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Chronic contagious halitosis

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:09 am
by a0271641
I had a chronic contagious halitosis. I say it is contagious because my wife and my kids all have the same issue and I am the original source. My kids start to show the symptom when they are about two. Oral hygiene is not an issue for us. I had once in a while tonsil stones coming out of my mouth since I was a teenager but did not cause me any BB by then. Recently, I had a surgery to get my tonsils removed. But, I did not see any change in by bb. I was checked for H Pylori also and I am negative.It is not about me it is really about my kids. It breaks my heart when I approach them in the morning? Any suggestion please? My suspicion is that it is from the stomach but the doctors keep saying they don't have the means to diagnose it. Is there someone to share his/her experience?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:25 am
by halitosisux
Its normal to have BB in the morning, even for kids.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:21 am
by OneDay111
It severely annoys me when I see people wake up without brushing their teeth last night with no bb.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:13 pm
by firebreath
what do u mean by 'It breaks my heart when I approach them in the morning?' , do they have the odor all day long or just in the morning ??

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:17 pm
by rich1988
OneDay111 wrote:It severely annoys me when I see people wake up without brushing their teeth last night with no bb.
oh god tell me about it, when I stay over at mates houses I know that they havent brushed they can just get up and go straight on the computer or whatever and not have to worry at all, the first thing I do it go straight to the bathroom and even after that will still smell!

Re: Chronic contagious halitosis

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:56 pm
by Jorge
a0271641 wrote: I say it is contagious because my wife and my kids all have the same issue and I am the original source.

It seems outrageous to say that halitosis is contagious

Halitosis is a symptom of something that is wrong in our body and not a disease

It would be the same as saying that when I have a toothache hurt them also all those people that share housing

My father had chronic halitosis as a child and died with halitosis and my mother has neither ever had chronic halitosis

I have a chronic halitosis since childhood and after sharing 30 years with my wife nor my wife has halitosis

My four children fortunately none of them transmitted the halitosis of my father or mine

a greeting

Texto original

Me parece una barbaridad afirmar que la halitosis es contagiosa

La halitosis es un sintoma de algo que no funciona bien en nuestro organismo y no una enfermedad

Seria lo mismo decir que cuando me duele una muela tambien les duelen aquellas todas personas con las que comparto vivienda

Mi padre padecio halitosis cronica desde niño y se murio con su halitosis y mi madre no tiene ni tuvo nunca halitosis cronica

Yo tengo halitosis cronica desde niño y despues de compartir 30 años con mi esposa tampoco mi esposa tiene halitosis

A mis cuatro hijos por suerte a ninguno le transmiti la halitosis de mi padre ni la mia

Un saludo

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:55 pm
by Gooner
I would imagine halitosis can be both hereditary and contagious to be honest.

An example of it being contagious - if you kiss someone with gingivitis surely the bacteria would be transferred to your mouth and it could colonise in some cases? My dentist was telling me of a couple who both had gingivitis and room filling BB. It could be a coincidence but i bet there are thousands of cases like that where one partner 'caught' gum disease or whatever may be causing it from the other?

Someone please correct me if im being naive lol.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:54 am
by hali_grl
hpylori i believe if i remembe correctly can be past on by the saliva when making out so that would explain the "contagiousness" of some bb types and not others.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:11 am
by hali_grl
when i first met my bf 10 yrs ago i had no bb except the morning and occasional bb depending on what i ate it went away with gum however my bf had type 1 bb (not room filling) quite often but it was controlable & since he quit smoking and drinking 6 -7yrs ago now he only has the occasional bb and im stuck having uncontrollably horrible bb withut me smoking or drinking heavily then or now how ironic. but i will be free soon from this God willing.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:57 pm
by Jorge
Gooner wrote:I would imagine halitosis can be both hereditary and contagious to be honest.


Halitosis can not catch, and that is a symptom of an organ that does not work well

To spread gingivitis by a kiss is as likely to me that the original Touch, it should be
have very bad luck, this will give many circumstances would have to

There may be a case of these but as I say would play for a lottery

I do not think you know any case of a couple in which one of them had halitosis and transmit it to the other.

La halitosis NO se puede contagiar,ya de que es un sintoma de un organo que no funciona bien

Para poder contagiar una gingivitis por medio de un beso tiene las mismas posibilidades de que a mi me toque la primitiva,habria que
tener muy mala suerte, para ello se tendrian que dar muchas circustancias

Puede que haya algun caso de estos pero como ya digo seria tocarle a uno la loteria

No creo que conozcas algun caso de una pareja en el que uno de ellos tuviera halitosis y se la transmitiera al otro.

Un saludo...

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:59 pm
by Jorge
hali_grl wrote:hpylori i believe if i remembe correctly can be past on by the saliva when making out so that would explain the "contagiousness" of some bb types and not others.


The Helicobacter pylori can only live in the stomach, in a habitat out of the stomach and dies so that it can spread as your
tell by the kiss the bacteria would have to be present in the mouth and this is not possible for now.

La helicobacter Pilory solo puede vivir en el estomago, en un habitat fuera del estomago se muere y para poderla contagiar tal como tu
dices por medio del beso esta bacteria tendria que estar presente en la boca y esto no es posible de momento.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:21 am
by halitosisux
The most common route of H pylori infection is either oral-to-oral (stomach contents are transmitted from mouth to mouth) or fecal-to-oral (from stool to mouth) contact. Parents and siblings seem to play a primary role in transmission
Jorge, sorry if I've misunderstood you, but I remember reading recently that helicobacter has been found to be present in the mouth of those who are infected with it and that it even plays a role in certain diseases of the mouth.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 12:29 am
by halitosisux

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:01 pm
by hali_grl
sorry but your wrong please read this ... ow/1056366


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:52 pm
by starfire
Please help I have bad breath for as long as I can remember my breath smells like poop I've excellent hygiene and the dentist could find no oral reason for it so at home I swabbed parts of my mouth and smelled but nothing smelled UNTIL I swabbed my tonsils the smell was comming from them they smelled like poop I occasionally get tonsil stones and always pick them out but the smell never leaves even while brushing I've tried everything nothing works at all please help I would like to have my tonsils removed and want to know is it worth it will it help xx I'm so depressed by this doctors don't care people assume I'm dirty