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List of trial & error for BB problem over 1 year.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:38 pm
by AliD
-Nasal congestion & drip
-White coated tongue (thick)
-BB from the age of 8
-Blocked ears, popping ears
-Chronic heart burn when eating meals, have to drink between each bite.
-Tongue with deep crack centre front

I'm 18, female living in the UK. Generally happy Fashion student, very VERY fed up carrying a travel toothbrush/gum/tongue scraper around. I have a healthy diet and healthy weight/height.

(No order)

Nystatin Oral suspension (Antifungal)-

ENT doctor seemed too busy to listen to me properly, my tongue was hideous that day but he insisted it was normal. He said the breath was in my head, he obviously knew this product would have an imediate effect & did, but stopped as soon as I ran out of the medicine, had to wait 6 months to see him. Also gave me a nasal spray for my constantly popping ears and nothing about my heart burn. Typical NHS doctor shoddy work. Just couldn't wait to get rid of me. The medication eliminated the white tongue but is only topical. I asked if sinus, BB, heartburn etc could be caused by allergy but my questions were quickly dismissed with rushed drivel.

Apple Cider Vinegar -

Thinking I might have Acid reflux because of heartburn & patients who do often have BB/physical abnormalities with their tongue (coating, cracks from eroding acid) still trying at the moment and noticed shinier hair and stronger nails, lessened tight feeling in chest & cleaner feeling in mouth, improved tongue definitely.

Probiotic Supplements/yoghurt -

Ate a stupid amount over about 2 weeks, clear pink tongue, but after stopping comes back straight away. Supplements were very expensive & not even refrigerated, total health scam there.

Bicarbonate Soda -

Applied to tongue, some bleeding because baking soda has prominent crystals, not too great, same effect as brushing tongue normally, comes back after a few hours...

Brushing extremely thoroughly tongue/teeth & rinsing mouth after meals -

Of course unecessary and BB/furry tongue would return soon after not continuing.

Tongue Scraper -

Definitely good to have around, no cure though.

Candida diet (including candida cleanse) -

Part of the cleanse is a psyllium husk mixed drink which makes your poo become very rubbery, or drinks include olive oil/lemon juice. Psy Husk was a very expensive product, the rubbery substence is the product, not 'mucoid plaque' which is what many people are believing. Bentonite Clay would turn it black, which is a scare factor for some, duping them to believe they have a problem. Threelac is also a scam which has been proven, very expensive product endorced by candida website. Dangerous diet, causing breath to worsen and ketones present in my breath and blood also causing me a kidney infection. It is a scam and dangerous!

Diflucon 50mg 2 weeks - Just finished and furry tongue will come back again after a day.

Optrivine nasal spray - Good decongestant, confidence in product for un-blocking nose/ drip prevention, not so sure about BB.

Ephedrine- Not being able to sleep, buzzing feeling. Stimulant provided from first time seeing ENT. No improvement in sinus problem or tongue.

Gluten Free diet, 2 days and counting.. pink tongue, silky feeling, beathing is better. Dramatic change, lets just hope it stays that way... continuing apple cider vinegar too (spoonful before meals) as I like the taste and is a proven, authentic, ancient remedy for heartburn and healthier looking skin/hair.
