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Is Bad breath Contagious???

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 2:37 am
by emotional rescue
Hi guys, I´m really worried about this...

I´ve met a girl, very beautifull, i got like a crush about her, she had the best breath ever, she could talk right over my face and i would smeel nothing just air...

I saw it the first time last saturday, then last wednesday and now i just came from her house....

But today, yesterday i sleept in her house with her (the same way the other days) i´m allways soooo nervous about kissing her, cause i´m so worried that she smeells my breath or get a weird taste maybe....

It wasn´t the case, she didn´t show me any sign of reject in all this days that we´ve been together, but today, i started to give her more and more french kisses (with tongue) cause i got 26 years and i can´t spend the whole day giving kisses without tongue for many reasons, but, above all, it looks weird!!!!

So i give it a go....and to the end of the day her breath was pretty bad.....

I feel so bad and worried cause I really like this girl, i know from my own experience that when you give french kisses to someone the other person can get bb for a while,

Could this become something cronich?? I´m very worried cause she has cronic sinusitis and the inside of her nose broken and i don´t know what else, so she almost can´t breath by her nose cause is allways stuffed, and she told me she has rhinitis and allergies......she´s waiting for a surgery to fix all this in a few weeks....

My fear and paranoia is that with my kisses plus her pnd or rhinitis she could get bb......could this happen?? The first two days i saw her nothing happened, but today it did and i´m worried, if i´m gonna get her in this awfull nightmare i prefer not see her anymore.....i don´t want that she gets chronic bb.....

Please, to all the members that have boyfriends/girlfriends or are married......what happen with your couple??? is he/she ok??? did he/she get bb??
Do you give them french kisses???

This is so sad......

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:19 am
by leivsey

Its my first post here although ive been reading post here for a long time,ive seen your post and i feel like i need to share w/ u my ideas of bb being contagious,as for my experience it is.
I had previous bf and i feel like i transfer bb bacteria in them,before i met my bf he has a very fresh breath that even he didnt brush in a day he still smells gud,inspite of my condition he still become passionate in me that we sleep together,i always refuse doing a french kiss w/ him even before i dont know that bb is contagious coz i also seen some post that it isnt contagious,I feel gross doing a french kiss because of this bb but sometimes im carried away by my emotions and response to the kiss he was giving me,we been 2 yrs together and i notice a change in his breath after a year,im so scared that he would also get bb so i let him use therabreath gargle and toothpaste w/ baking soda,but bb bacteria is just strong to kill,it helps but he still gets morning breath that he never used to have before.I feel so guilty about it and i wish i never had just a bf if i would just ruin someones life,unintentionally.He never said anything bad about me and w/ my bb but i know hes aware that i have it untill we broke up because of my own issues,this bb ruins everything about my life and my chance to be loved,every possible hapiness is taken away from me,its really unfair, i had tried any possible cure but it doesnt help,untill now im still experimenting different product offers but still cant find something that would really fix this bb,im at the end of my rope and if i wont be cured i cant live another year of this cursed disease.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:19 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:19 am
by emotional rescue
thanatos wrote:
she´s waiting for a surgery to fix all this in a few weeks....
Then she'll finally smell your breath!

None of the girls I've been with have gotten bad breath because I kissed them. Just like they didn't give me good breath

Are you saying that you'd dump her if she has bad breath?
No, I´m saying that if some people confirms me that bb could be contagious i´ll preffer stop seeying her before she gets chronic bb......for her own personal mind health......

I´ve kissed a lot of girls and some gotted some ocassional bb and some not......In most of the cases it´s hard for me to know the final outcome of eachone cause i usually don´t have long term relationships cause i can´t stand them....i get stressed big time and i usually i allways tought that by kissing someone the bb could be only ocassional, i allways thought that their mouths just aren´t a friendly enviroment for bb bacteria, the oppossite of ours......

But, in this girl´s case, what worries me is that she has this rhinitis and sinuses problems,
I´m afraid that if i introduce her some bb bacteria by kissing her, the bacteria could colonize getting feed from her pnd and mucus.....

My idea is to see her at least one more time, if when i see her she is ok, then it´s not so big deal.....but if when i see her she has some level of bb i will know it is my fault, cause i really know she used to had the best breath ever....

I´ll be praying till then

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 6:34 am
by Archimonde
If i remember correctly, candida can be transfered if the other person has a weak immune system. So why not whatever is causing bad breath?

Emotional Rescue, good job on finding a girl who can't smell you! That's every bb sufferer's dream. Don't let that girl go.

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:41 am
by thanatos

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:11 am
by leivsey
it depends on persons immune system and what type of bb you have but as you said you notice shes having some level of bb then maybe urs is contagious.

My ex used to have fresh breath even he skipped to brush and doesnt have morning breath as he wakes up but after a year of being together i notice having some smell in him,so he really needs to brush regulary to keep his breath fresh.He gets bb when he doesnt brush and i know it was me transfer some bacteria in him that causes his mouth to smell offensive.

We met after 3month we broke up and he still have that fresh breath but i dont know if he still got bb occassionally,or a morning breath coz we only spoke for an hour,i hope he dont.

Right now what bothers me is that im making allergic reaction to other people like sneeze,or coughing and im afraid getting near w/ someone who got astmah or sinusitis coz their symptoms triggers whenever im around.Is their any of you who experience the same thing?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:05 pm
by Archimonde
leivsey wrote:
Right now what bothers me is that im making allergic reaction to other people like sneeze,or coughing and im afraid getting near w/ someone who got astmah or sinusitis coz their symptoms triggers whenever im around.Is their any of you who experience the same thing?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 7:28 pm
by emotional rescue
Archimonde wrote:
Emotional Rescue, good job on finding a girl who can't smell you! That's every bb sufferer's dream. Don't let that girl go.

I didn´t found a girl that don´t smeel me, i just don´t talk straight to her from less than 1,5 meters, and i watch carefully what i eat and drink when i´m with her, and i go to the bathroom to sanitize me often, and i´m nervous all the time....
If i´m insecure about my breath i just don´t talk

That´s allways do the trick, never a girl seemed to smell my bb in a long time, but i know i have it, and sometimes i can smeel mine on hers after kissing....
These girl seems to smell most of the things quite well so i wouldn´t say that she can´t smeel ok because of her sinus problems....

My kind of bb is the most common i think:
Medium bb from mouth, (i don´t think i sooo severe as some other members here) from anaerobic bacteria on the back of the tongue and throat, i got pnd too, no allergies, bad taste like metallic allmost all day, and the palatine tonsils lasered what i should go to make it chequed to know if they are still ok.....

any other opinions on bb to be contagious??? I know that there´s a lot of girl members in couple....what about you???? and how do you manage it???

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:14 am
by daisyk

I've been married for 15 years now and my husband hasn't caught my bb yet. His breath has always been fine. Now lately-past couple months or so-he has had some bb of his own but I know his is due to dental issues. The dentist messed with some bridgework he has in his mouth and he has trouble off and on since then. He has to be careful to clean really well around the bridge. But-his bb is not the same as mine. So, I don't really think you'll give this problem to your friend. There might be some type of bb that can transmit-but I don't think so for the most part. Good luck and try and enjoy yourself.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 3:14 pm
by spygirl
I also have issues about this bb being contagious or not. But I fully agree with the immunity stuff.

My husband of 10 years also has nose that is always stuck and recurring ear problems. I suspect that he just couldn't smell me most of the time or he just does not have that strong sense of smell. We do all forms of marital stuff. In the first 2 years of this bb nightmare, his breath was always fresh. Lately I notice that he would sometimes come home from the office with slight bb. But it's not permanent. After eating or brushing, he has angel's breath again. BTW, my hubby is a total health buff. He runs 5 times a week and his diet is 90% fruits, veggies and fish.

My biggest fear and paranoia lies on my older daughter. You know kids, they naturally have fresh breath and my daughter has no problem with tooth decay. When she was younger, sometimes I would feed her food from my mouth and her breath stays fresh. We sometimes share drinks too. One time, she has runny nose for 2 weeks and the doctor says she has allergy. Lately, she has been having this lingering awful breath. It breaks my heart when she does not touch her lunch food during recess with the excuse that she's been busy in the library (and believe me she's not the library kind of gal). I suspect that other kids could have been telling her things about her breath. But I notice one thing, her breath returns to normal when she takes her vitamin supplement.

On the other hand, Thanatos is right. If bb is contagious, why is fresh breath not? Thus I am on the fence in this one but I am sure that immunity plays a huge role here.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 4:15 pm
by Archimonde
spygirl wrote:her breath returns to normal when she takes her vitamin supplement.
What supplement is that, multi-vitamin such as Centrum?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 8:46 pm
by sweets07
some thoughts:

1. some people are susceptible to bb and others are not. therefore, some people "catch" bb and some are incapable of "catching" bb. ex- after my tonsilectomy i was cured but then i "caught" bb again from sharing my best friend's chapstick.

2. bb bacteria are more aggressive and mutate faster than probiotic bacteria. unfortunately bb products only promote this process. (think of how your breath was a lot better before you started trying to treat it with zinc and chlorine dioxide products.)

3. bb isn't common because it is most like the result of genetic defects. so it may be fair to conclude that those who have bb probably don't end up having kids; therefore, the bad genes aren't passed along.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:07 pm
by sweets07
spygirl wrote:IOne time, she has runny nose for 2 weeks and the doctor says she has allergy. Lately, she has been having this lingering awful breath.
i'm pretty sure that bb bacteria cause pnd. when i started on the k12 my pnd was reduced from 100-90% and this is all despite having allergies.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:44 am
by spygirl
Archimonde wrote:
spygirl wrote:her breath returns to normal when she takes her vitamin supplement.
What supplement is that, multi-vitamin such as Centrum?
She's 8 and she takes Centrum multivit for kids.