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My trip to the dentist for cleaning

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:06 pm
by stressedout
I went for my usual cleaning today, and the hygienist had BB that I am sure she had no idea about. I was as usually nervous, and made sure I bushed well, had gum, Vit C, water before I went in. I felt fine until I smelled her breath - first time ever, she had always had fresh breath before. So it made me more paranoid about myself. I could tell hers was also present when she would just exhale with her nose, so most likely some nasal issue as the odor seemed sour, though she seemed perfectly fine, no stuffed up or appearing sick - so go figure. I would be so curious to know what kinda stuff she has had to eat for the last 2-3 days. And she was not wearing a mask when cleaning my teeth (yeah it was all in my face) so I was wondering to myself if that meant that I didnt have a bad odor after all if she freely breathed next to me. Made me gargle with their fluoride mouthwash (no alcohol) that made my mouth taste drier when I was already gone - didnt like that, those mouthwashes are just evil. And on my way back home I still could smell her odor in my nose whats up with that, happened to anyone that you carry the smell with you for a while? Is it some kinds of receptors in our nose that remember the odor? The receptionists were all chewing the gum.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:20 am
by ihatethebus
@ stressed out..the hygenist had badf breath, ha? there are about 2 of my friends who i could use to test my bb on days when i couldnt smell it that well. when it started i thot they had bb.

when a bb sufferer stands close to someone who emmits carbon d... in slighlty higher quantities they tend to smell their own breath at full impact. even hours after the you part ways youll still be smellin that horrible odor.

its even stronger if the person was in a room before you got there and has their air in the enviro. dont really know the scientific xplanation but youll understand when you start meeting more people ''with bb'''. Its YOU ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:32 am
by stressedout

are you suggesting it was my odor? you need to first get me to the crazy house before i believe such nonsense. every time she would exhale it was all in my face/nose. if i had that soury odor, how come she looked so comfortable to be near me and didnt even use her mask like with other clients? isnt it a normal practice for a dental worker to protect themselves from "someone who stinks" ? when my dentist came to see me after i smelled nothing on his breath, only on hers. as i pointed out first time she had BB. i came home, did a spoon test did a lick test did a cotton tongue swab test - NO bad odor. so what are you talking about i want to understand???

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:19 am
by ihatethebus
Most Dental Hygeniests/Proffesionals per se. know that people 1. generally dont like visiting them. 2. Usually come and go withouty mentioning the reason tey came was their bb.

Knowing youre self contious already...wearing a mask will even make you feel worse and you wont robably return like it seems you didnt to the previous dentist/wateva you went to who wore a ''gas mask.''

Cool, if it makes you feel any better about yoself (like it really did 4 me). go ahead thinking your dental hygenist has bad breath. No one cares anyway.

I used to go through medhealth typing in...friends breath smells like -----. next time another friend visits with his different odor, id type in smells like....... till i read some pipos post who found out they can smell parts of their bb theyve neva detected when they did tests when they were alone, when they were in the company of some people.

all these suffers started the thread looking for triggers such as perfume or weired food that make us smell a ''strange'' part of our breath when we smell their ''air''.

you may have misinterpretted me but my friend i can assure you, you are veeeery far away from crazy. all i want to remind you is to remeber ''ihatethebus'' the day you find someone else whos breath seems to smell and hang around, to you.

have a nice day... :-$

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:56 am
by stressedout
ihatethebus, are you for real?
Knowing youre self contious already...wearing a mask will even make you feel worse and you wont robably return like it seems you didnt to the previous dentist/wateva you went to who wore a ''gas mask.''
i would feel much better if she wore a mask, that way i would be protected from anything she might have at the moment. it is professional practice for dental workers to protect their clients health. previous dentist? gas mask? whoa??? i am with the same dentist for 10 years and am not going anywhere.
go ahead thinking your dental hygenist has bad breath. No one cares anyway
thinking my hygienist has BB?? and how do you know she doesnt and i do, have you met us both? how is she any better than me or any other human, or is she not a human not to have BB? easily she could have not had any water in a long time being stuck with client after client. are you saying hygienists do not have BB? As for no one cares - i very much believe it, you seem like someone who would not want someone to get BB free, and rather go on being paranoid.

for the record, i dont always meet others with BB, quite the opposite is true, and my nose is very sensitive, I know who does and who doesn’t. if your BB and BO have been so strong that you can smell them both on your friends, I think I understand how you arrived to such theory and I am sorry, but dont apply this theory to everyone’s case.

have a nice day yourself.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:13 am
by ihatethebus
Anyway.......Just Wanted to say IM really sorry if i pissed you off. Im the bad guy :(

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:19 am
by stressedout
Yes you did piss me off - simply cause you can not be sitting and trying to convince people they have the same thing you do. by the way someone else in my shoes if they are more fragile could go into a bigger paranoia, just because of what you suggested, while they could very well be perfectly fine! did you think about that? all you could have said is explain your experience, but suggesting someone has the same exact thing is the wrong thing to do on this forum.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:45 am
by ihatethebus
you win

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:29 am
by halitosisux
stressedout wrote: And on my way back home I still could smell her odor in my nose whats up with that, happened to anyone that you carry the smell with you for a while? Is it some kinds of receptors in our nose that remember the odor?
About a year ago I had to go with someone to hospital. I had to sit and wait with this person for a couple of hours to get seen to. While we were waiting there was this asian man next to us in agony holding his abdomen.

He was giving off this horrible odour. I couldnt smell it constantly. It was either his B.O. or perhaps belching. I dont think it was his breath. It was like cat's sick, mixed with curry. But after he went I could smell it for days later, it was as if the odour was stuck up my nose - but I know it wasnt, it was something complex to do with the sense of smell. Almost everything I ate, I could smell a hint of that odour on it. It took days to wear off.

There may be similar strange oddness that goes on with BB.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:27 pm
by stressedout
thanks halitosisux for sharing your experience. yes sense of smell is complex, i wonder what ihatethebus would say about phantosmia.

my nose could only remember it for a very short while when i was on the way home, but it was gone yesterday. and hey, if you told this story before mine, i bet ihatethebus would theorize it was not the asian man, but you who emitted that odor ;)

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:41 pm
by halitosisux
lol.. but nothing is certain with this crazy problem. I do understand what bus is trying to say though. Certain types of odours (and probably certain gasses too like carbon dioxide) do seem to have an effect on our ability to detect odours that we otherwise might have become familiarized with.

I remember when I was about 15/16 years old I had a girlfriend whose breath seemed to smell bad, but only when we'd snog each other. And I remember telling others how great she was - except for her bad breath. And nobody knew what I meant cos they'd never smelled any BB on her. I then realised it was my own bad breath.

But I agree, that if it was your BB you were smelling, it would happen whenever anyone got as close as your hygienest did. So it must have been her BB.

BB is quite common. And Most people when they've been working all day without eating much and they are run down and dehydrated, will start having noticeable odours on their breath.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:13 pm
by stressedout
Yes i agree. It is said 40-50% constantly suffer from it, 2% never get it? If im not mistaken. many people are not aware. They would not freak out thinking "oh my god i havent eaten nor had any water for the whole day and i work so close to clients, my breath must not be so fresh", not everyone is like the majority of us here :P I am guessing it was some unwashed mucus in her case, BB was not one of the worst, but that kind that comes with a cold or something, more nasal than oral. Also, if it was me, then i would smell it with equal intensity and not particulariyl stronger when she exhaled via the nose? I wash my sinuses every day, and am never stuffed up. I remember the last time i went for the cleaning (she is my regular hygienist) and she would breath through her nose, it was all clean and pure.

Curious to understand - when that happened to you with your ex(your BB not hers) - how do you explain that, is that because she was breathing at you and your BB would travel to her face so your sense of smell could detect it? That is freaky! :roll: LOL

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:35 am
by halitosisux
We lasted about 2 weeks. I had one more girlfriend after that and she thought I was nuts because I used to kiss her without throwing out my chewing gum. I think the act of kissing was allowing my stench to waft up to my nose. I wasnt able to detect my own BB back then, but I soon found ways of doing so.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:31 pm
by stressedout
If i may ask and probably make you repeat it - how do you detect your BB? Thanks.

Intresting Research Getting rid of Garlic Breath

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:54 pm
Getting Rid of Garlic Breath...

Good news from our friends at London Daily Telegraph . Garlic is widely used to flavor food and has many health benefits, but as we all know it contains odoriferous compounds called ally methyl sulphide, which can not be broken down during digestion. The body releases that sulphur smell in sweat and breath, to pungent effect. Reseachers at Ohio State University have found that drinking a glass of whole milk after eating garlic can reduce the offending odor by half. Full fat works the best suggesting that it's the milk fat that neutralizes the volatile compunds. Even more effective is drinking milk at the same time you're eating something garlicky say study authors Barringer and Hansanugrum. This will enhance the " deodorizing effect and mask the odor of garlic flavor." Bring on the garlic knots !!! Vickster