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Other things not directly related to bad breath
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Post by billie »

Hey Keeptrying,

If you get banned from this site, i hope you continue to give us advice on other boards like curezone maybe.

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Post by ihatethebus »

Billie. if jimi has created that bbhell profile then hes also playin by KTs game. KT always has weired new comers on the forum supporting getting cured after receiving the meds safely from him and saying what a nice guy he is. i alpha traced a supportive profile back to KTs two timing e-mail adress
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Post by billie »

Ihatethebus, I also received meds from keeptrying but it didn't cure me.
I was actually the first who asked him to send me antifungals because i was so depressed that i wanted to try everything.
You're new on this site why are you defending jimi like that????

I'm not against Jimi, but just don't know what to think of him that's all.
Whitout this site i wouldn't know all the things i know now, so i'm glad that he made this site.
I'm gonna stop posting in this thread because it's not gonna help me getting rid of BB. If you guys want to keep acting like little kids then go ahead.
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Post by ihatethebus »

Billie. am sorry if you think im blind sided and defending jimi but i have no reason to do so..he can ban man n i wont need need the site one bit..i found the cure on my own and wud have with or without the site. Its jus that like jimi i believe KT is using jimis site as profit making source by reselling fluconazole which hasnt cured anyone on the net except every forum on the net and hes the ONLY one who posts about being cured by biozole.

Its not like i said i like jimi or nothin. dude doesnt pay my frippin med sku fees. Jus for you billie ill never eva post on anythin to do with jimi's issue issues ..happy???
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

I was also really confused what to do with KT, obviously it does not help anyone beside him. And even that is questionable.

I let him post because of people here, if it would be my decision I would ban him long time ago.

Spammers are smarter and smarter, first one was not hard to fugire out, then the oceanside that freak from Miami who slowly bugged inside this forum claiming only specila mouthwash helped him, I mean these people are so evil, they would do anything just to leech from people.

He made everyone beleived that his story is true that oceanside freak. I even talked to him over the phone.

But his story kind of failed after a while.

WTF people, me creating profile to ban KT???????

I could ban him today, I just need one good reason. WTF are you doing people. I can ban him right now. I dont want him push drugs here like he is a ****ing doctor or something. And he was afraid to meet me when I stayed in Bangkok. Because I am rude. Oh come on. THis is like a ****ing drama.

BBHELL is from Thailand, I moved out of Thailand 6 motnhs ago after the civil war.

So he stays or she in the same city.

I checked her ip. I am done with this shit. What is the point of creating profile to ban KT????

I just left him to help somebody but obviously nobody was cured.
Last edited by Jimi Stein on Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 229
Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:03 pm

Post by ihatethebus »

oceanside and jonyath is the same person. if you bannd oceanside u still got jonyath on yo hands
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

And who is this Jonyath, can you link some posts here so I can check, I want to slap that bitch oceanside personally. What a scum that was.
Posts: 229
Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:03 pm

Post by ihatethebus »

follow oceansides posts , theres somone who always played along but had the exact speech(written) pattern.

austuser also had a similar pattern but hardly any traceble connection so i assumed he may be valid. i ignored his posts anyways
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