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Electric Tooth Brush

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:41 am
by AW
I bought a Oral-B Cross Action Electric Tooth brush with a soft head. I apply it to my tonsils twice daily and I feel outstanding after using it. Of course the bad breath is still there but my mouth feels more cleaner. Also (sing I have my tonsils still) I cough up all of those nasty stones after scrubbing with the brush. I also brush the roof of the back onf my throat and the tongue. Also apply some anti-bacterial soap on the brush head and wash it to leave a little on and then brush your mouth with the peroxide and paste. It's a fantastic feeling. Also it lasts quite a long time. Mine lasted for about an hour until the bad breath came back.

This is based on Jimi's news post about using the electric tooth brush to clean certain areas.

On a side note, I am glad to see this website is really coming a long. There are many new registered members. Aside from what I've seen when I first came here, this site grew exponentially. Great work people.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:57 am
by jess
I'm glad that you've found a way to alleviate your bb aw. I, too, have been feeling much better this past few weeks. I don't have that heavy fecal taste in my mouth/ back of my throat anymore even when I wake up in the morning. I don't get reactions from people anymore, unless I talk really close to their face, and they are much more friendlier to me. As you all might know already, I've been doing a lot of things theses past months and I believe it's because of them. I will tell you all my dailly routine, but I just want to see if the result last a little longer to make sure I don't mislead anybody.

I believe we all can get rid of this problem, it's just a matter of getting to the bottom of it. Therefore I want to remind everyone again who haven't done so to please sign the petition. It's really important that everyone do their part so people can take us seriously.

Also, I've been searching and writing to other bad breath forums telling them about our project, so please people do the same so we can have more numbers.

Be strong and courage everyone. One day this problem will be behind us and it will be just a memory.

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:58 pm
by Jimi Stein
Jess can you write under your section if I create one. I would really want to know your procedure against bad breath. CAn you do it? I will create Jess Diary if you want.

And maybe your bad breath is still not so offensive that people would caugh and that it would fil the room because you are still young. Mine i s stronger and it can fill the room probably.

I have also have the only tooth that was giving me trouble fixed with new root canal so the inffection is kind of gone and I though how my breath is going to be better but it was not at all.