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NEW ON Bile reflux:

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NEW ON Bile reflux:

Post by wnaysha »

I thought this was very interesting, so thought of sharing it with you guyz before forgetting about it.

I was watching a video on Trimethylaminurea (TMAU) and it showed that after the intestines collect TMA, it goes to the liver and then gets out of the body through urine,

Could it be that those members that have bile reflux, like me, iva and a few more members, could the bile from liver bring some TMA with it, making our breath smell like TMAU patients.

I don't know about iva, but I don't have any BO, I just have halitosis.

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Post by bbforyears »

Hi Wynasha,

I'm so happy you found a GI doctor that is willing to help! Before the Carafate I felt like my entire body was "toxic", most especially my mouth... I didn't have BO either but I did notice that things I ate affected the way I perceived my own "smell". I think you really may have Bile reflux. You mentioned hair loss before and this is something I had for the entire 12 years I suffered from Halitosis. I barely lose any hair anymore. Strange, huh?

I think the Bile was getting into my bloodstream somehow and causing these weird symptoms. The Carafate weighs down and helps absorb the excess Bile. Not many doctors know much about Bile reflux, so it's good your doctor is aware of this condition.

How did your gastric emptying scan go?
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Post by wnaysha »

I wanted to share how it, but because of my exams I wasn't able to,

it took 1 hr n 30 mins. I had to fast for 8 hours. they gave me an egg to eat and made me lay down with a machine close to my stomach to scan the egg and see where exactly it's going and how fast, I was looking at the images the whole time.

by the time it was done, half of the egg was still in my stomach, and the other half was in my small intestines, the nurse said my digestion was very slow, and it was weird how half of the egg was still in my stomach. So fermentation could also be a cause of my bb.

I'll share the results with everyone, she said i'll take about 3 to 4 days for them to send the results to my doc, n my doc will call me to let me know.

I'm leaving in 30 mins to do my blood test, so have to wait for a few days to see what the results are.
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Post by bbforyears »


Yep, our problems seem to be identical. I also "bombed" my gastric emptying test. I passed the liquids (water) but the eggs only partially left my stomach in the allotted 90 minutes. I bet your doctor will suggest you try my doctor did for me.

Oh, by the way, I am scheduled for the Nissen on December 28.
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Post by deebas »

Hi bbforyears.

How long were you on Carafate for as a normal dose would only be 8 days?

What is the long term treatment for bile reflux?
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Post by wnaysha »


I called them this friday about my results, they told me they'd call me back, I waited the whole day n noone called, so i'm calling them again this monday, can't wait. [-o<

I once asked my doctor for carafate, n he ignored me, so I stopped asking for it. I heard carafate makes you constipated, is it true?

Nissen sounds pretty scarry, I wish you all the very best, please keep us updated.

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Post by iva »


good luck with the Nissen, do not let them make the wrap too tight!
Keep us posted! Wish u all the best..
Posts: 256
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Post by wnaysha »

I just talked to my doctor, and she said my gastric emptying scan was normal. I'm happy the food is atleast going down...

but she said she wanted me to do a test for h pylorie. I told her i wanted to take antifungal mdication and carafate, because i'm tired of doing so many tests. she said she will take a biopsy from my esophagus to see if there's any fungal infection in there, but she wantd to make sure all of those other things were ok before jumping to a conclusion.


could it be that, as you said in another post, because of too much acid in my stomach, the bile is coming up and because of the fungal infection in my esophagus and the lack of bile my intestinal lining is damaged and doesn't absorb nutrients correctly, making my small intestines absorb huge toxic chemicals, instead of small nutrients.

which also brings those chemicals to my mouth/tongue, since mouth/tounge are part of the digestive system/ and attached to it, as a way to get rid of the toxic smelly chemicals.


when you had bb, did you sometimes feel like you also had bo?

thank you
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Post by iva »


I have never had problem with bo, thank God! If u haven`t been tested for hp, do not postpone it, that test is a must!
Posts: 133
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Post by deebas »

i tested positive for h.pylori and they put me on the 3 types of antibiotics (Klacid Hp7) followed by antacids (Rabeprazole - which is supposed to reduce the amount of acids in the stomach). Has anyone tried Rabeprazole? I am using the brand Pariet.
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