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Holding breath makes BB worse

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:47 am
by espasiba
In public we might hold our breath in various scenarious. What I found is that, by doing so the bb gets stronger. The best way I've countered this is by relaxing my breath.

I would just focus on my breath as everything is going on, being well aware that my odor is having an effect around me. Even so I stay calm and relax my breathing as much as I can. By doing this I find that the situation does not escalate and I can walk away from a situation not feeling flustered.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:21 am
by KeepTrying09
Excellent advise espasiba. Holding your breath is not only dangerous, but pointless. You can't hold your breath forever, and it's psychologically counterproductive to put yourself though that every time you are in public.

Some people might say how can they relax their breathing when they are so worked up over the reactions of the people around them. To that I say bring a book and an Mp3 player with you. That way you can neither see nor hear the people around you. That should assist you when trying to remain calm.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:08 pm
by espasiba
best way to react to the reactions is by feeling your entire body and relaxing your breathing.

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:20 pm
by jollibee1208
when u think BB is going stronger in time, just try to cover ur mouth so that u are not able to smell it from the nose, and smell ur hands instead. this is my best way to neutralized in while im sitting with anyone i dont know "its effective somehow". but when in conversation with others, "bubble gum" :|