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Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:06 pm
by Snobuni
I'm starting to think that PND could be a major contributer to my bb. In the past, I never really considered it to be a possibility, but now I'm noticing things that I've never really thought about before cos I've lived with it so long and they seem to add up, (slightly stuffed up nose and swallowing mucous, especially when I lie down).

How do you deal with PND? Is there anything that can dry it up? I've tried nasal irrigation before and it seemed to worsen my symptoms and gave me nasal bb. I avoid foods that make it worse like dairy, wheat, etc.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 5:18 pm
by halitosisux
hi Snobuni,

please take a look at my posting "wisdom" teeth as i've replied to some of your questions there regarding sinuses/PND.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:11 pm
by prey
This is interesting.

Maybe you are allergic to some type of food?
If you eat or drink dairy does you pnd become thicker?
If it does you might consider that your mucus comes from the stomach.
I think that this is my problem,because my doctor didnt find anything wrong with my sinuses and still the mucus is coming thick.
I m considering to eat healthier food to se if something changes,because i eat alot of meat like sandwiches,pizza.

Prey 8)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:09 am
by azishazi
I do not have any bb symtoms but doctors have told me that my nasal passages close to my throat are inflamed, irritated , swollen.

but i breath practically fine. And have no sinus problem.

After taking probiotics, i do feel i have thinner saliva.

By the way, how would i know if wisdom teeth is the cure?

One of my symptom is that a lot of sticky saliva acculimilates at the roof of my gums, strains of them.

It seems like mornings are worst for me but that might be because its just quieter at night and you do not have to encounter a whole lot.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 2:19 am
by dreamweaver
For some, maybe many people, PND can be caused by intolerance to certain foods, especially gluten, which is a protein found in grains (wheat, rye, barley, etc).

Try staying away from ALL grains for a week and see what happens. This will be difficult, but it might be worth it. I have stayed away from gluten-containing foods for about a week and do notice a difference in PND and the white coating on my tongue has decreased as well.

Drink plenty of water as well.

Good luck.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:02 am
by Snobuni
Hey Prey and Dreamweaver,

Interesting link, I know certain foods increase mucous, if I have dairy I get a very stuffed up nose and I almost choke on the phlegm in the morning. It definately effects my bowels too, cos when I go the loo it's covered in mucous which can't be normal!!

I'm on a strict anti-candida diet at the mo, so no dairy, grain ('cept brown rice), sugar, fish, etc. I don't have as much mucous especially in my throat. No improvement in my bb yet, it's only been a week though.

Thanks again for the advice. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:11 am
by 04paynem
Get to an allergist right away. Tell him you want to be tested for what you are allergic to, the PND is being caused by something, they will find what it is. Tell him you have tried taking every medication that you could find, clariton, nasonex, etc. Tell him you have been using them for years with little effect.

Say you were hoping to start allergy shots. Within 2 weeks things should start to clear up.

This is exactly what i did a couple months back, PND has vanished. BTW, i also have a deviated septum, so my PND was really, really bad, and allergies was not the single cause of the PND. So if....this should be a good option for anyone, especially for those with just normal allergies causing it.

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:36 am
by Archimonde
04paynem wrote:Get to an allergist right away. Tell him you want to be tested for what you are allergic to, the PND is being caused by something, they will find what it is. Tell him you have tried taking every medication that you could find, clariton, nasonex, etc. Tell him you have been using them for years with little effect.

Say you were hoping to start allergy shots. Within 2 weeks things should start to clear up.

This is exactly what i did a couple months back, PND has vanished. BTW, i also have a deviated septum, so my PND was really, really bad, and allergies was not the single cause of the PND. So if....this should be a good option for anyone, especially for those with just normal allergies causing it.
Very interesting! Has anyone else gotten allergy shots?

04paynem, what exactly are you allergic to?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:41 am
by azishazi
dreamweaver wrote:For some, maybe many people, PND can be caused by intolerance to certain foods, especially gluten, which is a protein found in grains (wheat, rye, barley, etc).

Try staying away from ALL grains for a week and see what happens. This will be difficult, but it might be worth it. I have stayed away from gluten-containing foods for about a week and do notice a difference in PND and the white coating on my tongue has decreased as well.

Drink plenty of water as well.

Good luck.

Is rice considered to be grains aswell?

I always thought rice that rice was grains too. Plus rice has starch in it.

Is it okay to eat rice?

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 5:59 am
by 04paynem
Archimonde wrote:
04paynem wrote:Get to an allergist right away. Tell him you want to be tested for what you are allergic to, the PND is being caused by something, they will find what it is. Tell him you have tried taking every medication that you could find, clariton, nasonex, etc. Tell him you have been using them for years with little effect.

Say you were hoping to start allergy shots. Within 2 weeks things should start to clear up.

This is exactly what i did a couple months back, PND has vanished. BTW, i also have a deviated septum, so my PND was really, really bad, and allergies was not the single cause of the PND. So if....this should be a good option for anyone, especially for those with just normal allergies causing it.
Very interesting! Has anyone else gotten allergy shots?

04paynem, what exactly are you allergic to?
lets see, cats and dust were REALLY bad on the test they gave. Grass, like 20 kinds of trees, dogs, pollen, were all showing up on the test. There were others but they had names i had never heard of, i assume they were types of plants.

Even without interacting with cats and having a very clean home, my PND was really bad, which shows how much the other things which you are barely allergic to can affect your PND.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:32 am
by asd
sorry to be vague, But a recent headline was about an anti allergy inhaler. Which will stop all allergies. Becoming available sometime next year. I will find the article later when I have more time.

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 7:23 am
by halihope
04paynem You said your test showed you are allergic to cats and such but did you knew this already? Did you had symptoms before the allergy test?

In my ct scan it showed no sinus but it did showed left nostril a bit closed. When I eat dairy my saliva becomes thick and my mucous is also thick, recently when I tilt my head to the left to try and reach the wisdom molars with toothbrush I get a whiff of poop smell and I believe is coming from my left nostril plus sometimes when I close my right nostril with finger I can't breath well enough from left nostril. My problem is finding a good nostril rinse that really helps get rid of the mucous. Any good brand anyone??

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:41 am
by 04paynem
oh i knew about the cats and stuff, i was just listing everything the test showed, and then it showed all of the obscure stuff that you cant really prevent in your daily life. Before allergy shots i was on random prescription drugs to treat allergies, but none of them cleared up the PND

I have completely given up dairy btw, so prevent my throat even getting close to clogged up.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:43 am
by 04paynem
For me its allergy shots to get rid of the PND, netty pot with basic salt rinse, brushing teeth with tootpaste+baking soda(add a tiny spoon full to mouth before the brushing), rinse with baking soda+warm water and swallow slowly.

thats what i do daily.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:34 am
by azishazi
ok i have a question regarding this. If wisdom teeth is the cause of abnormal post nasal drip then in that case which doctor should i go to; a dentist, internal medicine doctor, or ENT?