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Curing PND with Buteyko

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:57 am
by George80
Does anyone have experience with Buteyko breathing training? Can you suggest any resources, especially on sinus-related stuff?
Buteyko was Russian Doctor who roughly said, that we hyperventilate, meaning you have too much O2 and too little CO2 in your system which causes several health problems. He developed a training-program to permanently reduce your O2 intake. This is a widely accepted method, e.g. in Australia to cure Asthma.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:55 am
by malory
Yes I have heard of it and made a few very mild attempts to do it some years ago. It's very simple to do but you must be consistent. I wasn't sure if reducing the PND would actually get rid of the bacteria though because the bacteria, once there in the postnasal area, can probably feed on something else. Good luck if you do it though. I believe his theory has great logic though and could help asthma suferers.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:00 pm
by George80
I just found this article, in german language:
The guy says he had polyps and sinusitis and could get relief by parciticing buteyko. Hyperventilation makes the nasal tissue thick and leads to sinusitis etc. I noticed that I dealt a lot with hyperventilation due to stress. Sometimes obvious, may be constantly subtile. I'll give it a try.

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:15 am
by George80
We're getting closer, I guess. Check this out:
In the absence of bacterial, viral or fungal infection, an overproduction of mucus is likely your body’s response to stressed due to chronic over-breathing airways. Typical manifestations of such response are asthma or “asthma-like” symptoms, post nasal drip, chronic cough, chronic nasal congestion, continuously running nose, constant throat clearing, excessive mucus formation at night (morning throat clearing). 
and later
Moreover, when breathing volume is brought to the norm, there is no need for your body to produce mucus in excess anymore.

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:13 pm
by SergioGino
Hello guys,

For my PND I am using home made (cheap) Xylitol spray.
I bought a ****ing kilo of Xylitol (bit more than 2 pounds) last month to be used as mouth rinse and as a sweetener. It did not work for me the way it was supposed to work (actually I think the thing is dangerous if eaten in high dose). After swearing every ****ing god of the human race wondering what to do with 1 kilo of Xylitol, I read a girl on this forum talking about Xylitol nasal spray.
I thought ok, what the ***k, let's give it a try...and guess what the thing I hoped to work the least seems to work the best!

Anyway to spray Xylitol (and water obviously) into my nose I am using ****ing dr Kats nasal spray bottle.
I possess the only thing in the world belonging to dr Katz with something inside that works against BB (actually against PND)!

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:22 pm
by George80
Hi SergioGino, interesting story. So how do you dose the xylitol in your nasal spray? I still have a fresh kilo of this stuff here. I could give it a try. Did it work instantly?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:34 pm
by hopelessone
i'll try it too...i got 2 bags o' this Xylitol crap

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 10:18 pm
by popaloo
Why do you think its crap hopeless?
Do you mean because it hasn't had any effect with you?
Its interesting to know because i only knew about the product from the forum.
I don't think there's any doubt that it is good for the teeth and better for you as a sugar alternative.
I too use it as a mouth wash, before i go to work. I feel it helps initially but no more than any other mouth wash i have used.
I have been using it in my neti pot too as has been mentioned. I only put maybe a third of a teaspoon in my mix, every other day.
It stings just as the salt did that i got with the pot.
I know many people feel that nasal drainage helps with their post nasal drip but for me i dont see much difference.
As soon as i do the procedure i can block a nostril and project a big clump of mucous (sorry for the description!), but say 30 mins later my nose is full again.
I don't think there is a cure. My body has an over production of mucous the same as some people suffur with other ailments.
I will keep looking mind!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:29 pm
by George80
so you might check the link I've posted and then try the buteyko stuff? Do you have problems breathing? Are you prone to stress? What's your "Control Pause"?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:50 am
by George80
here's my update on buteyko. I think there could be a chance, that I found the reason for my pnd. There is a link between all of this:

? -> wrong breathing (hyperventilation) -> swollen tissue -> blocked sinuses -> sinusitis -> PND -> bad breath

Still there is a gap right in the beginning of this chain. I read, that times of stress or something can sustainably alter your breathing cycle and lead to hyperventilation, which you don't necessarily notice.

Check your breathing, by checking your control pause:

I'm using a DIY device for breathing training for a week now. You will get an update from me in a while. Check a program here:

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:25 am
by espasiba
I can only comfortably hold my breath for 25 seconds after breathing out.

How about you guys?

All you do is breathe normally then inhale for a count of two then exhale for a count of three, hold your breath and time yourself.

1 minute is for perfect health, 40 seconds means your asthma free.

One thing to keep in mind, only hold your breath until feel the urge to breath in.

If I can only do this for 25 seconds it means I am constantly over breathing. This is probably why I can fill up an entire room with my scent.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:00 am
by my3rdmolars
My control pause is only 20 seconds. What to do I need to do to improve?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:59 am
by George80
I posted a link to a program. you will find breathing techniques on that website too.

It's important to know that measuring your CP means you should hold your breath untill your natural need for air sets in. It should be comfortable and you should breath the same way you did before holding your breath. I have CP of 5 or 10 seconds and I am lean and quite sportive.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:42 am
by espasiba
George80 wrote:I posted a link to a program. you will find breathing techniques on that website too.

It's important to know that measuring your CP means you should hold your breath untill your natural need for air sets in. It should be comfortable and you should breath the same way you did before holding your breath. I have CP of 5 or 10 seconds and I am lean and quite sportive.
do you regularly exercise?

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:40 pm
by George80
Yes, I practice 20 min in the morning and 20 min in the evening. I only practice with the DIY breathing device, since the normal buteyko breathing program seems to require a lot of effort, concentration and discipline.
The DIY device is easy to use, after a few days. I started with a breathing cycle of 3 sec. inhale and 5 exhale. meanwhile I can comfortably exhale for 10 sec. After 1,5 weeks. So I guess there is progress. I also meanwhile notice my tendency to overbreathe quite often, taking double breaths and stuff.
It will take a lot of time to cure PND with it: First you retrain your breathing, then the symptoms will slowly vanish, if I'm lucky.