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Does a bad taste equal bad breath?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Joined: Sat May 03, 2008 7:10 am

Does a bad taste equal bad breath?

Post by daveparker »

I did get my wisdom teeth removed a week ago for those of you looking for a quick update on that, the taste in my mouth has gotten better quite a bit, but hasn't completely gone away, although i was hoping for a quick fix, sad to say it hasn't cured me or not yet since I'm still healing....I was wondering if bad taste equaled bad breath, i mean could it be that i have a bad taste but not bad breath or does it go hand in hand with each other?

I'm going to ask one of my brothers friends since i don't have any of my own who's been quite blunt with me b4 about my bad breath, and see what he says, I'll update when i see him, no1 in my family admits that i have it or they might just not notice it.

If i still do, i don't know what I'll do, i completely hate myself and the situation that I'm in, I'm not optimistic about my future, and if this problem doesn't go away, I'm sad to admit that suicidal thoughts and methods are always in my mind, and i just might end it. I know I can't go on much longer fearing social situations, having anxiety attacks, and being isolated, i mean i haven't had a friend for nearly 5 years. I just can't take that anymore.

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Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:30 pm

Post by halihope »

two weeks is not enough time so be patient. My son did have a bad taste for a while when his wisdom teeth where pulled out and it took about 3 to 31/2 weeks for his breath to be acceptable. If you are touching those sections with tongue, stop and leave them alone and don't eat anything that might poke them.
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Post by austuser »

taste is usually the first sign people have that their breath is bad. The tastes that are usually associated with the presence of volatile sulfur compounds are sour, bitter, and metallic.

your taste should be neutral
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Joined: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:30 pm

Post by halihope »

ABOUT BAD TASTE/BB I know people who complain of bitter taste due to medications, especially for high blood pressure and do not have bb. When I was on dialysis I did have the metallic taste and bb but other people there had this same taste and no bb!! My son did complain of bad taste and as his gums healed his taste became neutral. Be patient and wait a little longer and ask your brother's friend about your breath and be glad he is honest and that you can use him as a halimeter.
Your family is most likely telling you their truth cause my hubby and children say I don't have bb and I never see them reacting and to be honest I wish that one of my children would smell my bb so that I could know if anything I am trying is working.
Posts: 110
Joined: Sat May 03, 2008 7:10 am

Post by daveparker »

okay halihope, i'll wait a couple more weeks to see if i get cured, im not optimistic at all tho, i might just be destined to live a miserable life. No friends, no relationships, no happiness.
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