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meeting people with same issues

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 8:13 pm
by jgill
hi everyone :D . i like this website there is alot of info. i'm kinda of skeptical about alot of other websites trying to sell you something. anyway i'm interested in meeting anyone with similar issues. i live in the US and i am actually very outgoing despite my problem ( i have devised ways of temporarily hiding it.) or sometimes i just don't care. anyway hit me back anyone if your interested in chat or just sharing info,or on how this affects how your doing emotionally. :D

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:52 am
by Jimi Stein
so tell us Jgill what techniques are you using against bad breath. You said you manage to hide it somehow. Please tell us how you do that.

Also you can tell us more about your bad breath, when it started how strong is it, what is helping you etc.

And yes this site will never propagate products that do not work, you have my word. I am a sufferer also and I will not allow this to happen.
Thank you


Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:21 pm
by jgill
Hi Jimi,
i was just reading your reply today, i guess i started noticing a problem about ten years ago. Currently i have tried several different mouthwashes(breathremedy, biotene, breaththerapy, hydrogen pyroxide, listerene) i have also mixed peroxide and baking soda. I have tried salt and warm water as rinse. It is actually hard to tell what is working because i cannot really get any feedback, i mean who am i going to ask to tell me what is working and what is not? that is one the reasons that is so hard to try to fight this problem. there is one way i can tell if something is working, my mouth with feel clean and not dry and i notice alot of saliva flow. What is wierd is that i my mouth can feel fresh and feel like i am doing okay but when i get around other people and in a position to have to talk i stress out and my mouth gets dry which we all know creates a worse situation. So i wonder if the problem has any psychological base to it. that is why i want to chat online with other people so i can see if there are any similarities in our problems. I have also been tounge scraping before i go to sleep and when i wake in the morning. i can tell that the problem is coming from the back of my tounge because if i stick my tounge far out and to the side i can taste and smell the sulfur coming up through my nostrils. Also if stick a plastic spoon toward the back of my throat i can detect an odor from the spoon when i pull it out. I suck because i can tell where it coming from and i clean the area constantly and the smell and taste just come right back. The best thing that works for me when i'm around people is to try not to think about the problem and keep the saliva flowing because when my mouth gets dry people can notice right away. I have to go now but i will be back on the site to talks some more with you jimi. thanks bye.

Finding a solution for halitosis

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:49 pm
by jess
Hi everyone,
I'm a new member on this site. Since I was seventeen years old chronic bad breath (halitosis) has been ruining my life. Since then my life has ended and my nightmare has started. I've done everyting I could to get rid of it, without success. Actually, my condition is better than it was before, but my breath is still offensive to people. It's unbelieveable how this problem could destroy someone's life, but for six years now, it's been destroying mine, getting in the way of everything I've ever wanted to do. Anyway, I'm very glad that I've found this site cause it makes me feel better just knowing that there are some people who understand what I'm going through. I am determined to get rid of this condition and I'm not going to stop searching until I find a solution for it. Thanks

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:02 pm
by Jimi Stein
Welcome Jess to our site. Nice to have you here. I have exactly the same problems as you have. I still hope for a cure. I think the problem is obvious and solution also. I think Dr. Yehuda may be up to something. We just have to hear some testimonies from the patients that had laser surgery.