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Just another day...

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:43 pm
by smelly cat
In my English class the guy that sits beside me always has his body facing the opposite direction. I see him talk to others around me, but when I say something to him, he gives a one word response and turns in the other direction. I hate this shit...I really do. The other day him and the girl in the row in front of us were making fun of me. She said something like, "would anyone like some gum?" and he was like "why are you looking back here?" then they both laughed and started discussing different flavors of gum. Then she put an emphasis on the word "mint" everytime she said it. It was a nightmare. It's like what do you do? Do I just blurt out "yes I have stank breath! If I could do something about it I would assholes!!" Or do I just sit there like I did and pretend that I don't know they're talking about me? Being back in school is bringing back all those painful memories of yesteryear. Kids can be so cruel :cry:

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:57 pm
by daveparker
Tell me about it, anything said about any smell makes me cringe nowadays.