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2 impacted wisdom teeth

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:47 pm
by qwerty
hey guys, how is it going?

this is my first time posting on a forum so please bear with me

here it goes, i had been a bb sufferer for 6 years since i was 15 and now im 21, like almost everyone else here on this forum even with my mouth is shut i could see some people rubbing their nose, turning their heads when im talking.. i have tried several products like probotiocs, vcg, antibiotics, hydrogen peroxide, nasal irrigation, vitamin c but nothing seems to work.

last week i was so desperate and spend the whole night searching something new on the forum and i saw a post from cured that he was cured with wisdom tooth extraction

few days later i decided to go to a diagnostic clinic for dental x-ray, i refused to go to a dentist because of the fact that he might just ignore or tell me that theres no problem on my mouth or couldnt smell something bad

and there it is, i had x-ray on both sides. i went to my friend because her mother is a dentist to take a look on my x-ray and to confirm if im having an impacted wisdom tooth, and she said yes "you have 2 impacted wisdom teeth on the lower part and 1 erupted on the upper"

i need your advice guys asap..

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:10 pm
by mike987
I don't have much Wisdom teeth experience (they've been gone for a long time), but you should get those ****ers out!

Not like you NEED them.... right?

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:28 pm
by qwerty
could this be a posible cause of nasal odor too? the extraction would cost me a lot and what if doesnt still work urgghh.. ](*,) , wisdom extraction here in my country cost about $800, i need to be careful on my decisions

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:54 pm
by aydinmur
qwerty wrote:could this be a posible cause of nasal odor too? the extraction would cost me a lot and what if doesnt still work urgghh.. ](*,) , wisdom extraction here in my country cost about $800, i need to be careful on my decisions
gomphosis of wisdom teeths may cause pericoronitis. Does not smell but provides fuel. Obtains bacteria to tongue dorsum but not nose.

- Murat Aydin

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:05 pm
by fartmouth
yo qwerty,

our conditions seem to resemble each other ALOT, unlike the majority of ppl i read about on this forum.......

i also have the nasal odor, it started when i was 15, i am now 22.... i must have read the same thread as you about wisdom teeth extraction, because im seriously considering it. at this point i really have nothing else to loose, might as well go for it.

lemme know how ur progress is comin . cheers

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:09 pm
by fartmouth
if u havent read this thread already i highly encourage u to do so.


Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:17 am
by caramiamine98
This thread is good too:


If I were you I’d have them removed especially the upper ones as they are the ones most likely to cause nasal odours.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:25 pm
by qwerty
aydinmur wrote:
qwerty wrote:could this be a posible cause of nasal odor too? the extraction would cost me a lot and what if doesnt still work urgghh.. ](*,) , wisdom extraction here in my country cost about $800, i need to be careful on my decisions
gomphosis of wisdom teeths may cause pericoronitis. Does not smell but provides fuel. Obtains bacteria to tongue dorsum but not nose.

- Murat Aydin
last year our school required every nursing students to have a lab exam ( i thinks it's smear) on our mouth to check for bacterial growths, the result was positive. the school doctor prescribed me an antibiotic for 1week i think its penicilin or amoxicilin but it didnt work on my bb.

i came to a conclusion that the bacteria might be coming from the pockets/teeth and it might be the source of my oral/nasal bb

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:42 pm
by Phantasist
I'm no expert on this, but here's my 2-cents' worth. If your lower wisdom teeth are completely impacted (under the gum line), I don't see how they could be causing bad breath. If they are partially erupted, there might be a small pocket which collects debrit and produces bacteria, which could spread.
As far as the upper wisdom teeth are concerned, there is a rare condition where the roots protrude into the nasal cavity and can therefore become infected. This might cause a nasal odor too. Sinus X-rays should show this.
I know a lot of people will tell you to get all the wisdom teeth removed, but if they are not the cause of your problem, it will be for nothing.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:37 am
by halitosisux
I'm no expert either. But its disagreement time again :P

Seriously, if you cant detect any odour from the gum when you rub your finger around it and smell it, then its unlikely that any situation is causing BB from there. But there are ways in which a harmless looking impaction could be causing BB, even on the lower teeth.

Imagine a horizontally impacted tooth, one which looks like its completely under the gum and safely sealed off from the outside world. How far do you think that tooth might be under there? It could be quite far under, but its most probably just a very thin layer of gum covering it. But that's not the problem - the problem is what might be going on at the impaction point, where there's likely to be another normally erupted tooth. That tooth would normally have healthy gum all the way around it, firmly attached to it. An impacting wisdom tooth lurking underneith the gum will be shearing away at that attached gum, making the area prone to invasion by bacteria and debris. The rest I'll leave to your imagination.

There is also the potential for hidden tooth decay from teeth which have impacted with each other, due to the pressure and damage from this abnormal situation.

And any partially impacted teeth should ALWAYS be considered as potential causes of odour.

But I do agree, that upper teeth have the potential to cause more perplexing odour issues for the fact that they can affect the sinuses. Sometimes these issues only occur AFTER having such teeth out and remain chronic.