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I do I also have TMAU + PND. need help lots question!

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I do I also have TMAU + PND. need help lots question!

Post by vilenin89 »

I'll keep it short, but I'm pretty sure I have one of the more severe cases on this board... which is saying a lot because EVERY case of this is severe, so I don't mean that in a bad way.

In short:

I had my wisdom teeth pulled (were going to have to have them pulled one day anyway).. no effect

I had 2 cavities filled (basically appared out of no where) and Im getting a root canal today. After this my dentist gave me the clean bill as far as my teeth go.

I have constant mucus in my throat... you guys know the feeling.. the mucus is clear, I guess this is from PND. Should I visit the ENT?

One time in my office people were visibility making very demonstrative reactions, more then usual (and btw my breath odor was confirmed my friends so im not a crazy)... and I didnt smell anything as usual. I related the smell to my IBS for some reason.

I left the office for 2 minutes came back in and I got a whiff of a rotten fish odor... I had eaten lots of high choline food in the days before this. So does this mean I have TMAU as well? Would BB ever cause a fish odor? I got tested for TMAU will get results back in 2 weeks.

I know what your saying... you have TMAU not normal bad breath, but my dentist told me with the gunk he cleaned out of the tooth he filled (it was hidden, not from poor hygiene) that would be enough to cause bad breath.
This isn't to mention the post nasal drip.

So is it both?

Since I have TMAU is my mucus naturally more smelly, and thus more deadly for my BB?

I'm on a low choline diet, im super hygienic like most you... im just confused and really depressed.

i have a girl that i havent seen in a while, she was studying abroad, who is like in love with me and this girl is beautiful (not just in my eyes). she'll be back in around 3 and a half weeks.. i feel like i have to at least get this improved by then or ill go crazy.

this is really depressing, but im glad to fine some ppl who know what im going through.

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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:29 pm

Post by halitosisux »

Hi :)
Once u know your TMAU result you'll know where u stand and be able start tackling the symptoms you've mentioned.
Be wary of when people say that you smell, because sometimes people just say it for the hell of it and dont realise what they could be triggering in someone. Just out of interest, I got thrush once from swimming in a river and keeping damp clothes on for the day. I never knew what it was at the time and was too shy to see a doctor. But it lasted for days and people kept asking where that fishy smell is coming from. I know it was me because it was literally like my pockets were filled with COD, I could smell it for myself. So if you have a tendency to get external yeast infections then make sure you get that treated because it might be this causing intermittent fishy odours. I think i've read that fungal infection in the sinuses also produce a similar odour.
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