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Halitosis is Fear-based and exacerbates your halitosis

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Halitosis is Fear-based and exacerbates your halitosis

Post by alexanderluther »

First of All, some fears are natural, healthy Fears is good for us.. However, Excessive and chaotic Fears is what we are trying to subside here as the last thing we want is any more anxiety than our natural anxiety. Although from time to time we may find that some bb may not be helped, however, in time we will eventually learn to trust others and follow our inner guidance SO WE CAN work with our fears and not against them.

In order to overcome our FEARS, we need to reach a level of HOMEO STASIS to be mind free of BB and thus BB all together. Most people who don't Have a problem are those who rarely think about the issue or obssess over it. I've postulated that Halitosis is a Disease of the psychosis, meaning that it is possibly Fear based and the trick is not to resist it but to use it as our guide and not let us be deceived by the illusions before us.

The trick is not drugs, but learning how to attain to the highest state of confidence by aiming for a state of Inner Balance. Hypnotherapy and EMF and Meditation are great techniques of this :)
Last edited by alexanderluther on Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:15 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by alexanderluther »

Learning how to fight this Fear does not mean you can jump straight into Breathing into peoples faces and expecting results to work wonders! IT doesn't work like that, just like all other phobias and problems it takes time to eradicate. You need to Be AWARE that along the package of this Phobia is not only the Fear itself but the baggage that it produces. For eg bad habits like Biting nails for normal people, And preoccupation with personal space/chewing gum and nervousness without it - In your Case of BB. When you get RID of FEAR of BB, you must also Get rid of the baggage that comes with? I hope YOU R FOLLOWING.

This Fear can be RID of, and you need know that what you Change inwardly, you achieve outwardly. You need an example?? Normal people who are comfortable with their breath imagine pleasant scenerios of them talking all the time and sitting close to people and doing all these pleasant things with out realizing that they are and Therefore actually are able to do all these things in real Life. People With BB, probably feel so fearful they can't even Imagine any of these scenarios taking place without rapid heart beat, nervousness or some bad reaction happening even if they were alone. So imagine given them the real scenario? BUT If you Have BB and Are ABLE to imagine these scenarios with more ease, Then that’s wonderful! U restoration will be easier. And for those who cringe with your imagination thinking about these scenarios, HAng in there.. YOU WILL. It just takes time..

Will be back soon on how to live normal and eradicating BB, Need to reply to my msg’s..

Please don’t waste my wall space if your going to Ridicule, your wasting my valuable time especially when I have people who are interested. Doctor’s won’t tell you these cos only a rare number know how to deal with the particular phobia.
Last edited by alexanderluther on Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by meowkity1 »

I think this only applies to people with dry mouth condition.
This would not be of any help to peole who are diabetic, or have impacted wisdom teeth, or rotten teeth, or sinus infection, or
Are you sure your not my dad? lol
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Post by alexanderluther »

Well i did mention in my previous post, that if you Have Good Hygiene and You certain it's not medical than i can help those who have BB due to Fear-based.

Your dad?? lol. He's been trying to reach out to you for a while has he? and how is your Pink tongue doing by the way, did my advice help?
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Post by alexanderluther »

EVen if it was medical or Sinusitus, Learning to be comfortable with yourself from within can stop the smell from not being more worse than it is. I have many friends who are diabetic and They don't have BB at all! And we are talking about old aged too. Cos don't forget, these people who do have these conditions are probably so aware of it that they get heaps fearful during social moments that it makes the smell worst than it is.. but all you need to do is relax because there is no need to panick anymore than you need to.

98% of the population, have good oral hygiene but still experience occasional BB. The delusion that normal people don't have it at all is crazy and you need to realise that it's normal to sometimes Have BB.
Last edited by alexanderluther on Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alexanderluther »

You need to KNOW my Theory First

Your goal is to achieve HomeoStasis, WHY? Because Inner Balance means good saliva production (that you need not be conscious of all the time). What happens when you achieve continual state of Homeostasis? You condition your Body to go through continual and permanent changes in this condition to be at your best self. Your mind becomes free flowing of positive thoughts which leads to more saliva production. Feeling relaxed and confident enough to embrace social situations for your development and Social Growth. What does this means? Goodbye BB!

How do you Achieve this state of Homeo Stasis? First by accepting your fears. Now you may think this is a lil absurd but it goes a lil deeper than this. Your Fear sinks in deeeper than you think and Most our symptoms are manifested by the ones that are scarred into our subconcious. And when they are not dealt with they may show up more severe given present situations.. All we need to do is just be aware. This doesnt mean we should obsess and traumatize over our BAD BB experiences to the point where we have insomnia or take pills which I believe is the least effective. What I mean is understand your most scarred experiences - HOw does it feel, what surrounds me? WHat triggers me? And then I always like to imagine if it was someone else, How would I treat them, how can I help them overcome the same experience, what would I do? how would I like to be treated?

Our subconscious acts as a memory drive, and programmes all our learning. It can be most difficult to comfortably talk to people if our subconcious is alerting us of previous danger. IT is sometimes best to relate this to a previous experience of your past briefly in order to understand how to deal with the present effectively. When going back into your past experiences it is important that You must refrain from being critical because you are reprogramming learning here.(Very crucial) We need to fix our issues by understand our emotions as it will eventually lead us to understand other people's emotions later.

AFTER you finish telling the story in your mind you MUST put it into a positive perspective and Understand yourself and how the fear came about. You can do this by healing yourself visually, giving lots of positive understanding to your painful experience or you change it and re-imagine it into a more pleasant or less severe scenario.

You will know you are doing it right when you develop SELF AWARENESSl, what it feel like when you have BB, the emotions, the state.. the Tension. Be aware of this and let it teach you how we can learn from this so we are able to understand it in others.

THIS is PHASE 1, This isn’t the end and for those who are interested ill let you do this exercise and ill be back shortly.

For those not interested, You have nothing to lose right??? You have the rest of your life to live with BB already, it won’t hurt to try a simple exercise. But of course u like opting for the quick-fix products that have cured you so many times before rite?
Last edited by alexanderluther on Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by alexanderluther »


Curing Halitosis, which is a Symptom of Halitophobia which we dealt with a lil in Phase 1.

The fallacy:

Chewing or EATING makes breath worse,

One Case, one client chewed one gum all day nearly his whole entire life and I’ve shared his personal space and his breath was fine.

Another friend eats 24/7, her breath is normal sometimes it smells like food. That’s normal!

Dry mouth makes BB worse (not always)

A friend has white tongue all the time and BB, no smell.

Fear of Exhaling or breathing sometimes

Fear of Exhaling? Really? Not a lil irrational to you at all?

Speaking makes breath worse.

Actually it doesn’t, Speaking is suppose to drive u into a state of relaxation and produces saliva production. The only reason why you don’t get this is because speaking is may be your worst fear.. But we can change this.

People giving Negative reaction is a SIGNS??
Sometimes it’s not always BB, You may not be aware of behaviour. I cross my brows a lot when thinking, Ppl used to cover their mouth out of Discomfort and imagine how nervous that made me feel? And yes other times I did have BB and they had reason to cover it. We need to Learn the Difference!

Let's figure it all out and write All the negative statements that reinforce our BB down. Do you see how it’s no wonder your BB is Worse because of this False Belief system that we’ve developed?? All these statements subconsciously exacerbates your belief system. If you believe in any of those fallacies, then it most probably will be true.. All it takes is to change this belief system and a huge reduction in BB will be less and less.

Where am I trying to get at?? You need to defeat all these irrationalities that you have and realize that these are also factors that may be contributing to your Condition.

Solution: Put all negative attributes to BB into POSITIVE frame of mind. This is what People with normal breath naturally do, they don’t think about negative things like these and they feel happy if they had to do most the above.

Your GOAL: Homestasis!!! Continual inner Balance conditions tremendous changes like good breath, saliva, behavioural pleasantness et.c

Will bb Shortly for PHASE 3.

In order to improve your BB drastically, you don’t even need to believe all my theories, but if you paid attention and commit to some of these practices you’ll be amazed with how much it actually helps.
Last edited by alexanderluther on Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ihatemylife »

Think about that WE before we start fighting with this condition(before we knew we have it),we where very calm and not stressed so... :-$
As for:don't think about the problem...How can U not think about it when people start giving U chewing gum or saying what is that smell?or Ooops wrong room I didnt search for the toillet....let's not forget about sniff,cough etc
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Post by alexanderluther »

Good QUESTION! I completely understand, When your going through these changes that im Describing, i still had negative reactions that i had to learn to deal with.

Everytime i made lil progress, it didnt mean that i could just switch off thinking About BB completely. People still showed negative signs or comments and it did make me feel nervous. Just remembr that when your fighting this your body is still going through changes and adjusting. There will still be rusty times.

The only difference is that i was highly motivated to get rid of this for good. You need to think positive, if people are rude enough to treat u like that then they're exactly the people u don't want around even if you were improved.

In the mean while of all these changes taking place, Aim for HomeoStasis (inner Balance). DOn't be embarrassed to take the mint and chew Gum. People with normal breath share mints with each other all the time like normal. so what? just say thanx and smile cos that helps you face your fear of what people think about your BB. You need to learn to be ok with this Because it's not so bad once we learn to accept it.
Last edited by alexanderluther on Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alexanderluther »

Getting rid of Your halitosis, the yucky smell that your worried about (ihatemylife dude) will come into third phase. I will teach you that soon. Will type after Uni tommorow. Ive been on this and helping people all day.
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Post by alexanderluther »

Smelling your own breath has got to stop!!

Brushing your mouth like crazy has got to stop!!

We must try our best to gradually refrain from the above to the best we can and make it a habit! :) smelling your BB all the time isn’t going to make it go away! What we really want to be doing is to be thinking of it as less as possible..


Now this is the hardest part. Im hoping that most of you by now have figured your past (This is difficult to do especially when some of us still have so much raw emotions, anguish, blame or even SHame it can be hard to let go of.. but in order to heal we must accept our experiences and learn from them. It can be the most profound feeling to forgive those who have impacted on your bad experiences too.. by understanding that we all have fears too), Then we are able to re-pro-gramme it and become more aware to the point you have reached an understanding of your own mentality and the belief system you’ve developed in your course of BB. THESE two steps are CRUCIAL for PHASE three. You cannot take shortcuts.

Remember: Positive thoughts condition positive behaviour.

Saliva and HomeoStasis is BB’s best Weapon!

The more you are able to understand your self, the more relaxed you feel when u go into your consciousness or even think about BB. This is how you know your doing it right, when you feel like you are thinking more about your tools and skills to overcome it rather than not being able to let go of the shame. Now, ONE IMPORTANT thing i'd like to say is that it is best not to obsess thinking about BB or think of it ever unless we are trying to understand it. The only time we are thinking of it is when we are coming to realizations on how we can learn from it and be more proactive next time around.

K let’s do this.

You Have a fair idea of How Your Phobia or Fear or BB has come to condition unwanted behaviour and baggage that you now can’t get rid of. Constant dry mouth all day, Lingering smell, obsession with that white tongue, Unable to speak without getting Nervous… etc. I was going to Explain how too much Fear May cause Halitosis But I’m afraid I may scar most of you so I decided to refrain. Having fear or feeling this fear sometimes is healthy and let's not say it causes BB instantly but we want to try to keep EXCESSIVE fears to a minimum ok. It’s not relevant anyhow. What you do need to Know is that You were not BORN with Halitosis, You developed it at some point in your LIFE!!! Which means that prior to that you were once normal and you do have memory of what it feels like to be normal again. YAY!!! You also need to realize that having occasionally BB is normal too. Some are probably thinking, but what if I was born with it and people didn’t decide to tell me til after a long time. That’s absurd unless you have a medical condition and even with a med condition, you can be helped.

If Scientist can condition dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, and rats to produce hormones at the sight of an injection, and people to become healthier even though they were given placebos. Don’t you think there is a slight chance You’ve conditioned yourself to have BB from a few Bad Experiences? Or maybe a lil more for others? There is nothing in this world that cannot be healed when we learn how to re-condition ourselves time and time again.

People are being conditioned all the time, and most of you already have and idea of how this works. But the good news is that just as you condition yourself to have halitosis all day by this Phobia then if you don’t fear it anymore all the symptoms that used to come with the fear aren’t triggered anymore, as in there is no stimulus for Dry mouth, excessive nervousness, rapid heart beat (I mean, natural nervousness never hurt anyone or rapid Heart beat but when we achieve awareness, it can get to a point when it exists but it aint feel so bad).
Last edited by alexanderluther on Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:37 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

omg what a bs, first of all we dont know anything about you, you have 10 posts, you suddenly appear here and try to heal people with positive thinking?

So lame! What are you, I am pretty sure you never had bb yourself, you just troll on this forum for nothing.

You have the same theory as my mother, are you my mother, lol
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Post by alexanderluther »

Hi jimi,

Ive read alot of your Posts and it's people like you that make people feel more insecure about their Phobia! and unless your cured yourself then please speak because not only have i cured myself but more than a few others in this Year. They're pretty GRATEFUL and i'm HAPPY for once and NON suicidal! I live a pretty normal life now and it took lots of commitment to get where i am now. It wasnt like i discovered something simple like pullin out a tooth and then voila!

You don't think i've been through it??? you Don't think i don't know what it feels like TO go through Life having BB, No friends, alienated, Teased! YOU REALLY NEED TO HEAR MY STORY to PROVE IT!!

Why am i so angry? because i actually found a way that can help some of you, mind you for FREE and i don't want your MONEY!! i do volunteer work with dealing with people like this and they are improving TREMENDOUSLY. IF you don't like what i say then don't waste my time Because you Obviously still suffering in your torment and I’ve found a way out! If this isn’t working for you then I suggest you move on and find something more irrational that does!

People choose not to believe what I have to say cos they are so stuck on Simple and easy solutions. Just like fat people opting for diet pills than to exercise and eat properly.

Your obviously happy with your BB and have OBVIOUSLY found your CURE judging by your posts!
Last edited by alexanderluther on Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jimi Stein
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Post by Jimi Stein »

Yes many came here spammed the forum with no results
you cured many people? prove it!

don't give people here false hopes
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Post by meowkity1 »

alexanderluther, I think we would be more open if you could explain your story or who you are

I actually understand what your talking about
You mentioned hypnosis, and I am familiar with past life regressions under hynosis. This is supposed to halp with many things. W
When it comes to ailments sometimes problems from past lifes can come into the current.
Hypnosis is supposed to help with many things.
I am also studying different areas of the mind, and from whaT I understand the mind is so powerful, it could do some things i dont want to say, becaause peole may think I m crazy
I totaly believe in positive thinking
my problem is I have a very harsd time thinking, focusing, and meditating. My mind cannot sit still.
Dont be discouraged some cannot grasp what your saying, but I would presume your used to it
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