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Do I have the strongest BB on this board

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
Jimi Stein
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Do I have the strongest BB on this board

Post by Jimi Stein »

I mean it has increased so much!!!

People are sometimes spraying perfume, it just heppened yesterday when I was in hotel some fucker sprayed near where I was.

I get so much reactions, from almost everybody.

Sometimes i just think fucki it and open mouth all the time, I mean they dont like me eitherway, so why not to torture them, but if i do that i get so distressed from others.

I havent had a gfr for so long, i try everything but usually people think I am some kind of freak, i really think to stuff my nose and have my mouth opened all the time.

I am also in the point where I am afraid they will boot me out of some places.

My life quality has never been so low, I am just getting from day to day basically. ***k this shit. I think I have to go back to raw again. But I am afraid I will fail again

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Post by FBseeker »

Hello Jimi,

I think your BB comes from your stomach. If you have BB immediately after brushing and have been cleared by an ENT for nose or throat infections then you should definitely get your stomach checked.

I have gastritis which I was told was caused by painkillers and was given acid blockers. This helped improve my BB. I also discovered that I have H Pylori and I will be starting treatment tomorrow. I also realized that whenever I take the acid blocker I can also take probiotics as they have a better chance of bypassing my stomach acids and colonizing in my gut. I feel this has helped my tongue a lot. It's less furry and more smooth and pink and food does not stick to it as much. BB is a whole lot better now. I would say a 50% reduction. Before the acid blockers, whenever I took probiotics I used to get weird BB. But now they seem to be colonizing better in my gut and probably other regions too, like the mouth.

You mentioned having reflux. You also suffer so much emotionally with BB and have a lot of anger which increases acid production making your BB worse. I would recommend getting to a doctor ASAP and checking out your stomach. I have been in this hell for 20 years and I can't believe no doctor could diagnose this. It's not normal to have BB. It's a reflection that something is wrong somewhere.

Also, gastritis can give confusing symptoms like lump in the throat or odor through the nose etc. So get your stomach checked. Insist on a breath test if the blood test for H pylori comes back negative and insist on a blood test if the breath test is negative. At any rate, treat your reflux and you will notice great relief. Also, ask the doctor for soluble acid blockers because these contain sodium bicarbonate and there is some evidence that sodium bicarbonate helps acid blockers work even better.

I will keep you posted on my treatment. Good luck and let's continue to help each other out.
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Post by FBseeker »

Also, those the notice relief from taking bismuth compounds like pepto bismol should definitely check for H pylori as there is strong evidence that bismuth inhibits the activity of H pylori.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

No I don't want to go to the stomach check again, I was 2 times years ago and they say I had too much aci but not a lot.

I really am clueless. It could be anything, tongue, throat , sinuses, intestines, blood.......................

BB is becoming so strong. I hope someday they will not put me in prison or kill me to remove me frem society.

O god why do we have to suffer like that. Is this really inavoidable!!!!!!

I am like a hermit, if I just open my mouth a little people already make noises, act agressive, I dont have any friends, all have dissapeared. Is this so ****ing funny for somebody upstairs.

I don't get it. I lost 17 most important years because of this disease.

17 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Bloorain »

I have those same kinda reactions - people at work when they see me coming they do a quick turn around the corner, if I happen to be in the little kitchen, they scatter.

Same thing, same hell. And this doctor I saw today told me my case was pretty severe so I would be you you do not have the strongest bb on this board..
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Post by jc »

You`re not alone, Jimi. I once stunk up the university auditorium with my nose odor. The next day I dropped out. Fortunately it turned out well for me, financially at least. My social life is f**ked up & I used to think of ending my life everyday. There are a few women who showed interest with me & I think they`re immune to my smell but let`s face it.How can I have a successful relationship with this curse.I can`t even stay in public places without getting reactions but lately I`ve been getting some relief. I don`t want to think yet that I will be cured completely so I won`t get devastated if it doesn`t happen but there`s probably some hope still left for all of us so just hang in there.
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Post by ithurts »

Sorry to hear about your situation. Sometimes I feel like I want to pack up, go to another country like Tibet, somewhere secluded, and spend the rest of my life in a temple.
Are you saying that If you eat raw food, it helps your BB?
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Post by FBseeker »

Hello Jimi,

You said you checked your stomach some years ago. I think it's time for another check up, especially since you said you get relief from sleeping upright and that your BB has been getting worse lately. Those were my symptoms exactly. BB due to gastritis can be horrific and can give you unrelated symptoms like sore throat, lump in throat, very dry mouth, furry tongue, BB soon after brushing, thick saliva etc. Get that stomach fixed before your stomach valve becomes too weak to hold back the acid and your BB gets worse. Good luck buddy. Don't give up! You have done so much for us with these boards! You can do this too.The reason I take so much interest in your case is because it seems similar to mine. Will keep everyone posted on my results.
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Post by hello »

[quote="FBseeker"]Hello Jimi,

Before the acid blockers, whenever I took probiotics I used to get weird BB.


That is an interesting comment...i also got weird taste in my mouth when i was taking probiotics yogurt, so i stopped.
now i have been takign acidophilus pills for few days...but im also eatign alot of yogurt which has bacterial culture in it...and i felt tht weird taste again gonna stop with the yogurt and continue to the phills to see if tht taste goes away..oh and yea my tongue seems to be less furry now....
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Post by iva »

FBseeker wrote: BB due to gastritis can be horrific and can give you unrelated symptoms like sore throat, lump in throat, very dry mouth, furry tongue, BB soon after brushing, thick saliva etc. Get that stomach fixed.

I am pretty sure my BB is caused by gastritis and reflux and I do have all these symptoms. What is your idea for "getting that stomach fixed", since you sound like s.o. who knows what he is talking about
thank you
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Post by elliott »

I have the same symptoms that you are suggesting as well, and I have always believed that the source is the stomach. It starts at the stomach and manifest itself all over digestive, esophagal, and sinus areas.

Are you suggesting Hiatal Hernia, and having the lower intestine that connects the stomach valve tied upon itself to keep the acid in the stomach?

I am afraid that it's inevitable that I will have cancer in the throat or valve area if years go by and acid is constantly allowed up my intestines and esophagus.

I think that the process of tying the intestine around like that does not seem safe at all, but it would make sense if that worked.
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Post by FBseeker »

iva wrote: I am pretty sure my BB is caused by gastritis and reflux and I do have all these symptoms. What is your idea for "getting that stomach fixed", since you sound like s.o. who knows what he is talking about
thank you
Hello Iva,

Who or what is s.o? What I meant by getting your stomach fixed is a visit to your doctor to rule out all the stomach conditions I wrote about in my previous posts and get treated if you have a stomach condition such as gastritis.

I just got back from my doctor's appointment. Apparently I don't have h pylori but had an infection in the past. They refused to treat me for it regardless, darn it! Apparently they only treat H Pylori it if there is an active infection. They prescribed the purple pill Nexium. I am gonna continue with my probiotic course. Why not make use of the low stomach acid to get some beneficial bacteria into my gut?

No, I don't mean surgery. I mean getting treated for GERD, gastritis or any stomach condition you might have as it is not going to get better on it's own and your BB is just going to get worse like Jimi and I have experienced.

My doctor now suspects I might have a hiatal hernia and has ordered an endoscopy a few weeks from now. Yeah, cancer is a real worry aside from the everyday sorrow and aggravation of BB. But the 50% reduction in all my BB related symptoms I have experienced in the last one week has been worth the trouble of taking acid blockers+potent probiotics. I think it took a while for the good bacteria to colonize and looks like the process has started now. Hopefully this will continue to help heal my body.

Will keep you all posted.
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Post by hello »

but how do you get checked for do i juss go to a doc and say do i have gatritis.
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Post by fedenon »

if you have gas, maybe is a esophageal reflux. What about the habits of food. I dont know speak and write english but if you search about the esophageal reflux (in intermet), maybe this is the problem. Maybe you dont have anymore the Helicob pilory but the esophageal reflux is day to day. Bye.
If you have saliva viscose is a sympton. Bcz the body try to avoid the acid with a saliva viscose and ph alcaline.
Well, bye.
i dont speak english...
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Post by FBseeker »

hello wrote:but how do you get checked for do i juss go to a doc and say do i have gatritis.
Only if you have the symptoms described in my previous posts. Otherwise there is a good chance that your BB is due to something else.
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