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I have to do community service

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:46 pm
by meowkity1
I got some traffic tickets, and thank God I only have 24 hours to do Monday was my first day, I did three hours. And I thought I would make it. I had my peach flavored sugar free gum. I was feeling good at first because I was just putting clothes on racks, I made it O.K. the first 2 hours. The bacteria multiplied. I was too scared to go in the break room to drink the water I brought.I was scared. I spent my last hour wondering, or should I say knowing people can smell me. Customers started sneezing coughing.
And the worst thing ever is my mom is watching my son so I can get this done. And she wants me to do a full 8 hr shift. I actually enjoyed the work. But I my God 8 fu$#%$%$ hrs. What am I goig to do? I tried to tell myself before I went that, Its Ok , I dont even know these people. So I get there and the woman is someone I know. My neighbors ex mother inlaw. I can see it now. They'll be talking. Some days I think my nose fart is gone, some times its back. I thought my son was a good teller of it. But he seems to be nice aboout it when things are good, and more honest about the stench when for instance he may be on punishment or something. He's 9.
So I probably won't even sleep good tonight. How in the hell can I do it. I am really worried.I know I have to no matter what, its just so sad.I want to be sociable and be close to people. And laugh with my mouth open. And say yes instead of mhm, and people think your stupid. I am tired of people thinking I am a stuck up priss, that thinks shes to good to talk to people. I want to visit my grandmas. I want to go shopping with my cousins. I want to stand in a line, without a panic attack. I want to dance. I want to have a glasss of wine with a wonderful gentleman. I want to kiss and hug someone. I want to stop scraping and brushin, I am so tired of it. I want a friend that understands. I want to go to work.. Please God. I want a cure.
I could think of more that I want. I need to go wipe my tears.

Re: I have to do community service

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:04 pm
by Archimonde
meowkity1 wrote: I want to have a glasss of wine with a wonderful gentleman.
How you doin?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:26 am
by wnaysha
If I was the owner of a magazine I would have definitely asked u to write a few articles for me, It is one of the hardest things to explain how exactly it feels like in different situations, infact in my eng lit class this talent was considered to be the only thing making poets famous, meow you can become a millionare if u could make good poems on bb, lol, i'm serious, because no one really knows anything about bb and what we go through,

please do not stop writing here :)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 3:25 pm
by Susie
I couldn't agree more Kity.



Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:59 pm
by meowkity1
Well, I did my 8 hr shift, and it was the most embarassing time of my life. In 2 hrs my back tongue was completely white. Every hour that went by my nose fart got stronger and farther. 1 person said are you the girl with glasses on Monday, I said yes, he said ohh. I shouldve said why the f##k do you want to know. I wouldve if it clicked sooner that he was asking because the girl from Monday with glasses has bad breath.I never even took a break because I wouldve stunk up the whole break room. I had to hold my breath walking past someone. I wanted to be cheerful and helpful to the customers but I feel debiitated. 2 of the orkers sttarted talking about their last dentist appointment.
You know I feel really bad for me, but I feel worse for the people that continue to go to work evryday with this problem. I was filled with such anxiety. I couldnt take a break, couldnt get a drink, couldnt talk,. Ive never been depressed, but I would be if I had to endure this daily. I hope I gt this cured bfore my 2 boys turn 18 , because I won't be able to live of there fathers money anymore. Thank God both of their fathers pays very well support. I really thnk this is almost as be ing disabled. Maybe 1 day they'll have halimeters in evry docs office, and if you do blow above and beyond, we could get some kind of income. Really who would hire someone like this.
If I had to I would go o work for 4-5 hrs, I'll never work full time until this is over.
Has anyone in here opened a homebased business, or any ideas to make money at home. I have a few ideas I just need the money to invest.
I wouldnt mind being a mailman, you get to be all alone.