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Books on bad breath?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:48 am
by Prince William
Hello everyone,

I found the site today. Quickly read around 500 posts. Currently have only 10 of those posts opened in different tabs so I can "study" them.
But, I was wondering about something. The lack of (e-)books.

Before finding the site I came across an e-book which gave me hope that this is easily curable. Book's name is 'The bad breath report'. I read around 20 reviews to make sure it's not a scam (It does look like one). All twenty reviews said it was a great book, but they all were extremely similar :x Soo, firstly I want to ask you if you've read it? Looks promising.

Secondly, I want to ask all of you to search for (e-)books regarding this matter or recommend ones that have helped you.

PS: I have suffered from excess mucus since I was 11 and from PND since around 13. I made a lot of researchs on PND and learned the following:

1) Doctors are businessmen. Do not trust them.
2) Try to detox your body (even just a little) and then switch to a perfect diet (researched on this too. I should have an Excel file of it somewhere.).

My PND is now 90% better. Still a little annoying mucus from time to time though. Bad breath has remained.

PPS: Text may not be very coherent. English = my third language.

PPPS: I am no trying to advertise. I download books with torrents.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:49 pm
by Phantasist
Prince William,
Don't waste your time or money looking for e-books. Most books on bad breath contain only the same information that you can find on this forum and some of the links. It is just as doubtful that any e-book can cure your bad breath as it is that a doctor can cure it.

For some basic understanding of the various causes of BB, you might try this link:

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:50 pm
by pbr_201
I bot this book, it tells abt hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and baking soda. Gv me a pm, i wl gv u the book