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Pnd breakthrough

Do you have any quesions about bad breath?
Posts: 31
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:29 pm

Pnd breakthrough

Post by Crepusculo »

Well maybe not so much as a breakthrough, just something I "discovered". I dont know about you, but when i go to bed it really gets to my nerves that constant feeling like i have something in the back of my throat which i cant get out no matter how hard i cough. So one desperate night i just put my mouth against the pillow and coughed and noticed that by doing this, those really sticky parts just started coming out. It is kind of nasty, but hey, it gets the job done. And i said pillow but you obviously can use other things, like a towel or something, as long as there is something there against your mouth. Well after a couple of times doing this, that feeling was gone and i slept much better. I'd say it removed like 95% of my pnd before i slept. I think my breath is actually much better today, i just got a problem of dryness due to allergy medicine, which hopefully i'll get fixed once i stop taking it. Hope this helps some of you, at least.

A question i'd like to make, any of you tried Hydrogen peroxide to remove bacteria from the tongue/throat? I've read several times about this and it does make sense due to the oxygen, but i haven't tried it yet. This is what I read:


After you have scraped your tongue, the second step in the treatment of fetor oris is to disrupt the actual volatile sulfur compounds as well as the anaerobic bacteria that remain after scraping. This is easily accomplished by gargling or vigorously brushing the tongue with a 1.5 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide (available in any drug store). Hydrogen peroxide liberates oxygen. That is why it bubbles up when it comes into contact with bacteria or blood. The hydrogen peroxide you buy at the store is a 3 percent solution. It is generally wise to dilute the peroxide solution half and half with water in order to gargle with it, however you may prefer to apply 3% hydrogen peroxide directly to the tongue using a tooth brush. Vigorous brushing with hydrogen peroxide will help to further remove the bacterial layer while at the same time oxygenating the area. Use copious amounts of peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide solution accomplishes two simultaneous operations:

The oxygen liberated by the hydrogen peroxide combines with the VSC's thus neutralizing them and effectively removing the chemical compounds immediately responsible for the bad breath.

The oxygen liberated by the hydrogen peroxide kills the anaerobic bacteria responsible for producing the VSC's.

Hydrogen peroxide is cheap and very effective in both neutralizing VSC's, and in killing anaerobic bacteria, but it tastes terrible, which is why you may want to rinse your mouth afterwards with a commercial mouthwash, or use Peridex®, which is available by prescription, instead of peroxide. Listerine (the original type) is also effective in killing the anaerobes and neutralizing VSC's. Another alternative is to use one of the commercial products you may see advertised in the Google ads on this page instead of hydrogen peroxide.