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It never ends!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:58 pm
by lolalola
So this beautiful girl who works out at the gym wants to be my friend and comes all close to me and talks and her breath is like cool air and I just stand there nodding and basically acting weird like I have my whole life. Why is it that I am mad at her for wanting to stand so close to me, I feel as if she is violating my space but the truth is she is just being normal. My life has been so skewed by this disease that I am angry all the time. She invited me out to dinner and I mumbled and made a gesture I will call her and pretended to fumble with my phone so that I can enter her number on my phone and end the face to face convo ASAP. The curse that I live with is that I am an attractive person who works out and am fit so I do notice that people want to talk to me, but I dont want to talk to anybody. When will this end? When can I live the way I want to? When can I have a conversation where I am listening to what someone is saying and want my thoughts to be heard instead of being paranoid and worrying that they can smell my bb? Why me, why us? Why are the doctors ignoring us? When will the cure come?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:26 pm
by wnaysha
Hi lolalola,

I know exactly how ur feeling right now, I have the same frekin problem, I am attractive so there's always some guy following me, and trying to talk to me, I usually either walk really fast or act like i'm not interested.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:49 pm
Hi Lolalola,

I am so sorry about your ordeal. I can truly relate to what you say about people invading our personal space.

Cheer up. One day you will find your cure.

Keep hope my friend.


Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:46 pm
by lolalola
Thank you for the your encouragements but its just one of those days! You know what hurts the most is having to decline social events because of this problem. I am afraid of loud music, alcohol and finger foods cause all these factors make my breath more toxic. I hate trying to talk over the music and people move all close to you to hear what you are saying. My hubby loves me so I always have a companion who cares about me.
I ordered tickets for a play and bought 2 seats at the end of the row near the exit even though there were plenty of good seats I could have chosen from so that I dont have to sit sandwiched between my hubby and a stranger and be paranoid the whole time of the stranger smelling the bb instead of enjoying the show. This way I can sit by the aisle and hubby will be next to me. See what we have to do in order to survive????
A friend of mine invited me out to dinner and she suggested that she can come pick me up or I can pick her up. I lied and told her I have to drop off something at another friends house so I will just meet her at the restuarant. No way was I going to sit with her in a car and have her offer me gum or look at me funny cause of the funk in the car due to my bb.!! I am sad not having a lot of friends to do things with so I decided I will do this and just survive the night. I got there before her, brushed my teeth and ordered a fruity non alcoholic drink so that I can mask the funk. Dinner went OK, smiled cause I can't laugh out loud and basically talked while breathing in and it goes on and on and on.....why this curse??
There are rapist and murderers with fresh breath. I am a good person who helps anyone in need, what did I do to be punished this way!!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:36 pm
by smelly cat
OMG lolalola,

We are really twins. That kind of thing happens to me all the time. BTW, I sent you a pm cause I was trying to get in contact with you. You can pm me back if you wanna talk. I'm now back in school and it's a nightmare everyday just wishing the day would hurry up and be over. Group projects are especially the worse. When I can sit in a corner and work alone there's less of a risk that someone can smell my bb. But when we have to work as part of a group, it's really torture. Sitting there just pretending that I don't have an opinion because I'm afraid to talk. Or if I do say something just mumbling it and then having to repeat it three times cause people can't hear me. I feel the same way...why me? My husband also is very nice and loving to me and he's always supportive. But I really wish I could be normal and have friends like other people. Tomorrow is my class where the people make fun of my bb. UUUGGHHH!!!! Some days I wake up and wonder...why do I bother?