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Post by Free2breath911 »

Why is it that I feel like I’m closer to the End of the road?

Today is August 12,2011, My 3rd year anniversary of the beginning of my BB.

Year 2008--- BB began
2009- BB got to the worst point
2010-suffered in misery.

2011- Lost 20lbs...began to pay attention to frequent heartburn (removed excessive sugar)

August 2011- Walk through store and for the first time in 3 years nobody notices my bb.

What is this GOD? I have been living in misery and pain, and have watch stress literally change my physical features. I cried everyday because people have hurt me by talking about my bb. Seeing unqualified doctors and dentist, screaming after leaving appointments because the doctors couldn’t even with stand the smell of my bb, long enough to help me (rude bastards) I have been a prisoner in my home, nobody but you GOD, has been with me in this pain.

I suddenly one day lost it…I heard each doctor say “you have acid reflux“, but GOD I didn’t believe that. I kept thinking How in hell does heartburn affect breath? SO I suffered longer. Finally I began to pray so hard….and I felt like GOD had left me. I didn’t feel his presence anymore. I cried on all the holidays I sat in my empty home.

The beginning of 2011, I was finally again told I had acid reflux. And Prescribed a 600.00 medicine I could not afford. I cried, and cried. I kept saying God why me? Why have you forsaken me? I am unemployed with no insurance. No way I can afford 600.00 pills.

So I began taking over the counter prevacid, and Alka-Seltzer from the drug store. I noticed that I felt different, at night I noticed that the alka setzer was helping me get some sleep without the severe burning in my chest and lump in my throat. But one day without the prevacid….all the acid came right back up.
I had been living daily DAILY with becoming accustomed to my heart burn.

Now today I am about one month in on the nexium pills. I know a lot of people are against PPI and taking antacids everyday…but I am seriously one of those people that produces too much acid. My body is very acidic…which is why I’ve always had Candida issues too.

I finally gave up on listening to people…and listen to my body. I always knew the difference in me and people on this bb site was I had a nagging feeling in my throat on the left side. I truly believe that in the beginning of 08 I developed a throat ulcer from frequent heartburn. I removed my tonsils, and wisdom teeth for no reason. I was so lost. But as I sit here before you people today I tell you after FINALLY controlling my heartburn and acid reflux…..I suddenly yet slowly got relief. People don’t smell my breath from far away anymore, I truly believe that I’m healing the tissue in my esophagus by taking the nexium everyday.

That acid in my throat was killing me! ( acid makes your mouth dry too) I could not even walk by people, I lost my job, my friends, But you know what I know that GOD has his hand on me! He knew all along what the issue was, he watched me cry, he watched my tears fall when people would talk about me. I feel like GOD was saying I need to show you the worst pain in life….to bring you into another dimension of faith! That emptiness of not feeling God was my strength to hunt him down. Just what he wanted me to do. I read so many post on here of people that have suffered for years and years….and I spoke in Jesus Name…that “ I will be cured”. Now In the end of my struggle I look back on it….and I can see each and EVERY strategic move that god made. And he made it all in my favor.
From the lost of my insurance, because GOD knew I would have been running from doctor to doctor, when I already had been told the cause.
So I say unto all of you believers and non believers, give GOD a try. Because it may look bad right now, but God is the spirit that moves all things! I know it sounds so redundant….but this is only half of my story….Somehow I knew that GOD was going to fix it, because I’ve never …and I say NEVER seen the righteous forsaken. But I have seen the unrighteous forsaken. I pray for you all everyday, and for the rest of my life I will pray for you all. BB is something that can destroy your hopes. But everything has a reason, you will find out what causing your bb and you will overcome and conquer. I’m slowly getting better, and don’t feel bad if that means you have to make changes in life. GOD BLESS YOU ALL


My breath is not 100% cured yet, for the past 3 years I could not even sit in a room without people, smelling my breath. Not even be in the isle at the grocery store without anyone feet away smelling my bb through my nose.

I can now!

I was given 90-days to take nexium. To heal erosion in esophagus after years of damage. I have zero heartburn as of today one month in with the meds.
Nexium is only the bandage to help heal the womb. I realize that my body just may have severe food intolerances and I probably will have to follow at strict diet for the rest of my life.
I am currently removing a lot of foods from my diet. And I will update every thing until I am 100% cured.

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Post by halitosisux »

Have you tried omeprazole? If you haven't it might be worth a try because it's cheaper and if it's really the acid reflux causing your BB then it may be just as effective.
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Post by Free2breath911 »

Yes ive tried that
th nexium is alot more effective, it has about 20mg more acid reducing compounds in it.

I find that the nexium really has completly removed all of the hearburn.
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Post by hali_grl »

i relate to you so much girl about how i feel like God has put me through this for a reason to become closer to him hearing someone else say what ive always felt in my heart is refreshing. Job had to suffer in the bible and he never lost his faith or forsake God despite what others had to say and God blessed him two fold and eased his suffering that is my favorite story in the bible because i now feel like Job. The enemy is testing my faith and for awhile he was winning i didn't feel God's present either i felt he had left me put i realize this too shall pass and like you said this is only a chapter in my life and not going to be my life story in the name of Jesus. My bf is reading the bible alot and thinking of becoming a minister and he told me that a person should not pray for the same thing more than once because its showing that we don't have faith in God I', now wondering how true that is because i prayed everynite and day to have this bb out of my life but now I'm just praying for God to lead me on the right path to change my life indefinitely and to make to same bright happy outgoing person I once was.

Sidenote: I'm so confused about my breath I thought I was getting better because the taste in my mouth had changed it was no longer sour even upon waking and my bf was sending me mixed signal by his reactions but yesterday when i went to the store i still got the same reactions it is difficult because i can't sme ll my own breath I can only go by the taste in my mouth, uuugh i hate this! I need to practice more patience but this bb iws driving me insane.How much did the nexium cost? And how were you able to see so many doctors without insurance because im going through the same thing right now?
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Post by halitosisux »

Free, congratulations by the way.
Can I ask, did your BB start when you became aware of your heartburn etc, Could you please explain the timeline of what happened in your story.
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Post by Free2breath911 »

@ hali-girl....Im so glad you are on this site, you are always so positive and helpful. But Thank you for remnding me that we dont have to continuiosly pray. In a instant GOD can show you something in you that you need to fix. I have had bb for 3 years...and finally when I stopped and listened to GOD...its like the healing process began. Hali- make sure that everyday you command a healing...speak it and just meditate on the fact that Im listening GOD, and you know the rest as far a hygeine and diet changes goes.

@ halisoux thank u too babe! I posted a very long timeline on here search " my bb timeline/journey"
but quickly Ive always had bloating issues, and heartburn. Always! (I guess genetics)
But i was so accustom to having it that it bcame normal. I guess in 08 I gained weight and it just got worst. I was going around getting cleaning, tonsilectomys, beacause I had a smelly tooth, but u can floss anyones teeth and find odor! So as time went on my BB got worst and I began to take tums at night and i would wake up to the tums color all over my tounge. So after hearing the final doctor say its reflux….I just began to say ok…this must be it. Because its beginning to make sense…whatever I ate at night…was all on my tounge in the am…the acid. I would take milk of magnesium and my tounge would be snow white in the am.
If I at pork, my breath would be HORRIBLE!!!
In between me finally accepting it was acid…I suffered bad. Im not 100% cured halisoux, but I now accept that its is acid reflux, and things like sugar, pork, don’t mix well with me because I do have digestion issues aka acid reflux. The doctors telling me it was reflux was only half of the cure, because I have to create a whole new way to eat, anti-GERD diet now. Ill be posting more soon, on the reasons I believe I have acid-reflux too, and my journey to cure!!!
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Post by hali_grl »

Thanks free I wish u continued success on your bb journey! Im glad that] you found your cause I'm thinking mine is due to silent reflux or candida maybe both i still haven't ruled out h.pylori because i know that can be a sign of both i guess i want know for sure until i get tested. Food seems to get caught in my throat when I eat and large pills are hard for me to swallow it feels as though the get stuck in my throat which seems to be silent reflux on top of me sometimes burping up what im sure is stomach acid by the burning sensation.

Do you have post nasal drip and do you think its associated with your gerds? Also, how much did the nexium cost? im thinking of ordering some online without a prescription to see if it helps then ill know silent reflux is my cause
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Post by Susie »

Free2breath911 wrote: I pray for you all everyday, and for the rest of my life I will pray for you all.

Awww..........that is soooo sweet of you!!! Congrats on finding your cure!
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Post by mike987 »

You should thank yourself. God didn't bring you to the solution, YOU and your experiences did. =D>

Why would he help you but not choose to help all these other people?
Do they not sacrifice enough for him?

The most disappointing aspect of this god is that he'd be vengeful enough to let people suffer unless they were praising his name every day.

Even then, there are plenty of people here who gave up faith in every but god, and they still continue to suffer.

We'll find solutions faster with real problem solving as opposed to wishful thinking and blind faith.

That said, I am very happy for you!

I also think I might have issues with Silent Reflux, or general acidity in the stomach.. I always have indigestion, am often experiencing a single hiccup, sometimes accompanied by a small burp, all throughout the day. I have difficulty seeing how this could be related to PND, but perhaps it is..

I've tried using Peptobismal before bed.. not sure if that helped... I'm going to give a round of Vitamin B complex a shot for the hell of it, before trying more prevacid measures.
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Post by halitosisux »

Sometimes God has to put us flat on our back before we are looking up to Him
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Post by halitosisux »

Free, I remember reading your great timeline post when you made it.. it's very easy to lose track on here, sorry about that.. and btw thanx for your kind words..

I'm sure I asked you a question at some point soon after, possibly in another thread, about the odour you suddenly became aware of on the left side of your throat. Did you find any more out about that? If you did, does it relate to your inner ear pain on your left side?

If you have these problems with acid, it may be affecting your eustachian tubes. Even just the vapours from stomach acid can cause damage to mucous membranes and cause them to release mucus as a defense. This is basically what silent reflux is about. Silent reflux is diagnosed purely on the other unrelated symptoms it causes, such as this.

I know this is a stupid analogy, but think about the pain when you burp and let it come out of your nose after drinking coca-cola. That's how vapours can reach up there, from a simple burp out of a fizzy drink, so just imagine what stomach acid vapours can eventually do up there.

Sorry to have to put any downers on your great results so far, but a very important thing to keep in mind is that chronic BB can be due to the combined effect of more than one issue. Many people have problems with acid/GERD but they dont have BB. So the acid issue may be an exacerbative one through the production of excessive PND for example. Or perhaps it's the secondary effects such as inner ear infection. But the important thing is that by the sound of things, you've got this problem by its balls now, in terms of being able to manage your problem and hopefully to reverse it.

One other thing to mention is at the very beginning of your BB timeline you mention taking antibiotics for your acne. You also mention that you believe you've always had problems with acid. So maybe you have some underlying cause that relates to the taking these antibiotics. Read about secondary TMAU and what can cause it to suddenly start. It's closely related to primary TMAU but it happens for different reasons and usually it's caused by intestinal flora disturbances. Maybe by controlling your acid problem, it's allowing you to bring your BB under control, perhaps because you are simply reducing the exacerbative effects such as tongue coating/dryness PND etc, but that some underlying problem is still there.

Again, sorry for having to come out with some of these downers, but it's just to make you aware of certain possibilities incase you dont already know about them, and maybe point you in the right directions.
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Post by Free2breath911 »

Your right about me having a underlying issue that is the true cause of the acid in the first place. I know that to be 100% true. I have always had issues with bloating and heartburn. As I got older it got to this point.
Ijust have always been sensitive to everythung oddly enough, when i drink milk i get sick, when i eat white bread i feel sick, pork, red meat, but i think over the years of just immuning << :-k my body to these foods.....heartburn and bloating was the result.
Nobody just has acid.....its all cause and effect. Maybe the source is my gut fighting these food allergies and the result is body trying to remove it.
But thats why I would bet anyones bottom dollar....that if alot of people went raw....alot of sickness will go away.
as far as that smelly area in my pretty sure its from the eroding because it hurts in that area too. i have to reach far back into my throat to feel it. Im closely watching that area though...because i have to be in charge of myhealth, once these pills are up the ent said he would look at in via ct scan, Im stuck using this ent because he is my last option as far as being able to see a ent.

@ hali_girl…I have so much mucous, but I had that before bb. I keep a gallon of water with me all day
I don’t work so I just drink drink drink. As far as the nexium, there was noway I could pay 600 so I went directly to the pharmaceutical company and they assist you. Get a prescription from your doctor and they will give you either free or very reduced. (wink wink)

If anybody understands your hurt…I DO! I know what it feels like to say “why are doing this to me god”?
But I prayed for you mike….I prayed for u and asked GOD to speak to your hurting spirit. But no matter what I want you to find that place of not only total surrender because that will come once you understand, its not even about this bb! But I want you to find that place of already conquered, that place where you will find the source of what causing your bb, and be totally cured. And just stand there. In vision yourself having already made it through this storm in your life…..And then look at you know. What would you say to the hurting mike that cant see the “top of the mountain” (if you will). Would you feel bad knowing that GOD had his hand out waiting at the top of that mountain watching you. Watching you hurt…because he knows that its going to help you! Watching you cry because he knows in a minute… gonna fight through it. Mike GOD is watching you, he does not care about these earthy things because GOD knows in a instant, the power that he has given you…in a instant it will go away. So I say unto you …right now you don’t have to understand why? BECAUSE MY FAITH IN GOD…IS GOING TO INTERCEED FOR YOU. My faith that I carry, and the prayer I prayed for you today….Is already done! Your already healed of bb… just don’t know it. Walk in it. Speak it, even if you don’t believe, say IT. The bible says “ have not I called you GODS” . In Job 22:28 It says Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
Its not about us! Gods purpose is to save your soul, not your flesh. Things on earth have to obey what you say. GOD has given you that power.That when you just speak a thing...stuff has to begin to move! Just you speaking...things have to change ! But when you allow hurt to overtake your faith…you become blind and walk in darkness. God bless you, find that place where its just you and GOD… how powerful he is. He will begin to show you visions of things that manifest into what you have been searching for.
When you go out into this world you walk like the King god has created you to be.
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Post by hali_grl »

Wow free! your response to mike was very deep and touching i felt every word you were saying you should really try to go into the ministry you have a beautiful way of putting togather words. O:)

Thanks for the info on the pharmaceutical discount!
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Post by stevo96 »

[quote="mike987"]You should thank yourself. God didn't bring you to the solution, YOU and your experiences did. =D>


Agreed. Being an Atheist I find it really unnerving when people curse God one minute and thank him the next. God has nothing to do with any of our symptoms nor can he/she/it resolve any of them.... let's keep God out of the topics, we are not here to be preached to. Let's focus on finding a cure for all.
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Post by Free2breath911 »

stevo96 wrote:
mike987 wrote:You should thank yourself. God didn't bring you to the solution, YOU and your experiences did. =D>


Agreed. Being an Atheist I find it really unnerving when people curse God one minute and thank him the next. God has nothing to do with any of our symptoms nor can he/she/it resolve any of them.... let's keep God out of the topics, we are not here to be preached to. Let's focus on finding a cure for all.
And I stay up off my thread if you dont like it!
Did you say " A cure for all"
Well if you somehow missed the BIG TITLE that says "Closer to my cure"
this is focused on a cure. My cure may be someone elses cure too. And as long as you are focused on other peoples faith! And not getting yourself better......NEW FLASH!! Yo u wont find a cure! :o And always remember this you cant do me and do you too! FOCUS ON STEVE NOT FREE! BECAUSE YOUR POST SOUNDED REALLY GREEN...IF U KNOW WHAT I MEAN. LOL.:mrgreen: :mrgreen: PS I PRAYED FOR YOU TOO! SAD. =;

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