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Has anyone tried BreathAlert to detect their breath?

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
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Has anyone tried BreathAlert to detect their breath?

Post by BBHalit »

It's a device that cost around $30, but sold mainly via UK stores. Looks like a good investment for the money but I don't know how effective is it compared to the $1800 halimeter. Guess I'll be the first to try.

Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

yes tell us

i guess it is a gadget 8-[
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Post by oceanside »

For god sake, save your money fellas! We keep on spending soo much money on all kinds of experimentations, remedies, mouthwashes, chlorophyll, netti pot, on and on.

We know our breath stinks. It's pointless to take a reading every ten minutes to make sure the odor is still there.

I read a few years back someone bought one and the reading was a "1", no odor, than she had a conversation with someone and that person's reaction broke her heart. It's worthless to spend your hard earn money in supporting someone who just want to make a buck off our desperation and misery.

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Post by BBHalit »

oceanside wrote:For god sake, save your money fellas! We keep on spending soo much money on all kinds of experimentations, remedies, mouthwashes, chlorophyll, netti pot, on and on.

We know our breath stinks. It's pointless to take a reading every ten minutes to make sure the odor is still there.

I read a few years back someone bought one and the reading was a "1", no odor, than she had a conversation with someone and that person's reaction broke her heart. It's worthless to spend your hard earn money in supporting someone who just want to make a buck off our desperation and misery.

I don't think I agree with you on using a breath detection device as pointless. You want to find a cure don't you? How do you know if it works or partially works by improving your condition if you don't have someway to test it? Human's noses can be too subjective for this. Up until last month or so my problem only seems to occur when I'm in school or at home and study hard in my room. When I"m outside, not so much unless I just ate something like garlic or onion. Now I need to find a way to get back to at least to the level I was before and do only way to do that is to measure my improvement with this device. Now in your case where you had your friend with a low reading, did they use the same device as I mentioned? If so what was her oral condition like? Because there may be a third variable in this case. If you're in a good condition when you're by yourself then the reading may have been low, but then later when you're all nervous when talking to someone, your mouth may have dried up and bad breath occurs. Also the device may only read the VSC level and BB can be a result of other sources as well.
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Post by oceanside »

you're absolutely right. i am sorry for making that statement. i was more frustrated at so many devices out there, but no cure to help us. yes, it's very important for us to have peace of mind for our own sake, and therefore, the breath detector is worth money spending. as far as i am concern, no money too much spent if it's for my health and well being. give it a try and let us know how it works for you. i know one thing, i tend to be my worse enemy in judging my bb. maybe it's not as offensive to others as it is to me and therefore i am always paranoid and depressed over inability to rid the odor. after all, we are here to think outside of the box. everyone's quest for a cure, alleviation, or peace of mind is important and should not be criticized, rediculed or put down. thanks for confronting me and putting me backwhere i belong.

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Post by BBHalit »

It's ok John, I know having this condition is the worst non-fatal illness you can have. The horrible impression you get from other people lower your self-esteem and thinking about it make you more depressed. Been there.
You do raise an important point though. If you have a detection device, you should make sure that it works first. How do you do this? Simple, first use it on yourself to see if the reading is positive. Since you know you have BB and if the reading indicate so then yes it works. As a second step, you can take someone you know who don't have BB, then test them for BB. If the result is negative then yeah the machine without a doubt work. The idea here is always take things with a grain of salt and not totally rely on machines or human.
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Post by oceanside »

i thought about buying the thing several months back during my internet quest for a cure. if the device works, as you stated by testing on a friend w/o bb than on yourself to see the result, and when the reading comes out and the number isn't too bad that would greatly help ease our state of paranoid. so, it's benefiical to have a device just for peace of mind.

goosh i wish there was a cure for us, and we didn't have to live in such a state of deprivity. sometimes when i am really depressed i think to myself that if i was suddently struck w cancer, it wldn't be too bad. i wld suffer in great pain for several months, say goodbye to loved ones, bring closure to my life and die in peace as oppose to having to live my life in a slow miserable death w bb.

i know a death wish isn't the answer, but sometimes i flirt with that thought b/c i feel so hopeless/helpless.

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Post by BBHalit »

oceanside wrote: goosh i wish there was a cure for us, and we didn't have to live in such a state of deprivity. sometimes when i am really depressed i think to myself that if i was suddently struck w cancer, it wldn't be too bad. i wld suffer in great pain for several months, say goodbye to loved ones, bring closure to my life and die in peace as oppose to having to live my life in a slow miserable death w bb.

i know a death wish isn't the answer, but sometimes i flirt with that thought b/c i feel so hopeless/helpless.

Exactly my thought there. If you had cancer people will feel sorry for you but they don't treat you like garbage. I feel like all my good traits are completely suppressed by this one flaw. One thing I do find interesting is that when I do have some halitosis and am around people who are not so breath-conscious, they don't seem to notice. But when my problem got bad and a few start to notice and start tell others, that's all they can think of when they see me. So beside the physical factors, it seems there's a big psychological one too. You're worried that you have BB and you get anxiety which in turns worsen the problem and cause others to notice it. Others who may have noticed it when it's really bad now keep on checking you for BB and just simply by looking at you in a certain way lower your self-esteem and makes the problem even worse. Somehow, I just got to get out of this cycle and get back into my good lifestyle when I shall not have to worry about this.
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Post by oceanside »'s hard to deal with this problem. i just came back from my 2nd appintment w the ENT. he was honest in telling me that there's not much he can do to help w the bb. he gave me saligen for saliva, helps to increase in mouth, and an anti fungal, anti bacteria mouthwash. if any of the two works, which he also said unlikely, than come back and he'll be more than happy to give me a regular prescription. the visit was discouraging to say the least.

i just don't know how to deal w this problem anymore.

i am also trying out several new intervention using Smileguy' Freshe Mouth spray. it just came in the mail. Yes, smileguy is a lier, but i just gotta give the fresh mouth a try so i at leass say that i've tried it.

i m very discouraged. spent $70 today on meds and dr. appiontment. will spend another $80 tomorrow for DDS, pretty much all related to the bb in my search for a cure/answers.

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Post by yogs »

I too had an ENT appointment today. He seemed to me like a nice experienced guy and was giving me his honest answers (unlike others I had visited who lied on face).He was very honest abt my problem and said that he didnt see any crypts or anything. He said everything looked fine to him. After me stressing abt my sore throat issures in past and laser treatment he said it is possible that my tonsil could be the reason for the smell but he stressed that he wouldnt guarantee if it will go if I remove it. He said that he cud do a surgical procedure to remove my tonsils and said thats its my decision whether I want to get it done. He said that he had many patients in past who did come with same issue and opted for tonsil removal. He didnt say that all where sucessful but said that no one came back complaining abt it either. He said that tonsils is like a dead tissue with no use and will not harm me if i remove it. I told him abt me having tonsil stones every morning and his explaination was that tonsils crypts produce these stones and they are really odorous(I couldnt smell mine but cannt smell my breath either).He said tonsils after being removed are sent tp laboratory to find out if I had chronic tonsillitis which is also a way too find out whether something is wrong with tonsils after removal. I am not sure yet wat to do as removing wud require me be at home for alteast 2 weeks(i may be on some drugs) which I cant do coz of work atleast right now. I am thinking to visit the newyork laser treatment guy for consultation only abt my tonsils. Its $250 for that but maybe thats worth it.

Post by BronxJazzy »

Yogs I just wanted to say that I found your post very helpful. I have an ENT apt on Nov 1st and now I can't wait until my apt. I was wondering do you have a huge hole at the top of each of your tonsils? Have you tried to take the stone in yur hand and smell it or some squish it but i don't need to the smell is strong enough without having to squish. So it seems from listening to different peoples experiences with their ENT's they usually dont have much of a problem removing tonsils. Also from listening to you and oceansides experience with the ENT would it be safe to say that getting an older and more experienced ENT is better than a young one?
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Post by yogs »

Skilled and Experienced ENT is definitely better. He might have had some patients in the past with same issue for him to relate to us rather than a novice who would probably have no idea. I dont have big holes in my tonsils. I get tonsils stones mostly first thing in the morning only and cant smell anything of it. I have smaller tonsils than avg thats what doc said. After my meeting with ENT and he telling me that tonsils looked fine I started to pay more attention to my tongue. I have been cleaning it after meals. I have notice that I always had some food particles stuck at the back of my tongue and my tongue scraping got rid of it. It is also helping eliminate the weird taste I always felt after eating. I feel my bb is slightly better( its too early to say) but i still get reactions. I think I am gonna concentrate on my tongue for few weeks and see. As for u, if u think ur Tonsils are problem ask the doctor for thorough examination. I am going to keep trying scraping as well as tonsils cleaning to see if it helps. Tonsils removal is also something I thinking abt as the doc said It would be covered by insurance.

Post by BronxJazzy »

Luckily the doctor I ended up making an apt with is very experienced. He's been working as an ENT for over 15 yrs. Yeah I def am going to get the exam that's the main reason why I'm going to the ENT. Anyone who's been to the ENT I was wondering what do they do at the exam?
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Post by BBHalit »

I have a hard time looking at the back of my mouth to check for problems. All I can see is my tongue uvula. I can't even find my tonsils. I checked out a diagram of the anatomy of the mouth, but can't locate the tonsils in mouth. Any suggestions?

Post by BronxJazzy »

My tonsils are big enough that it doesnt take much for me to see them but sometimes it helps to use a flashlight. If that doesn't help then you can also try to stick your tongue out as far as possible and say ahh, or and this one is hard to explain hold your breath and push out with your throat at the same time. It will make your throat kinda push forward and you will get a good view of your tonsils thats what I do when I clean them. And just to make sure that you're looking in the right area they are behind your tongue on either sides of you throat. They look like kidney beans or at least mine do. As you get older they are suppose to shrink the ones that don't shrink are usually the ones that have problems.
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