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Post by bleh »

I've had previous posts about how I'm CONSTANTLY getting harassed at work about my bad breath. This week was the worst. I seriously feel like the ENTIRE floor knows about what's going on and they're trying to get me fired. Everywhere I go, people are making fun of me. And the saddest part of all is that the only two people that are friends with me don't know about it. People walk past my cubicle and say "HER BREATH SMELLS...HER BREATH STANKS!" and people say "AVOID THAT HALL SHE SMELLS!" and making fun of my clothes and sayin it smells. You know whats most embarrassing? My boss's boss had two people walk by my cubicle to see how bad it smelled. The people said that the smell wasn't bad enough and that they weren't going to move me. My boss's boss and another manager were like "it's so much worse then that usually...that's so unprofessional....what if she has to stand next to someone?" No's like a big email was sent to everyone to try to get me fired and hide it from my two friends. I was walking with my manager to her office and I heard people saying "she's coming...dont talk about it." Everyone is in on it...and they're trying to hide it from my boss and my friend in order to make me sound crazy. People were literally walking past my cubicle and laughing to see how bad it smelled. Someone even put visine in my water!! Omg..i'm on the verge of insanity. People are seeing where I go to make fun of me...and keeping an eye out for my manager and friend to hide it from them.

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Post by halitosisux »

Have you privately confronted anyone else over it yet? Or been able to ask anyone else about your breath, to see whether others also CANT smell your breath?

I think this is more to do with straightforward bullying than any odour related issues others have with you. You mentioned something about crying and showing certain weaknesses etc. This kind of bullying brings out THE WORST in human behavior. You are easy prey because they know you are powerless, isolated and vulnerable. You are being tormented over a situation which in most situations, when its real, gets dealt with tactfully.

Is it possible for you to move to a different area or department/transfer etc? You mentioned this is a big prestigeous company. But i know what i'd do in your position, and milk spilt strategically around warm carpeted/furnished areas works wonders to divert attention away.
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Post by Jimi Stein »

omg you poor soul, this shit happens to me to, but no so obvious

I suggest you buy a recorder and record them. also buy some hidden camera and try to get them on tape, then sue the company, milk the fuckers

you are so poor, i feel sorry you have to go through this, where are such animals, which country
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Post by bleh »

everyone is acting like im ****ing crazy. i know this is happening to me!! i finally just lost it the other day. i've confronted the bully straight forward and he just acted like i was crazy. literally EVERYONE is in on it besides my manager and my friend. i don't know what to do. i'm seriously having panic attacks everytime i think about going to work.
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Post by me »

I feel your pain!!
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Post by viva »

Agree with Jimmi.
It's a good idea to get the evidence recorded and sue the company.

Also,if you can,please talk to the lawer about what can be done with this kind of harassment.
If you schedule an appointment with a lawer thru the state's bar, they would charge like $25 for a consultation.Or thee're free phone consultations.
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Post by sadgirlbb »

What state are you in? In your type of case, attorneys usually will take it on a contingency basis if they think you have a good case. You won't have to pay a dime, but they will get a percentage of what you are awarded. If you go through your state's State Bar, they can refer you to some attorneys. I think almost all attorneys will give you a free consultation. I am in Texas and in the legal field and that is how it is done here.

Go for it! I cannot believe people are SO cruel. I'm so sensitive about my breath if my co-workers did that to me I don't think I would come back. You are a VERY strong girl and my prayers are with you.
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Post by sadgirlbb »

I also have a question... why would someone put Visine in your water? Did you see them do this?
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Post by ithurts »

bleh, sorry to hear that.
This does happened to me too but I try to block it out and ignore everyone. But someday when I'm tired or stress out, it becomes unbearable and I cry.
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Post by seeviper »

that sucks people are so mean. this kind of stuff is what is keeping me from getting anywhere in life. I'm so scared of what everyone will say about me. one thing, for sure, is that you are a much stronger person than i am.. i envy it. seriously. :(
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Post by Jimi Stein »

hi, they are putting visine in your water, something similar is happening to me, but from my close family, if they put visine (for eyes) do you think it is bad for you, but even though you should record them and report them to police immediately, i am sure police will know how to deal with it.
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Post by Bloorain »

Hi - I haven't posted in so long but I had to respond to this email. I am actually going through the EXACT SAME hell as Bleh. On my job, EVERYBODY knows about my situation and they all take turns walking by my cubicle, sniffing and making rude remarks: she stinks, she smells type of comments. For two months now, they put some type of permanent air freshner somewhere in the vents near my cubicle and it literally blows right in to my cubicle. By the end of most days the thing has saturated the cubicle and oh my goodness I get the worst headaches and dizziness. I've been fighting it everyday for that reason. They even kept it on recently when I had just come back from getting out of the hospital. They've gotten most everybody to lie and say that they don't smell the fragrance when its so obvious that its on and they've even gotten the building facilities to lie and say there not putting anything in the ventilation system. This is obviously done to protect themselves. I kept complaining about it because of the headaches and they moved me to another cubicle. I was there one day before they moved the fragrance to that cubicle as well. The HR lady whose job it is to help employees is even helping to pull this off. Its very sad. I go home crying every single day. I know they're trying to get rid of me and everybody else does as well. I use to have a really cool boss who I know would stand up for me but she left and now the people that I work for just join in on the fun right along with everybody else.

The way it stands now I can't even go to the bathroom or to the kitchen without someone making fun of me in some way and your talking about at least another 30+ people. I try to avoid people but that's very hard. Most times I'm so afraid of going off in a bad way on someone. Right now I'm trying to get my doctors to write a note for me requesting that they turn the fragrance off.

I KNOW that people think I'm crazy or that I don't brush my teeth or something. And I also know that I am very much, like you, on the verge of instanity. I don't even speak to people anymore.

I KNOW your pain first hand. I am suffering the same hell. I've been praying night and day. I keep a bible on my desk, I keep one in my bed that I study often, but I just feel like perhaps just like the doctors, God don't know how to help me either or people like me. It's so awful we're suffering like this when all we want is to live normal lives like body else.
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Post by ginger tabby »

hello there..

reading your story like reading my own. I was working with children and they were pretty honest with my bb problem even called me a name like 'pong' :( :( :( ..

Blah.. i feel for you. Why dont u try something like Miswak? I use Miswak for a week now and my bad breath is gone now.

Maybe you never heard this word before. It is a Muslim way to clean teeth . Eventhough I am Muslim, I never tried this method until last week!!!Silly me... I suffered bad breath for 12 years and only found my cure last week!!!!!!! #-o #-o #-o #-o #-o maybe because I dont believe old method of cleaning my teeth [-( [-( [-( .. In my place we use modern way to clean out teeth: toothbrush and tooth paste :-s ..Miswak is a no-no ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

it really works for me, i hope it will on you too. Good luck!
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Bloorain wrote:Hi - I haven't posted in so long but I had to respond to this email. I am actually going through the EXACT SAME hell as Bleh. On my job, EVERYBODY knows about my situation and they all take turns walking by my cubicle, sniffing and making rude remarks: she stinks, she smells type of comments. For two months now, they put some type of permanent air freshner somewhere in the vents near my cubicle and it literally blows right in to my cubicle. By the end of most days the thing has saturated the cubicle and oh my goodness I get the worst headaches and dizziness. I've been fighting it everyday for that reason. They even kept it on recently when I had just come back from getting out of the hospital. They've gotten most everybody to lie and say that they don't smell the fragrance when its so obvious that its on and they've even gotten the building facilities to lie and say there not putting anything in the ventilation system. This is obviously done to protect themselves. I kept complaining about it because of the headaches and they moved me to another cubicle. I was there one day before they moved the fragrance to that cubicle as well. The HR lady whose job it is to help employees is even helping to pull this off. Its very sad. I go home crying every single day. I know they're trying to get rid of me and everybody else does as well. I use to have a really cool boss who I know would stand up for me but she left and now the people that I work for just join in on the fun right along with everybody else.

The way it stands now I can't even go to the bathroom or to the kitchen without someone making fun of me in some way and your talking about at least another 30+ people. I try to avoid people but that's very hard. Most times I'm so afraid of going off in a bad way on someone. Right now I'm trying to get my doctors to write a note for me requesting that they turn the fragrance off.

I KNOW that people think I'm crazy or that I don't brush my teeth or something. And I also know that I am very much, like you, on the verge of instanity. I don't even speak to people anymore.

I KNOW your pain first hand. I am suffering the same hell. I've been praying night and day. I keep a bible on my desk, I keep one in my bed that I study often, but I just feel like perhaps just like the doctors, God don't know how to help me either or people like me. It's so awful we're suffering like this when all we want is to live normal lives like body else.
i have such similar problem, i was poisoned too and almost ended in hospital, but nobody told the truth, it cant be coincidence, two people are reporting this, three in fact, that we were all poisoned and this cant be coincidence.

It is impossible that people with bb would get paranoid about beiung poisoned.

We just need to speak out. I was afraid till now but we have to fight back, they can end up in jail. Just talk about it, raise your voice!!!! Do it girl, here is the proof, i think many people here have similar problems but dont report them, i was poisoned by my ex girlfriend that pig, she put some desinfectant in my food. That ****ing bitch.

WHen i ate from her i felt fresh feeling in my mouth and taste of a desinfectant.

Human can be animals. And I have checked the symptoms of poisoning and they were exactly the same. So i know i am not making this thing up.

Girls you have to grow some balls, they are attacking you because they are not afraid of you, but I would take care of things so quick, google for pranks, but dont harm anybody, dont be like they are, remember you are human, they are animals.
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Post by MARY10 »

Hello-This is my first time posting here. I really feel your pain as I too am having terrible problems at work because of my bad breath. It seems as your situation with co workers may be a little worse than mine. I pray every thing works out ok for you. I am at my wits end. My coworkers used to put gum and mints on my desk but they now see that does not help. I have to talk on the phone a lot at work and when I get off the phone from talking with a client, the lady who sits on the right side of my cubicle always sprays air freshner or perfume. She practically sprays it in my face!! The lady who sits in front of me does the same thing. They have put one of those stick up air freshners near my cubicle. It is all so humiliating and heart breaking for me. I feel so humiliated and treated like an animal because they are always spraying those air freshners and perfumes over me.One morning the lady who sits in front of me said in a loud voice "I can't deal with this smell any more" and everyone turned and looked at me. I had an appointment with the stomach doctor a couple of days ago. He also checked my colon but say everything is ok. He said I have minor acid reflux which may be causing the bad breath. He prescibes something I have been taking for 5 days but I have not noticed a difference and still getting terrible reactions from co-workers. People always ask who farted when I talk. Does anyone have any idea at all why my breath smells like someone passed gas? I feel it does have something to do with food. I have started not eating breakfast or lunch because I seem to get less reactions to my breath when I do not eat.Once I fasted for three days and got practically no reactions from people. But as you know, it is impossible to continue living without food. Any helpful comments would be appreciated. Thanks
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