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Re-Intro/Does alkaloid water help bad breath?

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Re-Intro/Does alkaloid water help bad breath?

Post by bunniesluvme »

Hello, I'm a lurker with bad breath for about 15 years now. I've posted here in the distant past, and decided to check back in hopes of a cure. No luck so far for most of us. It is extremely depressing. But, I'm trying to count my blessings and get on with life.

My husband brought home a gallon of alkaloid water the other day. It is supposed to be very healthy to drink. Well, I tasted it and it tasted very soft, not like tap water. So I drank the whole glass quickly. I got a brief headache and my lips burned for a few minutes. The next day I drank some more. I noticed that my mouth felt really good, clean! My super thick saliva was lessened. My breath problems are a combination of things, some imbalance in the mouth, but I feel its cause is somewhere in my throat. Any improvement is better than none. Just wondering if anyone else has had good luck with alkaloid water.

As far as my story goes, it pretty much parallels strappy09's. Chronic throat infections as a child, massive antibiotics to cure them, silver tooth fillings, wisdom tooth removal and finally tonsillectomy in my early 20's. I've tried any and all remedies I could get my hands on. Used Therebreath extra strength for several years. Worked great in the beginning, but with time, my bb got worse. It was no longer effective, and with too much use on my part, I started having awful side effects. Sore throats, ear aches, mouth aches etc. My bb can clear a room, movie theatre, and I suspect a football stadium. I suspect I have cadaver breath. Other than my bb, I'm very healthy.

Willing to try diflucan to see if that will help. Until this is cured, I will always wonder what I could have done with my life, what would it have been like without this problem. Sorry to droned on or made anyone depressed.

Here's a sad but funny thing that happened to me. My little dog, Pepper rubs his eyes with his paws, or buries his face in my armpit if I blow my bb breath in his face! But, he licks me to let me know he still loves me. It's pretty bad when the dog, with his dog breath thinks my breath is bad! But it gave me a chuckle.