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I wanna do what most ppl with bad breath want to do

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I wanna do what most ppl with bad breath want to do

Post by KP2008 »

So today was a downright crappy day..I had a presentation to do and I was feeling the torture even before I made my way up to the front of the class. I swear my bad breath is copious and extremlely volatile or something b/c it has a way of reaching halfway across the room in full strength. The people 2 seats away could smell it and kept holding their darn nose which drove me crazy. I started getting anxious to the point that I wanted to kill myself. I don't understand why this had to happen to me. I'm good looking, intelligent but bad breath has taken over my life. I no longer have a personality b/c I'm, afraid to even open my mouth and not so much b/c i don't want to torture people, but b/c I don't want to be tortured by the disgust on their face. I have truly been traumatized by this whole experience.......... i no longer know what to do with my life. I no longer know what career to pursue.... everything requires communication and my people skills stink as much, if not even more than my bad breath. I yearn for the day that i'll be normal and able to enjoy life as I picture it in my head. Sometimes I feel like I have only one choice.... I just can't take this anymore.. i've missed out on so many opportunities, i have no friends, I walk around with a miserable face. One can see and feel the pain and anguish i'm feeling. My face speaks volumes about how I feel inside empty, insignificant, hopeless, lonely...My daily life consists of going to school or work, dealing with people's reactions and irritating comments, then coming home to cry about it. If it hurts enough I drink until I fall asleep. This is no life for a 21 yr old....I should be enjoying my college experience. It all just seems like a bad dream and everyday i wake up knowing that today will not be the day it ends. What to do?

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Post by Eric »

I share your pain; we all do. I am 21 years old as well, quickly losing my social life to paranoia and self-imposed isolation. I think our only hope is finding strength from within ourselves to pursue happiness and self actualization. I used to want to be a journalist before this BB, now I'm looking to pursue something where I don't have to be face-to-face with people. I used to get by on good looks and charm, not so anymore. 99% of people are going instantly judge us and hold it against us. But there are a very few who you will meet who are willing to accept you anyway. You can not give up looking! I think the healthiest thing we can do is pick up a hobby that requires perseverance and solitude, like reading, writing, learning an instrument, how to program a computer, etc... I dream of the day this is cured, but at the same time I realize there may not be a cure and I'm going to have to face this reality every morning. I think of s*****e on a daily basis, but then I also remind myself of the beauty in the world and my own ability to affect positive change. I am not at all religious, but I think there is some reason in the overall order of things why we have this burden to bare.
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Post by thanatos »

I'm 31 and I had a bad day yesterday as well & all day I just thought about s*****e.

When I was younger, I would not have the courage to go up to women and talk to them. And I didn't even realize that I had bad breath.

Now, I actually try to talk to them, but as I start to, my breath fears becomes so paralyzing that I just cut the talk very short and walk away.

I'm so sick of just speaking softly to people, but I DO NOT want them to smell my breath. I'm not the kind of guy to say "screw it!" and just blast everyone with my stench.

I used to say that by the time I'm 40 and I'm not cured, I'll kill myself. ut now as I look back and see my life over the past 10 years and how I have not moved a ****ing inch because of this curse, I don't see why I should expect my life to change 10 years from now.

I'm getting closer and closer to s*****e. In death I can find a form of peace.

Why am I chasing the dreams of people who don't have a disease that gets in the way of the only true happiness human can find on this planet: relationships.

We are social beings so why the hell do we have the disease that kills most hope for being social?
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Post by Busted »

I'm also have absolutely no life at all, no friends, nothin. Their disgust on their faces make me go crazy too. Everythin u described I feel the same way about it. :(
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