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I found something that actually works & bb clinics (Snakeoil seller Dr Dailley)

Everything related with bad breath can be found here. Everything about products, research, news about bad breath......
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I found something that actually works & bb clinics (Snakeoil seller Dr Dailley)

Post by Honeypb80 »

Hi. I have suffered with this problem for many years, I remember being teased as a teenager for my problem. It was so bad it could be smelled 5 feet away. It was embarrassing and I have missed countless social functions, such as weddings and family functions out of the embarrassment.

I was tested for every possible cause of the odor. My stomach, ears, nose and throat, teeth, intestines and liver were checked. All were fine. I even had my stool tested for worms by a homeopathic doctor. I've tried every home remedy there is - nothing worked! I have tried all mouthwashes made specifically for the breath odor, it either didn't work at all or barely worked. I've been on countless antibiotics which probably did more harm than good.

I went to the bad breath clinic in Pico Rivera. That was a complete waste of time and money, it didn't work and I spent hundreds on their products. I decided to take the 6 hour drive to Berkeley to go to the dentist their who specializes in bad breath. You can google it, I won't mention any names because I don't want to seem like I'm advertising for them for profit or anything like that. I had been ordering products from them for years, but it turns out they won't work unless you use them exactly according to the directions.

It was expensive, but worth it. My bad breath measurements were high on their equipment, the following day following the treatment, the readings were normal. My breath had no odor to it! SERIOUSLY!

The dentist took a totally scientific approach and it works great. He looks for the root of the problem, which in my case was abnormal fissures on my tongue with provided a hiding place for smelly bacteria. I also have dry mouth due to high blood pressure medication, and post nasal drip. This combination was causing horrible breath, now that I know the cause and the proper way to handle it, I am back to living a normal life. Please private message me if I can answer anything for you.

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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics

Post by Dead »

So how do you go about handling it? What do you do to manage it? Thanks
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics

Post by crazy4it »

Why pm just type in main so everyone can see.
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics

Post by redtonguewanabee »

Glad to hear everything worked! Can you list what works for you? I also have bad breath and have tried everything (products, removed tonsils, septoplasty, quit caffeine, endoscopy, allergy shots for PND, etc). Nothing worked. I also have high blood pressure and take Linsinipril although I only started a year ago. Any tips would be appreciated!
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics

Post by Honeypb80 »

Hi, the bad breath dentist in Berkeley, CA, gives treatment on the first day to take home and do 4 times. The treatment included a prescription medication. This is after he measures your bad breath on his meter.

The following day, there is another bad breath measurement, that's when you see the results. My husband couldn't believe the change in my breath. It went from horrible to smelling like nothing. The treatment, which includes several different mouth products, plus the prescription, is to be done twice a day. Sometimes I will do it more often if my mouth doesn't feel fresh.

It's pricey, his service costs around $800, but that includes all the products plus the two appointments.
Hope this helps.
Jimi Stein
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics POSSIBLE DAILLEY SCAM

Post by Jimi Stein »

omg I am boiling is this Creep Dr. Anthony Dailley

we have people having bad experience with this douche cock....He is a part of halitomafia.....very rude
I remember he said to one girl, who paid 1000 usd, you have been officially treated....and been rude to her....

Here is more about this snake

Just search this site....he once claimed he can cure bb 100 %, years ago, maybe now he cant get by anymore by that...why there are so many people here then....all he does is use his snake oil mouthwashes.....crap.......

and how come always people with 1 post claimed they were cured.....the post is written very technical, fissures....back to happy life.....BS....AND YOU ARE POSTING VERY CLOSE FROM BERKELEY....maybe 10 minutes drive, so for some accidental reason you live near this creep clinic?????
if you have, any mouthwash with oxydizing ingredients would help you.....

forget about this snake.....Dailley...what a creep

"I am afraid to list his name because I don't want my name to end up in a lawsuit or something. I'll point to the website instead: I spent money that I really didn't have on flying out there to get treatment. In the end, he only had me use the same products one could get from the site. He then hooked me up to the halimeter and told me that I was cured. He specifically told me not to pay attention to the reactions, as people do things like that all the time (even though I never notice them doing such things when other people talk).

Anyway, you'll see when you go to the site. I was so happy for about four days back in 2010 because I thought my long fight was over and I'd get to live life to its fullest. But nah, four years later and I'm still in this fight for my life."
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics (Snakeoil seller Dr Dailley)

Post by Honeypb80 »

To prove I am not affiliated with dr Dailley, I will tell you his treatment so you don't even have to go there. I just didn't want to mention his name because the moderator might not like it or think I was working for him.
1. Dioxichlor rinse and toothpaste
2. Chlorhexidine rinse (prescription from any dentist)
This worked for me because I have natural fissures in my tongue where bacteria would hide and be hard to get to. First, scrape your tongue with a good tongue scraper, making sure to get all the way to the back of the tongue, this will make you gag. Then brush the back of your tongue with a good tongue brush. I use Dr Tungs. Brush your teeth, gums, cheeks, roof with toothpaste but don't spit out. Use the dioxichlor rinse. Lastly pour a few drops of the prescription rinse on the tongue brush and brush the hell out of the back of your tongue. DO NOT rinse your whole mouth with the prescription rinse, it is powerful and will kill the good bacteria in your mouth, also a cause of bad breath. Just use it on the tongue. I did this 4 times within 24 hours and my breath was delightful.

I really went there. I could send you a copy of my credit card statement. I paid around 800 and I love the results. You can call me, call them, however you want to verify. Just because his treatment doesn't work for everyone, I don't expect it to, doesn't mean it won't work for anyone.
I don't believe everything I read, I need proof. I can't go by someone's opinion, I need to decide for myself. Please don't interfere with someone's chance to finally get rid of this problem, it's horrible to live with this problem.
Dr Dailley was nice, granted one of his assistants was rude to me in the phone. I'm glad I didn't pay attention to bad reviews.
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics (Snakeoil seller Dr Dailley)

Post by Honeypb80 »

I don't live in Berkeley, I live 6 hours away near Santa Barbara.

I can understand it won't work for everyone, I went to the breath clinic in pico Rivera and got no results. This happened to work for me , and yes, by all means use any oxidating mouthwash you wish, and follow the steps I just wrote, you don't have to buy a single thing from him. You can totally avoid dr Dailley if your that sensitive about it. I'm just trying to help people. Geez.
Jimi Stein
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Re: I found something that actually works & bb clinics (Snakeoil seller Dr Dailley)

Post by Jimi Stein »

we have been thought this shit hundred times.......
they all use same oxydizing shit.....any mouthwash with prescription would work for you.....
This is me, Jimi Stein, I created this site in December 2005. Welcome.
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