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Oral Hygiene Regimen That May Help

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Oral Hygiene Regimen That May Help

Post by Phantasist »

Recently I have been following a procedure which seems to have brought about some improvement. I have posted it in another thread, but I am posting it in its own thread because a lot of visitors may not have seen it.

It seems that about 90% of BB is due to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth, mostly on the back of the tounge. These bacteria cannot stand oxygen and use sugar for food. Therefore it seems logical to use a two-pronged attack against them. Starve them of food and hit them with oxygen. Normal saliva contains oxygen, but apparently not enough to diminish an overgrowth of bacteria. I have followed a procedure the last 10 days or so - not long enough to be sure of results - but definitely showing an improvement. Here is what you might try:
First off, a dry mouth is your enemy. Saliva is your friend. It is somewhat antibacterial, but it cannot do the job alone. Which brings me to your toothpaste. Most toothpaste contains Sodium Lauryl Sulfate to create a foaming effect, however this substance dries out your mouth which actually increases the production of bacteria the more you brush.
Try brushing with TheraBreath Plus with OXYD-8. Then scrape your tounge gently. You don't have to get all the coating off. Then brush your tounge with a little bit of the TheraBreath toothpaste. I use a toothbrush with half-size bristles to get all the way in the back without gagging. Then dip floss into a small dish of TheraBreath Plus Oral Rinse with OXYD-8 and floss, and then gargle and rinse with the Oral Rinse. When you rinse out your mouth with water, leave a bit of residue of the Oral Rinse in your mouth so that it can continue to inhibit the production of the bacteria. The best time for the procedure is after breakfast and before you go to sleep at night. If you wake up during the night and your mouth is dry, drink some water. Stay away from sugar or foods and drinks that contain sugar because that is food for the anaerobic bacteria. Also don't use a mouthwash that contains alcohol or breath sweeteners. The alcohol will dry out your mouth and the sweeteners will feed the bacteria and make it worse.
All this advice assumes that you do not have infected sinuses or tonsils or lung-, stomach- or intestinal problems.

Posts: 87
Joined: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:58 am

Post by sputnik »

Wow, you're actually advising us to use therabreath products. :shock:
Posts: 484
Joined: Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:32 pm

Post by Phantasist »

The main point is not to use toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate and mouthwash that contains alcohol. Also avoid sugar or anything that feeds the bacteria. Any antibacterial substance probably has a beneficial effect in controlling the bacteria, although it will not wipe them out completely. But if you get them down to a low level, it will improve your breath.
DISCLOSURE: This still does not explain why some of us have an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in the first place (unless there is an obvious reason such as infected sinuses, teeth or tonsils).
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Post by bacchus »

Hydrogen pyroxide works just as well in my opinion, its a very good oxigizing agent and its also very cheap. I dont see the point of spending a lot of money when i can just buy the generic chemical.

Another thing i intend to do is start growing herbs on my window sill . Fresh Oregano , Basil, Parsley, Coriander and Mint all contain natural enzymes when fresh that would benefit the mouth alot. Products that contain the herb dont have the enzymes in any quantity because they are easily destroyed.
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