.

We are pretty much fucked, and I think there is no illness beside bb that will so strongly make you alone and miserable.

We must have really done something awful in the past life and now we have to pay for it.

We need to solve this problem, there are so many sad stories because of bad berath
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Post by billie »

Last edited by billie on Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by baguio »

I understand that this disorder may have far reaching effects and consequences - maybe for some more than others - but I just think that the forum should be focused on finding a solution.
These other 'side effects' - whilst related - are a totally different subject area.

Do you not think that the whole idea of a 'discussion forum' is that peoples views can be discussed? The power of such a forum is that anyone can respond and make their point. This way, its very difficult for anyone to get away with making false statements. Sooner or later someone will come back and make their point which will discredit whatever was written before.

I think all topics should be open for discussion with the acception of clear and blatant advertising. Moderate out all insulting language/posts - if a forum decends to this level, its defeating the purpose of having a 'discussion' forum in the first place.
To do the above Jimi, you will have to start with yourself! - as you are the worst offender.

Now before you start asking me what i'm doing telling You what to do with Your forum, these are just suggestions. Furthermore, you started this thread (and the issue has come up a few times before) so you have obviously identified that there is a problem.

Personally, I would find it a bit insulting for someone to suggest that I need to be 'protected' by points expressed by others.

So in short, define whats acceptable and not acceptable. If you don't have the temperament to moderate it yourself, give someone else moderation rights to do so.
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Post by baguio »

Jimi wrote:do you really want to see baguio people come here and plug the products, that dont help and that were tested already 10000 times.

-If threads are being duplicated they should be locked/deleted.
-If its 100% clear (and not assumed) that someone is actively selling their wares - and has no constructive input otherwise - then those threads should also be locked.
-It should be forum rules that anyone who has a commercial interest in a product - should disclose exactly that when posting on the forum.
-Anyone suspected of having a commercial interest in the product that they're discussing should be asked if this is the case.

What I don't think is appropriate is dragging things down into the gutter with abusive language. Ironically, being associated with that is more embarrassing than this disorder itself!
This forum is focusing on bad breath and everything that goes with it, sad happy stories and that will not change. This is not a medical forum for doctors, so people can relive their mind, tell their sad story, there is no point in preventing that to appear.
Ok, fair enough. You don't mind people discussing halitophobia then as I'm certain it does exist?
You say this is not a medical forum for doctors - but surely we all would prefer for the forum to be inclusive of these people as well. Lets bear in mind that there is no hard and fast cure for this condition as it stands right now. Is dialogue with these people not a positive thing? - particularly as so many people post their frustration with med. professionals and their treatment when it comes to this disorder.
At least I got some changes, Katz did not have 1'' % return of products, now he has it. And that is a big thing. I know his marketer is spying on this forum so it must e as well the result of our forum that he offers money return.
Well is our mission to help ourselves or is it to prevent the above from running a business. If the latter, you will fail miserably. Don't forget the fact that people in their thousands buy these products out of fear (and only fear) of having bb. Their money - their choice. For those of us with a real problem then, we can make informed choices based on whats discussed here.
Some people are for changes, some are not, so we will see who wins.
Well, its a shame that you put it like that - because last I checked we were all on the same side with a common goal?...or maybe this is just a place to hang out?
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