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Depression is taking over......

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:03 am
by arawrebirth20
I am new to this forum and joined this site.I apologize in advance for not being a good writer.I am a 28 yr old guy that began having problems with bad breath about 1-2 years ago.At first,I didnt let peoples reactions to it bother me,but lately I have become depressed.Many times I can detect a stale smell to my breath.Other times it actually smells rotten.I brush my teeth several times/day,gargle,floss and scrape my tongue,but it never goes away.One interesting thing is that when I check the back of my tongue,there is oftentimes no smell.Work has been especially stressful.I love what I do for a living,but I see people countless times a day run a finger across/hold their nose if I have to talk to them face to face.I now dread going to work and having to talk at all.I battled depression in the past for an unrelated reason.I was suicidal for years and just as I was finally getting over it,I developed this problem.Just the other day,I had a coworker repeatedly hold her nose,then offer my gum even though I was already chewing a piece!I then caught a patients family member gesturing to her husband that I had bad breath.I am hitting rock bottom socially.I am fortunate to have a loving fiance that understands,but I am sure she is tired of it.I do notice thick yellow mucus in the back of my throat and wonder if I have chronic sinusitis.I just had impacted wisdom teeth pulled yesterday,but it seems to not have made a difference so far.It is comforting to know that there is asite like this for people that have the same problem I do.I feel myself slipping back into the depression I experienced before.....I am not doing well

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2010 3:28 pm
I know this really sucks - I've lived with it for almost 20 years now. You get to a point where you just don't care. I have a Marine hubby and we are always moving and I just don't let it get me down because I have to make friends - it is just my nature to be social. But, every time I put myself out there I get those reactions. I just hope people will see me for who I am and not for how I smell. It's weeded out the mean girls over the years.

I have tried everything over the years to get rid of it...tonsils out, diets, mouth washes, pills. Now, I'm just TIRED of trying! I also have the sticky mucus in the back of my throat (pnd). Lately I've been once again thinking this might be it. I bought Sinol yesterday. I'll let you know if it works. The best thing for this is using a sinus irrigator - you can buy then for $80 online or get a Neti pot for $9 at Rite Aid. I let the salt water run down the back of my throat. I get less reactions when I do this. I just can't do it everyday because it dries me up and I get headaches. My sinus irrigator just broke after having it for only 2 years, so if you get one make sure it has a guarantee.

Hang in there and always remember that life could be worse.

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:48 pm
by halitosisux
Hey ara, that's a bit early to conclude the outcome of your wisdom teeth extractions.

But still, you need to find out why you have that yellow mucus. Coloured mucus is a sign of bacterial infection somewhere in your nasal system. How long have you had that? Does it coincide with the onset of your BB?

I had a friend once who suffered with sinusitis, his mucus was yellow and it was so yellow it turned his tongue yellow. And his breath was horrendous. It cleared up whenever his sinusitis did. It used to be a recurring thing for him.

Since its only been 1-2 years since your BB developed, you have a lot more chance of figuring this out than someone who has had it for much longer. Try to be positive.

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:44 pm
by i-want-this-gone
i get so depressed too, its like nothing really matters if i cant be myself. i dont remember the last time where i was able to talk to someone face to face and dont worry about my breath, i know its been over 10 years. i feel like i cant even breathe sometimes, when i have someone close to me i hold my breath because the smell comes out from my nose too. isnt that depressing? i have to worry about breathing too, i cant even breathe without worrying about my bad breath. i cant have anyone close to me without covering my nose. i always have to have some kind of mint in my mouth, but that doesnt help much. i get so depressed when i think about my boyfriend who i dont know in person yet but thats coming soon to see me for the first time....i dont know what im gonna do, i dont know how im gonna act. all i know is that i wont be able to be the girl that i know i truly am, i hate this hell im living, i have had enough of this, :( ....i just wish it would go away...but thats not happening.


Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:50 pm
by exume
welcoe to the club i wishh i didt have bb i wat a gf yo

Re: Depression is taking over......

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:20 am
by fess
buddy, hang in there most of us with this seem to battle some depression with this.
don't be like me, i'm 38 and dealt with it by drinking and smokin weed which i let go.
i only drink occasionlly on the wknds now. i started looking for help in my early twentys
and had multitude of teeth problems which still occur but i would stop going because
i wasn't getting any positive results. i currently have most of my molars removed along
with the wisdom due to infection also my tonsils removed. again be persistent. i've learned
reading articles here how determined and persistent you guys are and thats the secret. each
one has their problem for different reasons. yellow mucous does sound like infection
maybe in your sinuses so if one specialist says no go to another and another. to me
if you have bad breath then it a source of infection in one way or another but it sometimes
isn't obvious to find out why. that's when a doctor tells you no, then find another doctor
willing to search for a different reason, i know its not easy dealing with this and trying to
live a everyday life but backing away in a corner just makes it worse which i had to find
out the hard way. just keep pushing for answers and don't let people crush you inside
try to motivate yourself to keep your spirits up also don't be afraid to see a counselor for
some positive reassurance, no shame in that.

Depression is taking over...

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 9:37 pm
by arawrebirth20
Thanks for your feedback everyone.Its at least a comfort knowing I am not alone.

A follow up

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 6:25 pm
by arawrebirth20
It has been a few months since I had my wisdon teeth pulled.My BB hasnt improved at all.I still have thick yellow mucus that sometimes gags me.I have been given Cipro and Z-pack which did nothing for the drainage or my breath. I also use Flonase,allergy pills and mucinex,but nothing seems to take this mucus away.I recently had some pompous a**hole doctor prescribe me medication for GERD because he basically didnt believe me when I told him it was coming from my nose.I had a CT scan that showed only small polyps and thickened mucosa.Nothing that really accounts for this drainage.An ENT that I have been seeing is wanting to do septoplasty and turbinate reduction on me,but I dont want surgery.I have been through 3 surgeries for other things in the past 9 months.I want my body to have a rest from anesthesia and trauma.I have also been trying to check the floss after I use it to see if it has an odor and it doesnt,so I still cant find anything oral that could be causing it.I was told that I have larger tonsils,adenoids,and a low palate.I notice a nasty coating on my tongue and even after scraping it doesnt go away.I really just wish I had a job where I either work alone or something.I am a shy person at heart anyway and having this problem has sent me scurrying back into silence.Sorry for this scatterbrained post,just wanted to talk.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:07 am
by Haligone
I am also toying with the idea of pulling out a wisdom tooth, but in my heart of hearts, I kinda know it will not work.
I have pulled out a tooth that had a broken filling, and that has not helped one bit.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:51 pm
by firebreath
@ arawrebirth20 , welcome to the club of BB.
Sorry to hear your story,as always,as on the other post mentioned it could be worse - i have had it since age of 5 and am 41 now - maybe I will be cured when i take my last breath,when my heart stops...its sad.
hope u get cured...soon