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Got metronidazole today

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Got metronidazole today

Post by meowkity1 »

I went to urgent care 2 dys ago. I asked for some mtronidazloe. The doc said he can assure me its not used to treat anaerobic bacteria. I assured him it is. He said he would go check. He comes back and says I m right, but hes not giving it to me there ha to be a reason. I cried oh well
Today I went to my primary . I told her about hali being caused by anaerobic bacteria. I told her I presume its also in my throat and sinus because the smell is going through my nose also. I told her I wan to try metronidazzlole. Like the doc before she said it is not used for that.
But she had her laptop right there and began searching
Right away she said "oh it is used to treat hali", and " oh it is used to treat anaerobic bacteria, you were right
She went on to say she welcomes learning about things from her patients, and he'll be glad to give it to me. She said she would prescribe a stronger dose than normal for me.
She also said she would give me hlorhexdine wich I was hppy about. Because in the past months they cut dental ou t of medicaid so I havnt been to get more chlorhexdine.
Although I dont swish in mouth much. I mainly brush it on, she said I should use it to gargle my throat
And she said my ent referal should be coming throuh very soon
She said my ct scan was basicaly normal
But I dont know what normal is because she read to me what it said about my scan and it didnt sound normal. Something about swelling. So I guess its not absolutely abnormal. I am sure the ent will explain better than she
I am having so much hope for this

So starting today Ill be using metronidazole 500 mg every 8 hrs, chlorhexidine, and tomorow my thera breath shipment will arrive, and it will be my first try with x tra strength paste and rinse. I also ordered 3 sinus drops.
I have used the drops once but very sparingly so I wouldnt run out quick. So I got 3 this time so I could wam it.
And the last time I used them was when I smelled like pure poop.
So now that I am improving I think its a good time to try these drops
Ill still use the packets to do the upside down rinse, and after that Ill do the upside down rinse with nose drops
If all this doesnt work wich I hope it does I will not know what then
But I will push the ent to take out tonsils and adnoids
ANd from what I read adnoids can collect anaerobic bacteria just as well as tongue
I am on my way guys
I hope
And has anyone else tried metronidazole?
And anyone planning on asking for it if you hve a printer you may want to bring the info yourself, since these doctors dont seem to know shit about it

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Post by TeamZissou »


Well, it's great that your doctor was so understanding and willing to help you.

I tried Metronidazole last winter, along with another antiboitic and a proton-pump inhibitor, which is the triple therapy for H. pylori, the bacteria that causes ulcers. People here found reports that some people have been cured of their BB using that combination.

You might want to look into that before you start.

I think I also read about someone who was cured using only the Metronidazole, but most people seem to have their BB go away while they're on it, only to have it come back as soon as they stop. Sometimes it seems to be worse after. Something to think about.

For me, the triple therapy didn't really seem to do anything. The BB didn't go away while I was on it, and it seemed to be the same after.

Probably worth a try though.
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Post by sonoitarick »

Meowkity please let us know what your results are from the meds. Good Luck!
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Post by caramiamine98 »

How long are you taking the metronidazole for? 5 days? 10 days? I am impressed with your to-do list. You are a real BB dynamo! I hope you find your cure. Best of luck.
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Post by meowkity1 »

my tongue is the pinkest it has been in so long I cant remember, definately over a year. Nasal fat still doing better.
Good day
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Post by meowkity1 »

caramimine. Its for 10 days. My doc said she was hiving me a bigger dose, I cant believe how much I am improving, my tongue is turning pinker. And when I woke up this morning it wasnt all white like i normal is. I have a little mornig breath.
I also got my thera xtra strength. And there is a difference caompared to regular.
The xtra strength rinse kind of smell like chlorine, or bleach or some chemical.
I was very busy yesterday, so today Ill start using the thera breth nasal drops
I am truly excited. I just hope whenI am off this med Ill still be fresh.
Thank you God for finaly giving me relief
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Post by Archimonde »

have you searched the forum for Metronidazole? There's like 50 threads about it. It's been tried by just about everyone and BB always comes back. If mere antibiotics cured BB, there would be no need for this forum to exist.

One time i was talking to this chinese girl in the chat room and she said that you can buy any antibiotics over-the-counter in China so people ovet there abuse Metronidazole and become resistant to it. She said it can work for about 2 days every month if i remember correctly. Could be useful when you have a job interview.
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Post by meowkity1 »

archimonde I dont need you burting my buble.
And these peole whose bb cmae back they probably smoke and drink.
Many on herre have mentioned they smoke and drink
And if you soke marijauna you will efinately never be cured
I am also using chlorhexdine
Who knows maybe it might come back, and i am sure it will if I dont do certain measures, like keeping myself hydrated wich is hard for me.
Also xtrz strength thera breath wich I like
archi dont be jealouse lol
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Post by meowkity1 »

Well its been a week now, and I am still seeing improvement
I am using metronidazole, thera brath xtra strength pate and rinse, and thera breath nose drops, and chlorhexdine
Although my breath is improing alot, I believe I stil have nose odor'
Althooguh my son says I dont. But I am still getting alergic reactions. Wich coul be from the chemicals from thera vreath.
The nose drops gave me a slight chemical smell in my nose I emailed them and they said this is normal and your body has to get used to the ph levels in the product she said it should go away. And actually I think it isgoing away.
And people have said thera makes them worse, I can see why, I dont think I am worse though
I havnt gotten my ent referal yet but I got the ct scan ressults in the mail
It said minor swelling, sinusitis, AND CHANGES MADE DURING PRIOR SURGERY
wtf. I have never had a prior surgey, so that is very interesting and I cant wait to ask about it
All in all I am seeing much improvement. I alost feel my mouth is cured. I just wish people could stop acting alergic to me
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Well if you have sinusitis, than your bb should clear up completely when you are able to get rid of that, and not have it show up on your CT.
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Post by meowkity1 »

yeah but can you get rid of sinusitis?
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Post by ElGrizzle »

Thats a very good question. Lets say you have detected sinusitis with CT scan, and lets say you use a medicated lavage to eliminate the detected sinusitis, is it really gone? I don't know. I need to do more research.
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Post by meowkity1 »

People I am truly finaly feeling free er
My sis and i decided to have movie night we went to the store and blockbuster, and I cant believ I was talking to my sis the whole way in the car and she didint even flinch. This is the same sis who last week had a sneezing and rubbing attack when I entered her house. I was talking all through the store and no reactions. I felt really good
That wierd smell the thera breath drops gave me really did go away like the lady said it would.
I am just so fricking happy
But I ll try not to be too happy just because people have said after metronidazole it returns.
I think the combination of all I am using is really working
I can see that its working, my tongue is turning pink again
This was a very good day for me
As I am writing this I asked my son to smell my nose air, he said he smell absolutely nothing, he said its the best its ever been
Although I am confused just yesterday at my sons school, peple were reacting with my mouth closed
All I can think of is that that chemicaly smell finaly left my nose, because my body adjusted to the ph levels in the nose drops
Thats how the thera breath representative explained it
She said it is normal and should go away in a couple of days, and I guess it did
People you have no idea how good it felt to be at my sis 's house laughing and talking and opning my mouth
We ate pizza subs pop corn and soda, and even after that still no reactons
I'll be going to bed vry happy tonight
Thankk you God for finaly giving me the courage to talk to my doc, and giving me the idea to wam it with thera paste xtra. If I continue to be cure it will well be worth the money I paid
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Post by ElGrizzle »

I am very happy for you. I am also experiencing amazing results. I breath into the blanket and the smell is almost gone (ive never had that before). I also was shopping all over the place today and got no reactions whatsoever! No coughing, sneezing, sniffling, or turn away reactions.

This is amazing, it feels to good to be true. lol.

Meow, make sure you dont eat too much junk food. I noticed that when taking metronidazole to keep the BB from coming back start drinking plain yogurt with probiotics (look at the ingredients, make sure it is high quality, possibly organic) about 3 times a day. Mix it with water half and half and drink it. This will keep your body full of good active bacteria that will keep your BB from coming back.
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Post by meowkity1 »

If you have belching and burning in your chest or abdomen, you may have acid backing up from your stomach (1,2). Your doctor can order a blood test for helicobacter, the germ that causes stomach ulcers. If it is positive, you can often be cured by taking antibiotics (metronidazole or clarithromycin with omeperazole) for one week.
Just found this after researching metronidazole and halitosis
This could pertain to what some were mentioning about acid, and burning
Doesnt apply to me though
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